What is happiness? Ah but who cares -- it feels great, and that's all that matters, as far as the abstract feeling itself -- there is some concern in how you might attain it, but that brings me to my next question, anyway --

What makes you happy? Does it take very much at all to make you happy?

Quite frankly, I was in the mood for one of those cutesy chain mail things with baby animals, baby humans, or some clean religious humor and morality message -- but I realize that those things probably wouldn't incite the same kind of happy reaction that I got in everyone, so I decided to leave this thread text-only (at the moment, anyway) and let everyone speak up about what makes them happy, so the thread and the post can be totally enjoyable for everyone who clicks on in.

What's made you happy recently? Why's it made you happy? Just think about it for a moment, even share if you like, to perhaps inspire others.

Lots of things make me happy. Finding something that I've been looking everywhere for for a long time makes me happy. Listening to J-Pop makes me super-happy -- and also sometimes hyper, horny, or any combination of the two; which both make me happy. ^-^ Seeing people get along makes me happy. Talking with my parents on the phone, or seeing them for a weekend makes me happy. Playing with my doggy makes me happy.

Seeing a lot of replies to this thread would make me really happy. ^o^ Yeah, that was the cream of the corn, but meh, it's cool; and it is true. -^-^-

My quote of the week: "I'd blame it on senility, but I'm only twenty years old!"