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    1. #1
      Member ancientfeelings's Avatar
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      importance of the dj to fight back against nightmares

      for 8-26-11
      was a nightmare. instead of the usual wild animals like the lions and bears trying to break into my home to kill and eat me and my family, which i now recognize as a dream, it was 2 police officers and they caught me being in a house i was not supposed to be in. had no idea it was a dream because i did not recognize it because these police dc’s are new.
      i never once thought of doing an rc (reality check) because i could not acknowledge any dream signs. but writing this though helps me recognize new reliable dream signs, rather dream themes, i was not previously aware of: me being sought after or hunted by something or someone; and being in a home, mine or another’s, with family i am trying to protect. definitely the dj’s are important
      i did not even confront my nightmare police dc’s. i was too afraid they would hurt my family if i did. i did try pleading with them once they were inside the house, resulting in me getting fucked up by the police in front of my family but they did not hurt my family directly. i talked em out of it. i had no idea it was a dream or i would 've rc'd then proceed to ripping their fucking heads and hearts from their bodies for messing with me and my family.
      i think, since i started being dream conscious and lucid, my subconscious has adapted to my new level of awareness and threw me this curve ball of police officers. it worked, i was in fear and not in control of the situation. but now i am adapting to my subconscious. i am a dream warrior and i will destroy all my nightmare dc’s! bring it subconscious!

      any thoughts? need help. i have more nightmares than dreams

    2. #2
      Diamonds And Rust Achievements:
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      This was after the dreams of wild animals trying to get into your house that you shot?

      Yeah see.. you became lucid and killed the wild animals. Thus the important message of the dream failed to get through, ergo your subconscious had to up the ante. It sent in a new class of predators that couldn't be handled the same way. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I say again you should confront these DCs, not fight or flee from them, but confront them fearlessly and ask them what they represent or why they're here. Frequently a nightmare is trying to make you confront something that you habitually ignore in waking life. Ignoring or destroying it in a nightmare doesn't solve the problem, it merely compounds it.

      Ask to see badges, and then ask what law you're breaking or why they were sent.

    3. #3
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      U are lucky I wish my nightmares was back as I was a child now the only nightmares I have if I can call them like that are when couple punks want to kick me ass or when as like U have problem with police... I need to fell true fear i like this kind of adrenaline in me LD's

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