Every so often I'll have this specific dream. It'll come any time, like last night. I was on a roll with LD's, and I was coming to my last one. I immediately recognised it, and played through. It's the same plot every time.

I start out on the third building of my school, where my class is. But, I'm a ghost. No one can see me, no one knows I'm there. My reaction, at all times, is something along the lines of pride/triumph. After all, I can do whatever I want!

I fly/float down the stairs to the second floor, going straight through the door. On the second floor, there is always someone, usually a janitor doing his job, that senses something is wrong. He doesn't see me, but knows I'm there.

I continue on with my spying around, going back upstairs. Eventually, I start to appear to some (Which freaks my out slightly, because I fear everyone else might too. But the y don't. Just the people I choose.) I fly about, freak them out, all that stuff.

They plan to figure out what's going on, and I make myself known by now. But then, for some reason, a sickness or something spreads, killing everyone. But it only happens when everyone knows what's happening. And they all think it's me, which it (unintentionally) is. I find some way to hide and then wake up or the cycle repeats itself.

Ugh, sorry that was lengthy, I felt that I needed to describe it as clearly as I can...It doesn't bother me, but it is quite curious.