Please note that in the following, usernames and aliases cannot be verified as being exactly accurate, as I am typing them out from my vague memory of the incident, but they are close enough.)

So I did a Google search and found this adult chat room.

I had been browsing around on Encyclopedia Dramatica, which had given me the idea for what I was about to do, as well as the source material (I modified it a bit, though).

I logged on as a guest, and noted the creepy, loserish things that were being said, such as the most recent comment…

Quote Originally Posted by Malcomeghurl

any horny girls in here?
In response, I posted the following (broken into segments, as the chat applet only let you enter a certain amount of characters at once)…

Quote Originally Posted by guest66i6x.6i (Me)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 2334453436. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 8429l271. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.


Please wait while we process your IP address.




Location found.


Please note that you have committed an offence in direct violation of U.S. Code 392342476, and may be prosecuted in criminal court.
At this point I stopped posting for a moment to see what response I would get.

You could have heard a virtual pin drop.

I can just picture 36-year old men sitting at laptops in basements all over Los Angeles (‘cause that’s where the chat was based), simultaneously shitting their pants and hurriedly clicking out.