Throughout junior high, I had a Bible teacher who I just realized is bad at teaching.

Here are three things she said.

I know God is real because he always answers us when we ask for something, it's either yes, no, or wait.
How does this even prove God is real, it sounds like real life playing out to me.

There is a spiritual war going on, angels take our prayers to God so he doesn't get them right away. (Then later on in the year she said "if you ask for forgiveness before right before you die, you will go to heaven")
She totally shot down God's omniscience, and if you are going to die and ask God to save you, it's useless. Why do people still do that then?

3. And the last one..
When 2 or more people get together to pray, God is in the room.
Now she shot down God's omnipresence saying he isn't everywhere at once. Now why would anyone pray by themselves if God isn't really there?


So can anyone explain these, or is she just not qualified to teach a Biblical class?