
I work as a neuroscientific researcher and privately as a hypno/psychotherapist.

We use a technique in Psychotherapy referred to as reframing.... ie. replaying a past trauma in the mind but in a different context...

for example....

I suffered the sudden loss of my father earlier this year...

While dreaming lucidly about his death and the funeral, I evoked his spirit into the dream and hugged him and expressed my love for him and said goodbye while watching him walk into the distance....

This had a immediate resolution to any depression and grief that I was feeling...

As I believe dreams are the gateway to the subconscious, and that dreaming is a form of memory consolidation, by reframing past trauma in lucid dreams may offer therapeutic resolution....

I propose an experiment in Phobia Resolution to test the hypothesis....

We'll use a methodology called the "fast phobia cure" in hypnotherapy... this is a tried and tested methodology for the resolution of phobias....

People entering a lucid dream state can visualise the following.... (this will induce a nightmare, but the outcome will be worth it if it works)

1. Enter a cinema

2. Sit in the balcony looking down at another version of you watching your worst fear or phobia on the cinema screen...(detatchment from the fear)

3. Watch yourself watching your phobia being played through on the screen and then freeze-frame...

4. Switch the colour to black and white, and rewind the film three times faster while clown/funny music (or your favourite music) is playing.... (desentisation)

5. Repeat until no more anxiety is felt (usually 3 - 5 times)

Next morning test the level of phobia resolution by exposure to the phobic stimulus (if possible)....

It would be interesting to see if this works in lucid dreaming to the same degree as it works in hypnotherapy (95% success rate)...

Have fun!
