And it has already been rendered at the cross, for all of mankind has already been judged (past tense), and the fear of waiting to be judged causes God’s people to walk in a mere shadow of what God has already provided for us, man is already been found "condemned" and Jesus has already paid the price for that final judgment.

“We” (our true selves-our spirit man) has all already been brought before the “Great White Throne Judgment” "which is the Throne of the God-head bodily (Jesus) seated in the heavens. Which is also where the Overcomer in Revelation sits. Circumstances of “good and evil “ are a result of cause and effect, which is “man’s actions”, limited by the elements of the world, to which the carnal man is subject.

We all to commonly confuse the two. Judgment, and circumstantial causality are all too commonly mistaken as the same thing, which puts the receiving of God’s righteousness under the limitations of “good and evil.

Being limited by the lack of faith! When we place these two foundational principles under the influence it emotionalism, it causes the Word of God to be of none-effect, which ought not to be so.

The Rev.