I just had that sensation this morning, and yesterday as I got home from work.

At time I just feel like my body is doing all the work of the mind and I feel like I am sitting back and watching a film or a tv show.

I can't quite explain it but it feels very similar to being on LSD, when I did that about 3 years ago, this 1 moment during the 'trip' I felt like I just flipped an auto-pilot switch and just let myself go.

I had a wonderful time in acid-induced-autopilot, but this also happens when sober as a judge, or a priest (w/e your preference).

Anyone else get this sensation? If I just let my mind wander and relax my muscles, my mind takes me to such strange places with interesting feelings and emotions.

Wow I sure am in a thoughtful mood today, quite contrast to my ranting angry mood from yesterday.