• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2008

      NativeDreamers's ANILD and Variations

      Prerequisites- Dream recall of 2-3 dreams a night (1 can work however), Consistent sleep cycle (depending on variation), Audio Editing Software.

      This technique came to me during my dream "The Climb" located here: http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ad.php?t=68986
      The Idea is to use ambient noise to induce lucid dreams. In the process of making this tutorial I created two sub-methods spawned from the original. I know the acronyms are absurd, I partially made the last two kinda absurd on purpose .. Without further delay I give you ANILD-

      -The Ambient Noise Induced Lucid Dream- And its Variations
      By: Native Dreamer

      Okay so the theory behind this method is that external noise will carry over into your dreams and make you lucid. There may have been similar methods to this, but I don't recall them so if you do let me know.

      Step 1:Create
      Make a soothing track in your favorite editing software. Now add a very distinct sound to this track in specific intervals (Every 5minutes, 10, 15, whatever). It could be a bell, or gunshot whatever just make it easily distinguishable from the background. This sound will be referred to from now on as a trigger.

      Step 2: ADD
      • Part I Associate:

      Memorize your trigger over the course of a few days to a week. Try to associate the trigger with awareness and lucidity. The first thing you think of when you hear that trigger sound should be lucidity, really drill this in.
      • Part II Drill:

      Listen to your track (or just the sound) at various points in the day with headphones, or earbuds. Whenever you hear your trigger sound do 2-3 reality checks and really think about lucidity.
      • Part III Determine:

      Believe in the technique really focus on how you feel about the sound an track. Try to be more receptive to sounds in your everyday life take in everything so this will transfer to dreams. Be Aware!

      Step 3 Apply:

      • Part I Relax:

      Use a binaural beat that functions at 5Hz for a mid theta state ideal for dreams and meditation.
      Use a mediation tech while listening to the beat above for 10-20 minutes.
      • Part II Suggest:

      Now after the binaural beat and meditation you should be in a drowsy-relaxed like state. Repeat the affirmations "My trigger will transfer into my dreams" "When i hear my trigger sound I will reality check" "I will become lucid after I hear my trigger" for at least 5 minutes. Really feel these as you say them. You can substitute these or add your own as well just make sure that your mind knows and understands what the word "trigger" means to you.
      • Part III Retain:

      Make sure you recall at least 2 dreams a night before you do this technique. Alternatively listen to a dream recall track available in lucid aids on this site.
      • Part IV Play:

      Play\loop the track with the trigger OUT LOUD from speakers as you go to sleep. The point being the fact that the track will meld with the natural ambient noise of the house. Make sure the track is not too loud so you can get to sleep. The track should be at the volume of if you were to talk in an outside voice it would be just audible under your voice.

      Step 4 Lucid:

      Go to sleep calmly with a relaxed mind, think of your trigger sound and lucidity, repeat your affirmations a few times and drift into sleep.



      The Phrase Induced Lucid Dream

      In step one of ANILD instead of a trigger sound make it a hilarious phrase, preferably of your own creation this will really lock it in your memory. Follow the steps of ANILD using this track instead. The idea is that a dream object; like a TV, or a dream character will say your phrase or something similar to it and make you become lucid. Just make it interesting. Many dreamviews members have used tapes that say things like "you are dreaming ", but rarely find they work. I think if you use something absurd that you also associate with lucid dreaming, then you will be more successful then listening to a generic "you are aware you are dreaming" message.

      2.XNILD- (This acronym has a X my name starts with one so i liked it)

      The External Noise Induced Lucid Dream

      Requirements: Good dream recall (2-3 a night), Consistent sleep schedule.

      This is virtually the same as ANILD, but instead do a Wake Back to Bed Procedure.

      1.Set your alarm to one-two hours before your normal wake up time.

      2.Use a track similar to that of variation one (You know the Phrase trigger instead of sound). Make the background of this mp3 relaxing meditative music and in the foreground have in your own voice your hilarious trigger sentence. Do all the steps of ANILD with this track and go to sleep.

      3.Wake up when your alarm rings for a WBTB.

      (Use about 15 minutes to...)

      4.Recall dreams and record them.

      5.Plan your lucid dream/ Visualize, do RC's, read previous dreams (get in lucid mood).

      6. Use the remaining 45+ minutes to do all the steps of ANILD again with your custom track. When your finished go back to bed at the time you would normally wake up, make sure your track is playing.

      7. Enjoy lucid.

      This method took me along time to make (I can't type lol) so i hope you guys enjoy it. Done correctly you should hear your trigger sound or phrase (depending on variation) and become lucid or at least RC and then become lucid. This method also seems to improve recall naturally by at least 1 dream. I wish anyone who tries my method luck. May many lucids come to you guys.

      -Native Dreamer-
      Last edited by Native Dreamer; 04-11-2009 at 03:28 AM.
      Lucid Dreamer, Traceur. Psion, programmer, director and magician

      Lucid Dreams: 3
      DILD: 2 WILD: 0 FILD: 0
      WBTB:0 FA: 1 MFG: 0
      I don't count these as true lucids because they where not very clear, but until I have my first real lucid these will do.)

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Nov 2008
      Wow Native_Dreamer, that looks like a promising technique! I can actually imagine this working.

      I'll try it when I next get a chance, I'll keep you updated.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2008
      Thanks! Alot of work and thought went into it. I'm actually revising it as we speak I'm even thinking about making all the necessary mp3's in one downloadable zip. Please do keep me posted.
      Lucid Dreamer, Traceur. Psion, programmer, director and magician

      Lucid Dreams: 3
      DILD: 2 WILD: 0 FILD: 0
      WBTB:0 FA: 1 MFG: 0
      I don't count these as true lucids because they where not very clear, but until I have my first real lucid these will do.)

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Mar 2008


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