So.. I have a dream where i am at a big party with a lot of people i know. I never know what the party is for but it seems like I have a big part to do with it. It's always futuristic and high-end. I end up leaving the party alone. I always walk through an old couples room and they greet me with smiles and chat. Then i get in the elevator... I hit ground and then as i start moving look at what floor I am on. 700... when I see that # i freak out and sit on the floor of the elevator. Now i am not afraid of heights. in fact I love the thrill of being way up in the air. I wake up due to my real body getting worked up about this. Recently i had my first LD because of this dream. Only in that dream it was only 70 floors. When i saw the # i realized this was the dream i always have. I felt my heart race as i began to wake. I started spinning to keep myself in it and it worked. I reached the bottom of the building and flew without a problem. My question is what is the significance of the elevator? I get uncomfortable in them so that may help trigger the dream but i don't know..Anybody else have a similar dream???