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    1. #126
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?

    2. #127
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      The Weak and the Wounded

      Tell me in as many words as possible, with as many facts as possible; why you believe in the Bible and God to be more true than say, the Qu'ran.

    3. #128
      Il Buoиo Siиdяed's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Seismosaur View Post
      Also: There is not proof for jesus ever existed. Save the bible, but it doesn't count as it is the object of skepticism atm.

      There were at least five historians that lived in jesus' area during his life. Why didn't they record of a man whom performed these wondrous miracles?

      Because he probably didn't exist.
      Questionable though it is, there is some non-Biblical evidence of Jesus.

      Not that I disagree totally with you, though, Seis.

      I'm not going to say I appreciate the total Christian-attacking theme here, but it does seem to me like you might like to try and study your ideas a bit more before airing them, Beanhole. So far most of your answers have been typical "God made us and wants us all to love each other so AH", and haven't really answered anything at all. I don't think you fully understand or are aware of the Bible (which you are using as your source for all arguments).
      So could we perhaps stop the knee-jerk Christian responses and try for some open-minded debate?

      Possibly goes for the aethiests too.
      Last edited by Siиdяed; 11-22-2007 at 02:12 PM.

    4. #129
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      Quote Originally Posted by Siиdяed View Post
      Questionable though it is, there is some non-Biblical evidence of Jesus.

      Not that I disagree totally with you, though, Seis.

      I'm not going to say I appreciate the total Christian-attacking theme here, but it does seem to me like you might like to try and study your ideas a bit more before airing them, Beanhole. So far most of your answers have been typical "God made us and wants us all to love each other so AH", and haven't really answered anything at all. I don't think you fully understand or are aware of the Bible (which you are using as your source for all arguments).
      So could we perhaps stop the knee-jerk Christian responses and try for some open-minded debate?

      Possibly goes for the atheists too.
      Interesting, i will read it on my lunch break .

      Yes, beanhole, you aren't answering anything at all! Sindred is right. Hell, I might as well say that I found an ancient book that was written by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and go around preaching it as fact. That is your logic atm.


      1. Show us facts to prove your case (And actually research them FIRST)

      2. Explain to us why exactly you believe in this "God" figure

      3. Listen to what mark says. She does seem to be good at saying one thing another way by making an incredibly sarcastic remark, so her posts have some kind of value.

      4. Disprove the existence of the FSM

      Edit: @Sindred, you do know that Jesus was a common name around 100 B.C.E. - 10 C.E.?

    5. #130
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      Quote Originally Posted by Siиdяed View Post
      So could we perhaps stop the knee-jerk Christian responses and try for some open-minded debate?

      Possibly goes for the aethiests too.
      Are you saying that to be open-minded an atheist has to consider any ridiculous fairy tale to have equal value with science? You can't really debate anything if your mind is so "open" you are willing to accept any BS as a possibility.

      How is pointing out the contradictions and ludicrous passages that show the bible is complete nonsense a "knee-jerk" response? (since you say that goes for the atheists too.)

      Since beanhole is obviously not competent and didn't understand what he was reading, do you want to take that side of the debate and respond to the points made by the atheists?

    6. #131
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      Mark75 is a male, you know that, right?

      Oh and, Beanhole, you haven't replied to my post back on page 4 yet.
      This one, to be exact.

      Lost count of how many lucid dreams I've had

    7. #132
      Member boognish's Avatar
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      i believe in loving and excepting everyone as equals as long as they are exactly like me.

    8. #133
      Bio-Turing Machine O'nus's Avatar
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      Leviticus 20:13:
      "If a man has sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman, the two of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves."

      If you depend wholely on the bible for your belief system, then it would be hypocritical of you to say that gay is wrong, because the bible said so, and then not kill them. Therefore, if you rely on the bible as the foundation for your beliefs, then you should be killing every gay man.

    9. #134
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      You are offensive to anyone with an IQ above 75. And quit telling me what to do.

      OK Beanhole, thanks for explaining that to us! That makes so much sense!

      Oh, OK, I feel so special. Wouldn't want Mark and Seis against you and God...that wouldn't be a fair fight, I agree.

      Do I really have to point out the passages where in the bible where it calls for people to be stoned? I thought you would know...(here's one to start with: Deuteronomy 13:6, 8-15)

      I guess you don't know your bible as well as you think you do. Why don't you look up the following passages: Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Judges 5:30, Zechariah 14:1-2. Let me know what you find. (For those who don't know--kill all the men, rape all the women.)

      Yea, like those butlers we all have today. (Where the fuck do you live?)

      So you admit it--you think you are better than Jesus!

      "Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling..." Ephesians 6:5

      "Let all who are under the yoke of slavery, regard their masters as worth of all honor..." 1 Timothy 6:1-4

      What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?

      "(here's one to start with: Deuteronomy 13:6, 8-15)" This was not God talking, but Moses. It does say "thou shalt surely kill him." But again, like most everything else, you are taking it out of context. This does not mean to go up to him and stone him to death. What this meant was that he was to be tried by judges and, if found guilty, be sentenced to suffer the penalty of the law. Again, this was not God saying "Stone the sinners" it was Moses saying give the extremely corrupt sinners a fair trial. By extremely corrupt, I mean that they were sinning (Idolatry) and they were corrupting others by making them do the same.

      Numbers 31:7-18

      Moses was talking again. The reason they went to war against the Midianite's was for a similar reason to the one stated above: they were turning Israelites away from the LORD. Now, God is forgiving. This can be found in the Bible as well. One of the tribes that the Israelites were instructed to kill (I forget the name) actually asked for forgivenss and were sorry for the sins they caused. He let them live. As for the "raping" of the women, it does not say that the men raped the women, they probobaly took them as wives. Although it does not say what they did to them, it definitely does not say they raped them.

      Deuteronomy 22:28-29

      Lol? This disproves your whole argument. These verses show that God is against raping. Maybe read the verse and you will see. The man is punished for raping the woman.

      Judges 21:10-24

      These women were given as WIVES, not raped.

      Judges 5:30

      This whole chapter is a song sung by 2 people named Deborah and Barak. Once again, you've taken the verse out of context. Please read the whole chapter next time.

      Zechariah 14:1-2

      This chapter is a prophecy. Although we do not find out when these things will happen, they will happen one day against the Jews. Why? Because the Jews will become arrogant and turn away from God. He will make the Jews pay for their sins, but, at the same time testing them. God is testing them to see if they will humble themselves.

      "Yea, like those butlers we all have today."

      Many rich people DO in fact have butlers/servants working for them. Where do I live? Canada.

      And no, I do not consider myself better than Jesus. I already explained the term slave. I will explain it again. A slave in Bible times was pretty much teh same thing as a butler/servant today.

      "What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?"

      And as for this, no, I do not have sex with my siblings. Perhaps this is something that YOU are accustomed to doing, but I consider it a sin.

      Carousoul, you said "Beanhole;

      Tell me in as many words as possible, with as many facts as possible; why you believe in the Bible and God to be more true than say, the Qu'ran. "

      I do not have the time to write a long essay. But, in short: The Bible was inspired by God, the Qu'ran was not.

      Could YOU please write me an essay saying why you disagree with Christianity.

      Seismosaur, you said: "Yes, beanhole, you aren't answering anything at all! Sindred is right. Hell, I might as well say that I found an ancient book that was written by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and go around preaching it as fact. That is your logic atm.


      1. Show us facts to prove your case (And actually research them FIRST)

      2. Explain to us why exactly you believe in this "God" figure

      3. Listen to what mark says. She does seem to be good at saying one thing another way by making an incredibly sarcastic remark, so her posts have some kind of value.

      4. Disprove the existence of the FSM"

      It seems that you have much more detemination on this subject than I do, you feel you need to prove me wrong. I know that whatever you say is not going to change my beliefs, and I know what I say will probobaly never change your beliefs. I could present you will a ton of facts, but that still would not open your mind. I am getting tired of talking and am using up a large amount of my time on this forum, so please stop asking me for answers. You can pick up a Bible at a bookstore and read it for youself. The information is out there, if your willing to find it.

      O'nus, you said: "If you depend wholely on the bible for your belief system, then it would be hypocritical of you to say that gay is wrong, because the bible said so, and then not kill them. Therefore, if you rely on the bible as the foundation for your beliefs, then you should be killing every gay man."

      I have already given an answer for this. I will tell you once more. When Jesus died on the cross, he forgave us of our sins. He took our punishment upon himself. It is not our job to go around judging others. There is one being, and only one being who will do that job, and that is God. He will punish every person, gay or straight, as he sees fit. Repent while you still have the chance.

    10. #135
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      Quote Originally Posted by Marvo View Post
      Mark75 is a male, you know that, right?

      Oh and, Beanhole, you haven't replied to my post back on page 4 yet.
      This one, to be exact.
      Under Mark75's picture it shows the female symbol for gender. sooooo... I would assume that means he's female?

      As for your post,

      "My dear boy. The point in science, is that everything we discover, can be replicated, by different scientists around the world. If you can kill Goliath with a rock, tame a bunch of lions, hear a snake talking to you and other truths like that, please explain your way of proceeding, and the scientists at the DreamViews Academy will return within short time, with results, that hopefully match."

      I don't know why I even bother answering because you will not believe me no matter what I say. But, in short: God performs miracles. This is the dictionary definition of a miracle: "An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God" A miracle is something that cannot be replicated by man. It is too great, and too powerful to be done by anyone but God.

      Anyways, for everyone reading: Please stop criticizing me for my beliefs. I grew up being taught both religion, and atheism. I decided that religion was right for me. Just because you disagree with me does not mean that you are superior and I am inferior. I have enjoyed answering your questions and telling you the truth about God, I believe that it has given me a better understanding about God, and it hope it has done the same for you. Anyways, I have other things that I need to take care of, but please, if you want to learn more about the Bible or God (I'm not gonna answer if the questions ridicule me or God like most of the questions on this topic have) private message me and I will try to answer as soon as possible. You have been a great audience and seem like such nice people.

      Cya later!


    11. #136
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Carousoul, you said "Beanhole;

      Tell me in as many words as possible, with as many facts as possible; why you believe in the Bible and God to be more true than say, the Qu'ran. "

      I do not have the time to write a long essay. But, in short: The Bible was inspired by God, the Qu'ran was not.

      Could YOU please write me an essay saying why you disagree with Christianity.
      Thankyou for the reply Ok. I'll tell you why I don't believe in christianity. I never said disagree as such. I just don't believe in God Or anything divine.

      I believe in the very wise prophet Jesus. I don't believe he was the son of god.

      Now: I don't have time to write an essay either, I'm afraid. However these are my key points:

      1) There is no evidence whatsoever, and it is infinitely improbable.

      2) The bible does not count as evidence anymore than "The Lord of the Rings" counts as evidence for Middle Earth's existence.

      3) I don't believe for the same reason you don't believe in Thor, Odin or Zeus.

      4)There are no particularly strong arguments for any of its existence. Believe me I know hundreds, I take A level philosophy of religion and am studying the fourth gospel.

      5) You can trace the roots of all the ideas back before Jesus' birth to the pagan god Mithra; which shares unmistakable similarities with Jesus and God, and in a similar area, with the mythology being passed down.

      6) I have never met a christian, or ever heard of one, who believes fundamentally in christianity purely through rational thought.

      7) The Bible contradicts itself, and the God featured in most of it, is incredibly human; I think it is a clearly primitive idea that if there were a God he would be just like us. It is ultimate arrogance, regarding how small we are in the scale of the universe.

      I think this quote from Friedrich Nietzsche demonstrates my point of our smallness adequately:

      " * Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened."

      Hence it is understandable for us to project onto the canvas of the universe this big ol' god who we are the center of everything for.

      Forget the trillions of other places in the universe that humanity will never ever witness. God made them for.. uh.. fun.
      Last edited by Carôusoul; 11-22-2007 at 07:11 PM.

    12. #137
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post

      Anyways, for everyone reading: Please stop criticizing me for my beliefs. I grew up being taught both religion, and atheism. I decided that religion was right for me. Just because you disagree with me does not mean that you are superior and I am inferior.

      Cya later!


      How on earth do you teach someone atheism? It doesn't exactly have a doctrine of beliefs to follow.

      It's no more teaching then: " NOGOD!"

      So, I struggle to think how you were taught atheism. Unless of course you mean you were taught science. Which is a whole new barrel of laughs!

    13. #138
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      "(here's one to start with: Deuteronomy 13:6, 8-15)" This was not God talking, but Moses. It does say "thou shalt surely kill him." But again, like most everything else, you are taking it out of context. This does not mean to go up to him and stone him to death. What this meant was that he was to be tried by judges and, if found guilty, be sentenced to suffer the penalty of the law. Again, this was not God saying "Stone the sinners" it was Moses saying give the extremely corrupt sinners a fair trial. By extremely corrupt, I mean that they were sinning (Idolatry) and they were corrupting others by making them do the same.

      Numbers 31:7-18

      Moses was talking again. The reason they went to war against the Midianite's was for a similar reason to the one stated above: they were turning Israelites away from the LORD. Now, God is forgiving. This can be found in the Bible as well. One of the tribes that the Israelites were instructed to kill (I forget the name) actually asked for forgivenss and were sorry for the sins they caused. He let them live. As for the "raping" of the women, it does not say that the men raped the women, they probobaly took them as wives. Although it does not say what they did to them, it definitely does not say they raped them.

      Deuteronomy 22:28-29

      Lol? This disproves your whole argument. These verses show that God is against raping. Maybe read the verse and you will see. The man is punished for raping the woman.

      Judges 21:10-24

      These women were given as WIVES, not raped.

      Judges 5:30

      This whole chapter is a song sung by 2 people named Deborah and Barak. Once again, you've taken the verse out of context. Please read the whole chapter next time.

      Zechariah 14:1-2

      This chapter is a prophecy. Although we do not find out when these things will happen, they will happen one day against the Jews. Why? Because the Jews will become arrogant and turn away from God. He will make the Jews pay for their sins, but, at the same time testing them. God is testing them to see if they will humble themselves.

      "Yea, like those butlers we all have today."

      Many rich people DO in fact have butlers/servants working for them. Where do I live? Canada.

      And no, I do not consider myself better than Jesus. I already explained the term slave. I will explain it again. A slave in Bible times was pretty much teh same thing as a butler/servant today.

      "What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?"

      And as for this, no, I do not have sex with my siblings. Perhaps this is something that YOU are accustomed to doing, but I consider it a sin.

      Carousoul, you said "Beanhole;

      Tell me in as many words as possible, with as many facts as possible; why you believe in the Bible and God to be more true than say, the Qu'ran. "

      I do not have the time to write a long essay. But, in short: The Bible was inspired by God, the Qu'ran was not.

      Could YOU please write me an essay saying why you disagree with Christianity.

      Seismosaur, you said: "Yes, beanhole, you aren't answering anything at all! Sindred is right. Hell, I might as well say that I found an ancient book that was written by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and go around preaching it as fact. That is your logic atm.


      1. Show us facts to prove your case (And actually research them FIRST)

      2. Explain to us why exactly you believe in this "God" figure

      3. Listen to what mark says. She does seem to be good at saying one thing another way by making an incredibly sarcastic remark, so her posts have some kind of value.

      4. Disprove the existence of the FSM"

      It seems that you have much more detemination on this subject than I do, you feel you need to prove me wrong. I know that whatever you say is not going to change my beliefs, and I know what I say will probobaly never change your beliefs. I could present you will a ton of facts, but that still would not open your mind. I am getting tired of talking and am using up a large amount of my time on this forum, so please stop asking me for answers. You can pick up a Bible at a bookstore and read it for youself. The information is out there, if your willing to find it.

      O'nus, you said: "If you depend wholely on the bible for your belief system, then it would be hypocritical of you to say that gay is wrong, because the bible said so, and then not kill them. Therefore, if you rely on the bible as the foundation for your beliefs, then you should be killing every gay man."

      I have already given an answer for this. I will tell you once more. When Jesus died on the cross, he forgave us of our sins. He took our punishment upon himself. It is not our job to go around judging others. There is one being, and only one being who will do that job, and that is God. He will punish every person, gay or straight, as he sees fit. Repent while you still have the chance.
      Answer me .

      Oh, nevermind. Don't bother. Why? Because you can't! And how in the hell are you taught atheism? Atheism is just the lack of belief in (a) divine deity(s)!

      Again, you merely attack me on the grounds that I am simply hard-headed and "not worthy" of your time. Then you wonder why I do not take your arguments into consideration.

      1.) I have plenty of bibles around my house. My parents are Xians.

      2.) I also own the entire set of lord of the rings, and the Tale sof Miuddle Earth. As carousal said, does that mean that Middle Earth Exists? After all, it was written quite convincingly... Hmm....

      3.) I have never met a single christian that uses any kind of reason, logic, or accepted facts as proof of their silly god.

      Quote Originally Posted by ExtantDodo
      Christians always seem to find a way to use a strawman to "prove" their argument. Consider this:

      When a fundamentalist (Of course, this is the mainstream use, not the correct use of the word) is opposed with evolution, mainly the existence of dinosaurs, they claim that: "God placed them here to test our faith".

      I find two things wrong with that:

      1. No humans are born knowing of religion or "god"
      2. This argument is too universal and even unproved within the religious text to be considered rational on even the bible's level

      If ever a christian enters a debate, and uses a strawman, please forgive their ignorance, and continue as if they had never appeared.
      I think that the only person not using rationality, logic, or facts is you.

    14. #139
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      And no, I do not consider myself better than Jesus. I already explained the term slave. I will explain it again. A slave in Bible times was pretty much teh same thing as a butler/servant today.
      So, in Canada are you allowed to beat your "butlers", except to the point of injuring their eyes or teeth? (as explained in Exodus 21).

      Here is Leviticus 25:44-46, with the word "butler" substituted for "slave": As for your male and female "butlers" whom you may have: you may buy male and female "butlers" from among the nations that are round about you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their families that are with you, and who have been born in your land; and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession foever; you may make "butlers" of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness.

      And Exodus 21:7 When a man sells his daughter as a "butler", she shall not go out as the male "butlers" do.

      Oh, now it's starting to make sense. Sucks to be a butler, doesn't it?

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I do not have the time to write a long essay. But, in short: The Bible was inspired by God, the Qu'ran was not.
      You are so good at explaining these things.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I know that whatever you say is not going to change my beliefs, and I know what I say will probobaly never change your beliefs. I could present you will a ton of facts, but that still would not open your mind.
      See Beanhole, that is the difference between faith and logic. If you did have a "ton of facts", I would change my mind. You admit that there is nothing that anyone could say that would change your mind. That is the definition of irrational belief.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Repent while you still have the chance.

    15. #140
      ex-redhat ClouD's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      What, you're pissed cuz she won't let you fuck her then?
      You make me love you so much, when you say such things.

      oh and...

      Beanhole. You have a funny name for a non-homosexual. ^__^

      BTW Beanhole. Jesus saves/d, not Leviticus, the peasant.

      The bible, is wrong ^_^, and i know because i've met God!
      It's rather nice. Loves me, sure does.

      One moment, you'll see truth...
      Until then, i'll pray for you... don't be upset because the half-homo wishes you well.
      Last edited by ClouD; 11-22-2007 at 07:51 PM.
      You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.

    16. #141
      Bio-Turing Machine O'nus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Anyways, I have other things that I need to take care of, but please, if you want to learn more about the Bible or God (I'm not gonna answer if the questions ridicule me or God like most of the questions on this topic have) private message me and I will try to answer as soon as possible. You have been a great audience and seem like such nice people.

      Cya later!

      Careful on inclining to be sanctimonious. However, I would like to make a fair consideration. The following is not an attack or anything of the sort, but some acceptations that should be made when regarding the bible, and considerable related content.

      With that, please consider the following:

      Circular Reasoning/Dogmatism:

      I do adamently stand that the bible is a manipulated text. If you cannot rationalize your beliefs outside of the text, then you have little grounds for your belief besides dogmatic trust in a book. You could say the same about evolutionists who say, "I believe in evolution because Darwin says so" or "I believe Darwin is right because of the Origin of Species." They are on just as fair grounds. Neither party has any just reason for believing the other.


      Furhter, we must all be able to agree on this; God himself did not write the Bible. There is no signature from God or any indication that God himself wrote the very words in the Bible. Thusly, if a person did replicate the words from God and wrote them down, then they are not the words of God but the replication and interpretation of Gods words written down by human beings. If you are to say that these humans are identical to Gods word himself, then we are too assume that a human being has the full capacity to completely replicate Gods words and we have to simultaneously deter God's power, ability, and comprehension as he is equivolent to the limited human mind.

      To argue and use the passages to show how God conducted the writing of the bible is to lead into problems of free will and the composition of God. (ie. God made men write the bible, thus, men had no free thought and none of us then do [or can know it]. Or, if God himself wrote the bible, and since we know that humans in fact did, then God posessed a human; why would he do that and how good is a God when he posesses humans to write a text to promote his wealth?).

      Why do I say it was butchered? Here's why:
      - Even if God stood over a humans shoulder and told him what to write, it was still a human that wrote the words down. This is the first potential stage of translation.
      - Second, even biblical advocates show that that Paul, another proponent to the bible - never came into physical contact with Jesus. He "revealed" this text to him to write. If we believe this, then yes, this can be supported. But it is circular reasoning and gives non-believers no incentive to believe.
      - Was not written till 100 years after Christ died. (I source this from a Christian bible awareness booklet called, "Awake")
      - Was translated by St. Jerome into Hebrew and Latin in the 4th century.
      - Was translated and manipulated by the council of nicaea in the 4th century. This involved over 300 members.
      - Translated and manipulated again by the council of nicaea in the 8th century by the same amount of people.
      + Sources: Hilary of Poitier, Eusebius, Eustathius of Antioch, Athanasius, Gelasius of Cyzicus, Eusebius' "Life of Constantine"

      Full Acceptance:

      Furthermore, if you quote one passage of the bible, be prepared to accept the plethora of other problematic passages from the bible. For example:
      Exodus 21:7 - The bible advocates selling your daughter
      Colossian 3:22-24 or Ephesians 6:5 - The bible advocates slavery
      Exodus 35:2 - Kill everyone who works on Sabbath day
      Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - Kill angsty teenagers

      Political Consideration:

      Why was the council of nicaea convoked?

      The council of nicaea was convoked by Roman Emperor Constantine the First. Emperor constantine has been a very successful Emperor by this time, especially since winning over Maximian. Many historical sources describe how Constantine found a relic of Jesus and carried with him into his war with Maximian for the Roman Empire. Constantine was not christian at this time but reports describe how, in the middle of the war, the cross symbol emerged somehow. Sources vary in this; two arrows crossed, blood spattered on a shield, etc. Either way, it was at this moment that he had an epiphany and converted to Christendom. Constantine attributes his win to this epiphany. The arch of constantine was to celebrate this victory. A while after, in 313 Ad, constantine noticed the conflicts between pagans and Christens. These are two major enemy religions having to live under the same Empire so, of course, there is a lot of conflict. In 313, Licinus, Roman Emperor of the East, postulated the Edict of Milan which gave religious freedom. However, this caused a greater uproar eventually leading to civil wars.

      Now, imagine this from a political side. Two religions at war and you need to create harmony. What better way than to try and integrate the religions? The purpose of the first council of nicaea was this very thing. With this in mind, consider the origins of most modern holidays and how they have mixed connotations with both Christianity and pagan backgrounds. Why do you think this is the case? Because of these councils and biblical manipulation.

      Now, if you have any response to this to support the Christian faith, please try and do it without having to support your point with a passage or dogmatic reasoning (ie. "God wrote the bible, therefore, God exists" or "God says so in the bible"). If you are incapable of justifying your beliefs outside of the biblical text, then you should question what grounds you are trulying laying your beliefs in; God, or a book?

      More to come.

      I hope that was enlightening.

    17. #142
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      ^ The cross is a pagan symbol. All Xian Holy Holidays are of pagan origin. The bible is one big book of astrology. So Xians who think Astrology is BS are following astrology. Lmao.

    18. #143
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Under Mark75's picture it shows the female symbol for gender. sooooo... I would assume that means he's female?
      Oh so naive

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I don't know why I even bother answering because you will not believe me no matter what I say.
      I will never believe you, when your argument is nothing more than "God can do magyx!" When I was a young boy, I was explained how fairy tales and magic, was impossible and just made up stuff, yet my family (some of it) was still christian. By the age of 7-8, I realized that religion, God, the bible, and much else is one big lie. People in school thought I was weird, because I despised God. I explained my views, and managed to convince a lot of people, or atleast start some very open thinking. In short, people would much rather believe what I said, than what the church said. Religion is not that big in Denmark, but people still blindly believe, without really doing anything in the name of the religion.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      But, in short: God performs miracles. This is the dictionary definition of a miracle: "An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God" A miracle is something that cannot be replicated by man. It is too great, and too powerful to be done by anyone but God.
      I'll say it again. Anything that can be done by a being, can be replicated. If something can not be replicated then;

      1) Either we don't have the technology yet
      2) It is beyond the dimensions of us, and we can therefore not see it, and then try to replicate it.
      3) It is impossible.

      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      Anyways, for everyone reading: Please stop criticizing me for my beliefs. I grew up being taught both religion, and atheism. I decided that religion was right for me. Just because you disagree with me does not mean that you are superior and I am inferior.
      Actually, atheists are superior to theists, since we have no religious bounds, like you do. Only the stupid and useless ethical bounds, you still manage to force on humanity.
      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I have enjoyed answering your questions and telling you the truth about God, I believe that it has given me a better understanding about God, and it hope it has done the same for you. Anyways, I have other things that I need to take care of, but please, if you want to learn more about the Bible or God (I'm not gonna answer if the questions ridicule me or God like most of the questions on this topic have) private message me and I will try to answer as soon as possible. You have been a great audience and seem like such nice people.

      Cya later!

      It has certainly given me a better understanding of God. Now I'm even more sure, that the Gods that are made up by humans, are not possible in any way.

      See ya later, Beany.

      Lost count of how many lucid dreams I've had

    19. #144
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Are you saying that to be open-minded an atheist has to consider any ridiculous fairy tale to have equal value with science? You can't really debate anything if your mind is so "open" you are willing to accept any BS as a possibility.

      How is pointing out the contradictions and ludicrous passages that show the bible is complete nonsense a "knee-jerk" response? (since you say that goes for the atheists too.)

      Since beanhole is obviously not competent and didn't understand what he was reading, do you want to take that side of the debate and respond to the points made by the atheists?
      This thread moves way too fast for me to keep up.

      Do I want to take up Beanhole's side? Not especially. I made a few points earlier that give some suggestion as to why there might be some Biblical contradictions (which there are).

      The knee-jerk reactions I was referring to were certainly not your well-structured, brilliantly written and evidently educated posts, Moonbeam. I was more referring to the posts that simply slate Christianity and don't really offer much evidence in oppostion (and there is plenty).

      Christians aren't all like Beanhole. Some of us are a little more realistic in our beliefs, and take the time to occasionally question what we believe. Being roped into the same category as the die-hard fundementalists who ignore philosophy/reason/counter-arguements/intelligence-in-general hurts.


      Quote Originally Posted by Seismosaur View Post
      Edit: @Sindred, you do know that Jesus was a common name around 100 B.C.E. - 10 C.E.?
      Yeah, but how many had the surname Christ?

      I rest my case.

      Last edited by Siиdяed; 11-23-2007 at 12:26 AM.

    20. #145
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      Quote Originally Posted by Beanhole View Post
      I grew up being taught both religion, and atheism. I decided that religion was right for me.
      The idea here is to pick based on weather or not they are true rather than if they "work for you".

    21. #146
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      Oh, I've no doubt Beanhole has an air-tight reason for chosing thusly.

      Go ahead, Beanhole.

      You show 'em.

      Go on.

    22. #147
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      Quote Originally Posted by Siиdяed View Post

      Yeah, but how many had the surname Christ?

      I rest my case.

      None. Because surnames didn't exist. "Christ" was a word that meant "teacher" or "wise one". Not a last name .

    23. #148
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      Haha. The Romans had surnames, of a sort. I can't comment on the people of Judea.

      I was joking about my case. I haven't got one at all, really.

    24. #149
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      It appeas beanhole has departed o.o

      Quote Originally Posted by Siиdяed View Post

      Haha. The Romans had surnames, of a sort. I can't comment on the people of Judea.

      I was joking about my case. I haven't got one at all, really.

    25. #150
      Il Buoиo Siиdяed's Avatar
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      Gah. I love it how we get a radical Christian and suddenly all the aetheists just close in and post the thread into submission.

      Like sharks...

      Scarily like sharks.

      Are aetheists sharks?

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