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    1. #1
      Member * Diamond Eyes *'s Avatar
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      Sleep Paralysis in my dreams...

      So lately when Ive been having sleep paralysis Its as if I'm having it in my dream world and not my physical body. Its weird and kinda hard to explain.. But when I used to have sleep paralysis I would force myself to open my eyes to break free from the paralysis. I would usually stare into a light ( my cell phone).. to stop this from happening. And it would work. But lately whats been happening is.. I realize I'm having sleep paralysis and I try to force myself to break free from it and open my eyes, but I open my eyes to my dream world and I find I'm in paralysis inside my dream.. and Its almost as if It traps me inside of my dream and I cant wake up. Sometimes I even get tricked into thinking that my dream world is real life and when I really wake up I'm so confused. Has anything similar happened to anyone here..
      " If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"

      "He who fights with monsters, might he take care lest he thereby become a monster"

    2. #2
      Member nina's Avatar
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      I believe this is pretty common (well, for our forum of lucid dreamers at least).

      I think there are levels, or distinct differences in certain types of sleep paralysis. Maybe we should start categorizing the different SP, or using the proper terms if they exist. (sorry that was just a mental note for myself lol)

      Anyways...I think it's just a matter of where your mind is at the time. I've also noticed a change in my own sleep paralysis that follows what you have described here...and it could be attributed to a variety of things. Diet. Stress. Current physical/psychological factors.

      I started out experiencing SP that was very dreamlike...similar to a false awakening, and would have various hallucinations/dreams, or even what some might refer to as OBEs. Then after a few years for some reason I started having episodes of waking up into SP in the night, being completely lucid and awake, and forcing myself to wake up because it was a really terrible an frightening experience. It was not dreamlike at all. Currently...my SP has switched back to being more FA-like. I have actually had really long SP experiences while laying in bed and having contact with other entities, unsure of if it was a dream or something else, but assuming it was all hypnogogic hallucinations.

      I do think that the two types of SP are very different. The one where you just wake up into SP, and cannot move, but eventually are able to wake yourself up. And the other, where you are in SP like during a WILD, or between LDs...when you're in a trancelike hypnotic state, coupled with SP...then it manifests these hallucinations "obes" or dreams.

      Since sleep paralysis occurs as a result of hormones either not acting quickly enough or not shutting off quickly enough...I assume that the variable changes in SP have to do with current physical/mental conditions, or just different states of mind due to being in a different place in the sleep cycle.

      I feel like that was confusing...hopefully not too much...lol

    3. #3
      Member * Diamond Eyes *'s Avatar
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      B.C Canada
      Thanks for your replay Aquanina, yea it was helpful. I think youre right about different types of SP. I hadnt had it for a while, but last night I had it again. I used to get SP, and It was very scary for me because I didnt know what it was. Thats how I got into LD, because I heard that you can get into LDs by SP..so I tried it and I found that when I would usually have SP..I started having LDs instead. But I havent had a LD for about a month and had SP last night... I woke up and couldnt sleep for a couple hrs then fell back asleep and was getting trapped in my sleep again..its scary because when Im in the moment I feel like I wont be able to get out, and it is such a struggle and takes so much energy to open my eyes and force myself awake. and as soon as I do close my eyes again I go straight back into it again..it feels like some parallel universe..Like my bf sitting on the edge of the bed talking to me, when he isnt really there and noises outside the window etc... the thing that I found that really helps to break completely out of it is to stare into a light, like your cell phone, or alarm clock for a bit..its worked for me every time.
      " If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"

      "He who fights with monsters, might he take care lest he thereby become a monster"


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