Hi there I'm new here. 23 years old. A bit of background: My ex is an alcoholic/ addict. We lived together 2 years and then broke up for 2 years. He got sober, we recently lived together for another year until he relapsed and kicked me out and broke up with me again 2 weeks ago.....since then I keep having a reoccurring dream that him, the roomate and I are living somewhere new, literally a new place every night. I look around and then realize I'm all packed to move out. My ex starts yelling at me like crazy and being very cold as he was in reality. I get the same sick panicky feeling that I'm losing the love of my life all over again and wake up in cold sweats. The only difference in the dreams are the objects he's holding of mine and yelling about...last night it was a pillow that he ended up throwing...the night before it was a green bowl of mine that he said he didn't want that kept turning pink, and he kept mumbling about the number 5? Also I had climbed up a ladder and was in a "loft" during this scene. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I'm aware that this is common in breakups but it is getting to be excessive, and confusing with all the random objects/numbers. Thank you in advance.