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    1. #101
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      One of the most important things the Bible predicted was the birth and death of Jesus. This was predicted hundreds of years in advance. Yes, Jesus was a real person and there is evidence in real life to support this. An accurate prediction like this means the Bible is false? I think not. There are many more examples. Just ask if you want to hear them.

      ^^ And there is your evidence, LucidSeeker.

      Seismosaur, you said this:

      "Just to point out a few of these:

      In Leviticus: Men must thank god that they were not born female. W-t-f?

      Also in leviticus: Woman are said to be "unclean" for 7 days after their menstrual cycle,. and anything they touch must be destroyed."

      One thing before I start, it isn't 7 days after their menstrual cycle, its 7 days after they've given birth. The reason for this was to punish the woman for her sin. Eve was the first woman on the Earth, and was the first sinner. If you do not know what happened here is a summary: She was told by God not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, she was tempted by the serpent and ate the fruit. Because of this, GOD HIMSELF told her that she would have PAIN IN CHILD BEARING and that she had to remain separated from others for 7 days after giving birth.

      Why do women not have to do this today? Because Christ died on the cross for our sins and took this punishment away.
      Actually it is seven days in the woods for her first period.

      ?? Are fucking smoking crack?! All mammilian females go through a menstrual cycle or something similar. I suppose animals sinned too?

      Also: There is not proof for jesus ever existed. Save the bible, but it doesn't count as it is the object of skepticism atm.

      There were at least five historians that lived in jesus' area during his life. Why didn't they record of a man whom performed these wondrous miracles?

      Because he probably didn't exist.

    2. #102
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      Quote Originally Posted by Seismosaur View Post
      Actually it is seven days in the woods for her first period.
      14106And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 14206Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.

      The above verse is exactly what you posted and what the Bible says. Please note that it says "If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child..." Maybe you just don't understand it. To conceive seed means that she gets pregnant. To have born a man child means that she gave birth to a male. It is after she has given birth to a child, not after her period. Perhaps it is you that is "smoking crack".

      Also, there were many historians that wrote that Jesus existed. They did in fact record of him. Visit this site:


      Please read the third paragraph. An interesting thing in this paragraph is that it was a Jewish author. Near the end he states "...for he appeared to them alive again the third day...". It is important to note that he was Jewish because the Jews did not believe he was God's son. The Jews were the ones that wanted, and got him killed. I don't think a Jew would write about the man that his people hate being raised from the dead if it were not true.
      Last edited by Beanhole; 11-22-2007 at 01:31 AM.

    3. #103
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      This is a common logical fallacy known as an argument from ignorance. It's also referred to as "god of the gaps" in terms of religious debate. Filling in the blanks with your god does no more to prove its existence than that of anything else. Here is the format of your logic:
      • X is not understood
      • You cannot prove that Y does not exist
      • Since X is not understood, it was because of Y
      • Since you cannot prove that X was not because of Y because X is not understood, it is definitely because of Y
      • Therefore, Y must exist

      The main problem here is that Y could be an unlimited number of imagined beings (many of which are supported by just as much scripture and mythos as yours). Simply, it is non-sequitur to assume that Y is your specific god. It is an incredible leap of faith (hint: this is a bad thing) with no logical basis given this premise.

    4. #104
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      14106And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 14206Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.

      The above verse is exactly what you posted and what the Bible says. Please note that it says "If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child..." Maybe you just don't understand it. To conceive seed means that she gets pregnant. To have born a man child means that she gave birth to a male. It is after she has given birth to a child, not after her period. Perhaps it is you that is "smoking crack".

      Also, there were many historians that wrote that Jesus existed. They did in fact record of him. Visit this site:


      Please read the third paragraph. An interesting thing in this paragraph is that it was a Jewish author. Near the end he states "...for he appeared to them alive again the third day...". It is important to note that he was Jewish because the Jews did not believe he was God's son. The Jews were the ones that wanted, and got him killed. I don't think a Jew would write about the man that his people hate being raised from the dead if it were not true.
      I never denied that what you said was true. I stated that during her first period, she must go out into the woods for seven days also.

    5. #105
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      You were exactly right, mark. He went off topic. Again. Ignoring, and attacking baselessly.
      Last edited by A Roxxor; 11-22-2007 at 01:38 AM.

    6. #106
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      Quote Originally Posted by Seismosaur View Post
      You were exactly right, mark. He went off topic. Again. Ignoring, and attacking baselessly.
      Where did I go off topic? Or do you just realize your wrong?

    7. #107
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      Address my post and we'll continue.

    8. #108
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Where did I go off topic? Or do you just realize your wrong?
      You completely skipped mark's post to attack a simple might-be misunderstanding. Now do as mark says and address her post, and we will continue! If not, then leave.

    9. #109
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      However, the Bible was written by people. These people wrote down what they witnessed and experienced. They did not make up what they wrote. If you choose not to believe the Bible, you should also choose to not believe any other ancient texts as they may have been "made up" as well.
      Actually I don't base anything that I think, or live my life according to, any "ancient text". For obvious reasons.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Can science disprove God? I think not.
      Can you disprove the existence of unicorns? I think not.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      One last question for you Moonbeam, if you can answer me this and give me proof that you are right, I will believe you. How did the world begin?
      I don't know--and when I don't know something, I don't make something up to explain it. When something is complicated and I don't understand it, I don't automatically say, "Well, I don't know, so I guess it was done by magic!" (God = Magic)

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Science can't prove how the Universe was created. Christianity can.
      We're waiting...

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      It is much more believeable (at least to me) that there was a creator of the world rather than the world just appearing.
      OK, who made the creator then? Does that not seem like a little problem to you? Why is it harder to believe that the universe existed forever than some magical being? Especially one as ridiculous, violent, and arbitrary as God of the Old Testament. You're lucky he changed over the years and got a little nicer, aren't you?

      How do you explain it to yourself when you read the OT and it says to stone people to death for heresy, adultery, homosexuality, working on the Sabbath, worshipping graven images, practicing sorcery, talking back to their parents, or rejecting god--including members of your own family? Yea, I know--Jesus said you don't have to listen to God anymore, but what do you think about that? That's still your wonderful God talking. What do you do in bible study and you come across the three or four times where God tells the Jews to kill all the men and rape all the women of their various enemies? (You're the bible scholar, you find it). Or when it advises you on selling your daughter into slavery? Does that not make you think a little bit? I've always wondered what people do when they get to those parts.

      As we've talked about before here, in the New Testament, slavery is defended several times and slaves are told to obey their masters. So do you believe in slavery? If not, why not? Jesus said it was OK, so surely you shouldn't have a problem with it. Unless you're better than him, that is.

    10. #110
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      Assuming beanhole answers, this looks to be quite interesting! I might interject some more in the future, but, for now: .

    11. #111
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      Address my post and we'll continue.
      ok, the Bible is the answer that you're looking for. The "Y" you put is God. The Bible is true and there is too much evidence supporting that. If you don't believe in the Bible, either you have not done any research into finding proof, or you are just ignorant.

    12. #112
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      ok, the Bible is the answer that you're looking for. The "Y" you put is God. The Bible is true and there is too much evidence supporting that. If you don't believe in the Bible, either you have not done any research into finding proof, or you are just ignorant.
      Now that you have slaughtered Mark with that amazing response, how about mine? I know I should be convinced--the power of your argument is so overwhelming, but please, humor me.

    13. #113
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Actually I don't base anything that I think, or live my life according to, any "ancient text". For obvious reasons.

      Can you disprove the existence of unicorns? I think not.

      I don't know--and when I don't know something, I don't make something up to explain it. When something is complicated and I don't understand it, I don't automatically say, "Well, I don't know, so I guess it was done by magic!" (God = Magic)

      We're waiting...

      OK, who made the creator then? Does that not seem like a little problem to you? Why is it harder to believe that the universe existed forever than some magical being? Especially one as ridiculous, violent, and arbitrary as God of the Old Testament. You're lucky he changed over the years and got a little nicer, aren't you?

      How do you explain it to yourself when you read the OT and it says to stone people to death for heresy, adultery, homosexuality, working on the Sabbath, worshipping graven images, practicing sorcery, talking back to their parents, or rejecting god--including members of your own family? Yea, I know--Jesus said you don't have to listen to God anymore, but what do you think about that? That's still your wonderful God talking. What do you do in bible study and you come across the three or four times where God tells the Jews to kill all the men and rape all the women of their various enemies? (You're the bible scholar, you find it). Or when it advises you on selling your daughter into slavery? Does that not make you think a little bit? I've always wondered what people do when they get to those parts.

      As we've talked about before here, in the New Testament, slavery is defended several times and slaves are told to obey their masters. So do you believe in slavery? If not, why not? Jesus said it was OK, so surely you shouldn't have a problem with it. Unless you're better than him, that is.
      Calm down woman, I am not offensive in my posts, plz don't be offensive in yours.

      You asked how Christianity proves that the universe was created. I thought this was obvious but I guess not. Us Christians believe in the Bible, the Bible teaches that God created the universe. He spoke it, and it was done.

      You then asked: "OK, who made the creator then? Does that not seem like a little problem to you?"
      This is not a problem to me. The Bible says that God was always there and will always be here. There was no beginning to him, and there was no end.

      Your next paragraph was just a bunch of blasphemy and I would prefer not to answer it but I will in fear that Seismosaur and Mark75 will yell at me for getting off topic or something lame, and because you seem like such a nice person .

      You asked about stoning people. God did not ask for anyone to be stoned. Perhaps you are confusing this with the fact that many of God's followers were stoned for their belief.

      Jesus did not say that you do not have to listen to God anymore. Where you got this from, I don't know?

      God did not say to rape any women. Again, don't know where you got this from. Yes, there were wars in Biblical times but it was the Jews who were being attacked. Because of their belief and trust in God, he allowed them to defeat their enemies and save innocent lives. An example of this is David and Goliath (which I'm sure you all know about). The Jewish army was outnumbered, and David was no match for Goliath. Because they believed in God, he helped David defeat Goliath, and thus saved the Jews. I believe that he let them win these wars to reward them for their faith. And by the way, please don't ask me to try and find information that you think will make your argument look better, come prepared. (Referring to "(You're the bible scholar, you find it)):

      Last paragraph you talk about slavery. The "slavery" that you are referring to was not the kind of slavery that happened to blacks. The "slaves" Jesus was talking about were actually SERVANTS. They were treated well. They are like the butlers that we have today. And since you asked, no I do not support slavery. (but I have nothing against hiring servants).

      Have a nice day!

    14. #114
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Now that you have slaughtered Mark with that amazing response, how about mine? I know I should be convinced--the power of your argument is so overwhelming, but please, humor me.
      I don't mean this to be hurtful or offensive, but please don't answer when you're PMS'ing, it takes the serious side out of the arguments when you ridicule.

      (don't worry, your not the only one, my sister does the same thing)

    15. #115
      moderator emeritus jacobo's Avatar
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      every sin is forgivable, except if a person speaks badly about the holy spirit.
      since religion resides in a world of absolutes... i guess that means homosexuals are fine as long as they don't bad-mouth god. i guess that means any christian can do whatever they want, so long as they don't talk shit about the big man.

      clear eyes. strong hands.

    16. #116
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      ok, the Bible is the answer that you're looking for. The "Y" you put is God. The Bible is true and there is too much evidence supporting that. If you don't believe in the Bible, either you have not done any research into finding proof, or you are just ignorant.
      I actually, literally feel dumber right now.

    17. #117
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      Quote Originally Posted by jacobo View Post
      since religion resides in a world of absolutes... i guess that means homosexuals are fine as long as they don't bad-mouth god. i guess that means any christian can do whatever they want, so long as they don't talk shit about the big man.

      lol, homosexuality is NOT fine, and Christians cannot do what they want. If you sin, you can ask God to forgive you. If you keep doing that sin over and over knowingly, you are placing yourself farther and farther away from God. By sinning we are displeasing God, instead, we should be helping others or doing other, good things that are pleasurable to God.

    18. #118
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      I actually, literally feel dumber right now.
      Read the Bible and gain that missing knowledge

    19. #119
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Read the Bible and gain that missing knowledge
      Sure. I'll just read the one I stole from that motel. And here I was just going to draw in it.

    20. #120
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      Sure. I'll just read the one I stole from that motel. And here I was just going to draw in it.
      Please, stay out of the religion/spirituality section of these forums, religious people don't want you here making blasphemic comments and putting us down because you don't see things the same way as us.

    21. #121
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Please, stay out of the religion/spirituality section of these forums, religious people don't want you here making blasphemic comments and putting us down because you don't see things the same way as us.
      Is it blasphemy to steal a Bible to draw in it? Ah, darn. I guess it doesn't matter, then.

      KILL GOD

    22. #122
      moderator emeritus jacobo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      lol, homosexuality is NOT fine, and Christians cannot do what they want. If you sin, you can ask God to forgive you. If you keep doing that sin over and over knowingly, you are placing yourself farther and farther away from God. By sinning we are displeasing God, instead, we should be helping others or doing other, good things that are pleasurable to God.
      what bible verse was that again? because the only one i know on the subject is matthew 12:31-32... and believe it or not this the same one i alluded to earlier. so find me the 'when-you-know-what-you're-doing-is-wrong-and-you-keep-doing-it-anyways' verse... and then i'll rebuke.
      clear eyes. strong hands.

    23. #123
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      Quote Originally Posted by Marvo View Post
      A difference from the normal human brain, doesn't neccesarily mean something wrong. What you're saying, is like saying left handers, which I am by the way, also "have something wrong with there brain".

      So have I

      I think the attraction Seis is talking about, is the sexual attraction, to want to make love and all, reproduction, not to like their titties
      First of all, I'm left handed, and I was stupid when I made that decision. Second, I was talking about wanting to have sex when I was 5. I tried, but failed until I was 11. Lol. (It might have been my dads fault, always encouraging me to try to get laid since day one) But I really wanted to...

    24. #124
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I am not offensive in my posts, plz don't be offensive in yours.
      You are offensive to anyone with an IQ above 75. And quit telling me what to do.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      You asked how Christianity proves that the universe was created. I thought this was obvious but I guess not. Us Christians believe in the Bible, the Bible teaches that God created the universe. He spoke it, and it was done.
      OK Beanhole, thanks for explaining that to us! That makes so much sense!

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Your next paragraph was just a bunch of blasphemy and I would prefer not to answer it but I will in fear that Seismosaur and Mark75 will yell at me for getting off topic or something lame, and because you seem like such a nice person .
      Oh, OK, I feel so special. Wouldn't want Mark and Seis against you and God...that wouldn't be a fair fight, I agree.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      You asked about stoning people. God did not ask for anyone to be stoned. Perhaps you are confusing this with the fact that many of God's followers were stoned for their belief.
      Do I really have to point out the passages where in the bible where it calls for people to be stoned? I thought you would know...(here's one to start with: Deuteronomy 13:6, 8-15)

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      God did not say to rape any women. Again, don't know where you got this from.
      I guess you don't know your bible as well as you think you do. Why don't you look up the following passages: Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Judges 5:30, Zechariah 14:1-2. Let me know what you find. (For those who don't know--kill all the men, rape all the women.)

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      They are like the butlers that we have today.
      Yea, like those butlers we all have today. (Where the fuck do you live?)

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      And since you asked, no I do not support slavery.
      So you admit it--you think you are better than Jesus!

      "Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling..." Ephesians 6:5

      "Let all who are under the yoke of slavery, regard their masters as worth of all honor..." 1 Timothy 6:1-4

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I don't mean this to be hurtful or offensive, but please don't answer when you're PMS'ing, it takes the serious side out of the arguments when you ridicule.
      (don't worry, your not the only one, my sister does the same thing)
      What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?
      Last edited by Moonbeam; 11-22-2007 at 08:22 AM. Reason: couldn't resist

    25. #125
      Member Osimero's Avatar
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      I know this is slightly off-topic, but I thought that it applied so perfectly to the current situation that it just needed to be shown.

      The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.

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