This is the first essay written by me in English with my limited grammar and wordpower. I copied phrases and beautiful words from many texts. But the content and idea are my contribution. This was written years ago after seeing the movie Matrix. This writing was my view at that time. Time has changed and I have evolved. But it is still the idea of my life. I had posted it in my blog also. I dont know whether you can understand what I am trying to say. Good luck !

Time Space and Causation</span>

Remember Morpheus\' spine-chilling question. “What is real Neo? If real is something you can see, touch, taste or smell, then real is nothing but electrical impulses interpreted by your brain”.

Hey..don\'t stop reading. Please don\'t consider me as another Matrix junkie who thinks we are asleep in tubs of pink goo! The idea of considering life as a simulation was here(India) before Wachowskis came with the fancy movie \'Matrix\'. And do you know that there are academicians who have published papers on the subject with the proof that we may indeed be living in a matrix. Lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

The modern concept of time, space and causation as the basis of universe was called as Maya by our ancestors(India). You are requested to differentiate illusion from Maya since both are entirely different. When the three vectors time, space and causation combine to produce a resultant, we call it by the name real. When the time is a null vector, we call the resultant as dream. So it is clear that the only bridge between real world and dream world is only a vector of time. Again another question of Morpheus to Neo, “ Have you ever had a dream that you thought was so real, that if you woke up, how would you know the real world from the dream world ?”. Many of us have pondered upon this question which we think has no answer. It is one of the many time wasting tactics. So are you ready to waste your time again?

In order to clearly understand what is Maya I use the words of Swami Vivekananda, the Neo of the Morpheus- Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsar.
“We find that our whole life is a contradiction, a mixture of existence and non-existence. There is this contradiction in knowledge. It seems that man can know everything, if he only wants to know; but before he has gone a few steps, he finds an admantine wall which he can not pass. All his work is in a circle. We are all going to death and yet this tremendous clinging to life exists. Somehow, we do not know why, we cling to life; we can not give it up. And this is Maya. Tremendous contradictions in our intellects, in our knowledge, in all facts of our life, face us on all sides. A reformer arises and wants to remedy the evils that are existing in a certain nation; and before they have been remedied, a thousand other evils arise in another place. The least amount of material prosperity that we enjoy is elsewhere causing the same amount of misery. This is the law. And this is Maya. We can find that Maya is not a theory for the explanation of the world; it is simply a statement of the facts as they exist, that the very basis of our being is contradiction, that everywhere we have to move through this tremendous contradiction, that wherever there is good, there must also be evil, and wherever there is evil, there must be some good and every one who smiles have to weep, and vice versa. Nor can this state of things remedied. We may verily imagine that there will be a place where there will be only good, and no evil, where we shall only smile and never weep. This is impossible from the very nature of things; for the conditions will remain the same. Wherever there is the power of producing a smile in us, there lurks the power of producing tears. Wherever there is the power of producing happiness, there lurks somewhere the power of making us miserable.”

For example if a country want to prosper it should prey on some other nation. If you are doing good to someone then surely you are doing bad to some other. Just read the following poem named Truth.

“Are you sure you are right?
Quite, quite sure?
Being \'right\' closes doors
On other people\'s \'rights\'
Who thinks you are wrong,
Even as you believe they
Are wrong.
There\'s never just one right.
There are as many rights
As there are people,
And just as many wrongs........”
(to be concluded..)

So this is Maya and Wachowskis termed it as matrix. Then why this Maya or ignorance exist?

The terms why and how cannot be asked beyond the limit of causation. It can be asked only within Maya. The question is logically incorrect. So we have no right to answer. We only know that it is there. Think I have written this and you are reading this within the same limit of causation of Maya!

The fact about Maya had made some scientists to ask another spine-chilling question “Is life a Simulation?”. Someone, something belonging to the infinity had programmed us. We are mere artificially intelligent creatures limited by five senses according to them. Or they are experimenting on us. This is where technology takes a back seat and logic and philosophy take over.

We humans are now experimenting on virtual reality. The research on artificial intelligence is going on. We know many strategic games like “Age of Empires” which tried to simulate human civilizations and have you ever wondered why the game made you an addict? It was much closer to real life, more correctly dream life. The subject “Optimization techniques” logically formulate the real life problems and there also you can see the very basic need of balance. So there will be a time when we will successfully emulate the human mind. Nanotechnology will act as a catalyst for this process. Thus when we have sufficiently advanced technology it is possible to simulate entire inhabited planets or even larger habitats, including all the people on them, on a computer. There won\'t be much difference between simulated and non simulated people. And the simulated people are then living in another Maya!

<span style="colorrange">Coming to main idea................

Ok..we are living in a simulation or what they are calling as Maya. Then what should we do? Which way we should go? How can I do good to someone if it is hurting some other?

The answer is here. It is for this answer many had wasted their lives in the cold Himalayas. It is for this answer many had committed suicide. It is for this answer Arjuna begged to Krishna and Bhagavadgita originated.

Let us derive the answer mathematically.

X is a complex vector corresponding to good, prosperity, smile, happy etc..

Y is another complex vector corresponding to bad , ruin, tear, unhappy etc.. ie., Y has some opposite meaning to that of Y.

But X + Y is not equal to zero. Since the neutral region will be containing some value of the salt which we don't know.

The programmer of Maya made the algorithm as

If X increases there should be a corresponding increase in Y.
If Y increases there should be a corresponding increase in X.
If X decreases there should be a corresponding decrease in Y.
If Y decreases there should be a corresponding decrease in X.

Also remember that the vector X has many components like X1, X2,...
and Y has many components like Y1, Y2,...

When ever you are trying to study hard and gain first rank you are increasing the amount of X. And this forces the Maya to increase the amount of Y so that someone loses his first rank as well as the job he probably had got and it will lead him to ruin.

When ever you are trying to develop your nation it is increasing the amount of X. As a result amount of Y also increases and some other nation will lose its economic stability and money will flow to your country.

When ever you are smoking cigarettes it is ruining your health and it is increasing the amount of Y. As a result amount of X will increase since someone gets job in the cigarette industry and some doctor will get money for your treatment and some other can replace your job if you are dead soon.

It may lead you to a confusion. No need of further confusion. Take the fourth algorithm and examine it to get the answer. “ If Y decreases there should be a corresponding decrease in X”. This is the best option we have. So if you can decrease Y-the bad vector, it will decrease X-the good vector, which is the answer for our quest. Decrease in good thing will not harm us much if we can cope with reduction in the pleasure of our senses.( Pleasure and happiness are both different.)

So stop smoking cigarettes and it may also decrease X, but it is a better choice. Try irradicating poverty. Give the hunger food. Help the dying nation. Give money to the poor. Stop terrorism. And work your part. This is very important. You should do your duty. If you are a student you are supposed to study. It causes an increase in vector X and thereby an increase in vector Y. But it is your duty. So no harm will come to you. But when you are trying something else to increase vector Y it will harm you since you are not supposed to or programmed to do that. This is what Krishna told Arjuna to do the duty without thinking of the result. After all we have to live in this world of Maya. So continue with your work now and don't bother about its bad effects. If the work you have to do had came automatically as your duty then no harm in doing that. Always try to reduce the bad vector- Y. And now let us conclude the poem Truth.

".......Keep the doors of your mind open
So the rights and wrongs and in-betweens
Can pass through freely.
Among such floatsam and jetsam
Of knowledge and beliefs
Can be found a precious gem
Beyond all rights and wrongs
The center of cosmic truth.........."