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    1. #1
      Australia sol is offline
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      Do dreaming experiences change as you age?

      I'm wondering if theres anyone that can tell me if their dreaming experiences have changed as they've gotten older.

      The majority of my real life dream settings occur in places I frequented when I was younger, particularly my primary school. I'm wondering if I will continue to dream of them all my life or if as I become older, I will dream of new places more often.

      Also curious if the way you perceive dreams change as you age, when you reach age 60 do they no longer have the same effect as you've seen it all before?

      And finally, wondering what its like for older LDers. Do they go and have sex with hot celebrities? Are there even any old people out there who are proficient at LDing?

      I know I haven't been too specific but hopefully some people can post some stuff. My legs are sore.
      Ah bowakawa pousse pousse

      - Raised by Louie54 (Appreciate your time and effort)

    2. #2
      Member Koalaman's Avatar
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      I don't think this will be the same for everybody, but I know that people will tend to dream about the things (and places) that occupy them. And since, as you grow older, the things (and places) that occupy you change, I think that the things (and places) you dream about will most likely change aswell.

      Though it may be the case that people, who think more about the past, will tend to dream about things (and places) from a long time ago and people, who think more about the future, will tend to dream more about things (and places) that they may expect to (or want to) become reality but haven't happened yet.

      And since almost everyone has the need to reproduce, I think that most experienced lucid dreamers will be enjoying sex in their lucid dreams a lot. Maybe not celebrities, because not everyone cares about celebrities. Sometimes the people closer to you can be experienced as more exciting because it feels more real. So why have lucid dream sex with celebs if you can have hotter sex with non-celeb people you know IRL?

      And with old experienced lucid dreamers, you may mean people like Stephen LaBerge and Thomas Yuschak who have been into the field for a very long time (10 - 20 years? ). And Thomas Yuschak was able to experience very vivid lucid dreams lasting up to 2.5 hours a few times, so who knows what kind of crazy and wild stuff he has done there that was too personal to tell anyone else about. I know that he had a lot of time for his experiments...
      Last edited by Koalaman; 12-10-2009 at 04:57 PM.

    3. #3
      on-and-off LD hobbyist innerspacecadet's Avatar
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      As I get older, I dream both about new and old people and places, but probably more often new ones. And also, of course, there are completely imaginary people and places, which seem to make up the bulk of my dream content, and imaginary stuff usually mixes in with past- or present-based scenarios. This mix of present/past/imaginary in general has been consistent throughout my life - I've always dreamed this way. Except maybe when I was a kid when there was more imaginary or something.

      One thing that's persisted for a while, though, is that, even though I haven't taken a class in years, I have nightmares of falling behind in a class. I also see video games showing up in dreams sometimes, and I haven't played a video game in years either. I guess these things are part of the past content. Except, they're usually past blended with imaginary.

      My bf, however, tends to dream mostly about places from his childhood and adolescence, and he's older than I am. He's one of the kinds of people who tends to be "stuck on the past," distracting himself from present boredom with nostalgic memories. He also looks to the future a lot, to greater possibilities for happiness, but this doesn't really seem to figure into his dreams that much. The present shows up occasionally, but when it does, he tends to report it to me as unusual. He also has completely imaginary stuff, often based on his favorite fantasy books and movies.
      -LD Count since rejoining in Dec. 2009: 21

      No dream goals at the moment...just flying and letting stuff happen is kinda fun, and it's hard to motivate myself to try LDing lately.


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