Ive been awake for a few hours now so the memory is fading somewhat, but last night I dreamed about death. First it was in the literal sense; I was going into my room and it was full of rotting dead people. Someone was putting them atop a tall teepee shaped pyre or something and I was kind of disgusted so I left. Later I had a dream that I was sleeping in my bed with my dead cat, and she kept scratching me in very uncomfortable places. Finally, there was a recurring theme in this dream and that was my garage. I would leave the garage and as soon as I shut the door, I would hear someone practicing flute inside. So I would go inside, turn on the lights, and the garage was completely empty (even more empty than it is in real life). I thought it was a ghost maybe, and it was freaking me out, so I started screaming "get the fuck out of here!" but my words came out only a whisper.

This would be good material for a song maybe.
