Here is I think a short abstract of many, many reflections about life I gathered in my mind for some time, like 3 years or so. I'm not complaining. I merely list my observations. My gut feeling is all of these, together, point to something. Why there are wars, disease, economic crises, broken relationships, depression, constant stress?
Because we've made a topsy-turvy world.

Some of the points may be controversial, of course. I like to be controversial, though.

1. Religion

Most spiritual masters and guides, as well as Jesus Christ, taught that God (whoever and whatever he is) is love, compassion, acceptance, surrender.Christian crusades and the Inquisition. Extremist Muslims. Terrorists who die 'in the name of God'. Serve Satan (metaphorically speaking; I'm an atheist) in the name of God.

Modern times. Most of European world is Christian. And look at them. Look at the most religious and devoted. Enough to say that. I'm not attacking Christianity or any other religion, I merely point out the fact that religion has virtually NOTHING to do with spirituality and being a good person.

2. Spirituality.

Not to mention all spiritual masters, even quantum physics begins to prove that we're all One, that everything is connected. And don't tell me about 'New Age bullshit', for I know what it is.

We live our pitiful lives in our small minds believing that it's all that we have. Look at yourself. Constant flow of thoughts. Is that normal? A never ending, self-delusional pursuit of happiness. Happiness is there, just reach out. Inside yourself.
A vast majority of people being right handed and thus left-brained. Why is this supposed to be normal and taken for granted? No. It is a dysfunction. A lack of balance.

Right brain is totally dismissed and forgotten in modern world. The imagination, spirituality, transcendence hardly exists in modern society. We live our whole lives unbalanced. And we believe this is normal.

3. Dreaming

Still most people are in the habit of saying or thinking 'I just didn't dream about anything last night'. As if nearly a century of research about phases of sleep and REM were non-existent.
And tell them about lucid dreaming. You might as well tell them that you travelled to the future. And yet, it exists. And is a wonderful thing not to be missed in one's life.

4. Reading.

Only a hundred years ago, or even less, there were theories that the fastest readers
simply move their eyes from word to word faster.
And now, what? Speed-reading. You say it's bullshit? Take a book guide on the subject and in no time your reading speed will double, if not triple. There are international contests, in which they read in the pace of like 10-20 pages a minute, then are asked in great detail about the content, and get their answers right. This is all partly connected to being able to develop...

5. Peripheral vision.

We got used to concentrate our sight on something specific. This not only strains the eye, but also prevents quick reading. According to wiki 1 in 200 person around 50 and younger are affected by glaucomia, and 1 in 10 (!) above 80.Glaucomia results in seeing properly only the things in the center and not placed peripherically; kind of circle of vision in the center is formed, twice smaller then in a healthy eye. They say it may be genes sometimes, etc. But the main factor is... guess
what? Increased pressure in the eye. Which is result of straining eyes, by concentrating
only on what you see in the center of your vision.

6. Breathing.

Most people don't use their diaphragms. The air does not reach the lower parts of the
lungs. However, breathing with your whole lungs, using your diaphragm, is known to
supply your organism with more oxygen. We're deoxygenated. Habitual anaemics.

Proper breathing is exercised only when one does sport, practices meditation and... sings.

7. Singing.

To sing properly one has to learn how to breath fully, using your diaphragm. By the way, children usually breathe in the correct way (just observe younger children), then learn bad habits form adults, who tell them not to scream, shout, etc., and in this way they are preventing developing good habits.

8. Sport

It is known that when you practice sport, many benevolent chemicals are released in your brain, endorphines, among others. Being exhausted when you go back from the swimming pool is a great feeling, wouldn't you say? I always say, 'pleasant tiredness'. Even in the ancient times did they say, 'healthy body, healthy soul' (or something like this, I don't know the saying in English).
And yet... look at young Americans, look at young people, generally, at children. How many times
more time do they spend on computer games, and generally speaking computers, and television, than on sport. There are exceptions, of course, I do not deny it. As in each of this points, there are exceptions - I don't want to get answers like 'you're generalizing'. I only describe the tendencies.

9. Music.

How to be a famous musician nowadays? I'll tell you. Firstly, you have to be a sexy chick. You've got to have nice ass, big tities, and be hot.
And how to make a hit? Phone to the band that played that one twenty years ago and make a shitty cover.

10. Drugs.

Drugs fall into two cathegories, basically speaking: good drugs and bad drugs. The former group consist of cigarretes and alcohol (from which the state has profits). The latter one is bad because of two reasons. Firstly, the society is too stupid to allow them the use of such powerful substances like heroin (which used to be a legal drug around 1910) and cocaine. Secondly, people who took LSD, salvia, DMT or mescaline just 5-10 times in their lives would be too open minded to believe in the bullshit that the media, press and those who rule try to convinve them into. Oh, I forgot about the third reason.
Any senseless person would prefer to pass by a group of drunk teenagers who are aggressive will beat you up, then to have a group of stoned teenagers, who are chilled out and content with themselves. (yes, this was ironic)

11. Meditation.

So far, everyone to whom I told that I sometimes meditate look at me as if I was a freak. And yet, meditation is proven to be helpful in depression, releasing stress, and every Easternguru will also tell you to meditate.

12. Sex.

According to those who practice tantric sex, it can last not for half an hour or even two, but for ten hours or so (I read countless accounts on forum, have researched that topic thoroughly). It can be a true spiritual communion. Woman can learn to have orgasms at will, as well as a man. It is even possible for man to have orgasm without ejaculation (yes, it's true! I had once, in fact;P ). All you should do is... release stress, meditate, and become conscious. Too abstract and eerie for 90 percent of the population.

I would probably found more things but I simply don't feel like, that's enough. Just had to share all that thoughts that all lead me to a simple conclusion that it is a topsy-turvy world, a true lunatic asylum. Most, if not all the mystics say this. Humanity, what if you listened to them! I began to listen and my life and my general mood has changed so dramatically for the better. I've had a lucid dream yesterday. Slowly but surely I'm getting out of depression. I've broken up with my girlfriend and I don't cut myself as I used to but I'm chilled out and happy. We've made this hell ourselves. It's time to wake up, humanity.