I never have any thoughts of violence or of my ex..

I had a headache and fever as I went to sleep a few hours ago and I just don't understand how any of this made sense. Ask for more info if necessary I guess..

Anyway I was at my dad's house and my ex was there...but I was with her or something...she wasn't how she used to be...she was not intimate at all and very cruel about everything with me.. Then, somehow, we would be randomly in some other house and she was trying to piss people off for laughs but they got so mad that they tried to kill us. She told me I had to remove their arms..or legs.. or whatever and hide them in the dryer...and I did it. Then suddenly we were in my dad's car and he was driving up a stair way to some bleachers oO...but when we got to the top we were in a shopping cart and fell down the stairs. Next thing you know me n my ex were at a place somewhat like Disneyland and there were a bunch of zero-gravity things for some reason...

We ended up going on some watery ride and she was again not staying close...(when we were together in real life I couldn't get her off of me ). As soon as we entered the big cave thing or whatever for the ride I ended up at my dad's house somehow..then waited around..cleaning or something and then I was at the attraction park again and she had just left the ride...Then I found out she has spent the "coins"... I guess it was the currency used there...I said "what the hell you spent all the coins?!?!"...she told me we should have gotten some for her and some for me. I told her when people are together they share stuff and do things together. I don't remember the rest of the dream but I know it was longer than that...

In the past I've had recurring dreams about her and me kissing...Once that my mom was on a railroad track tied down about to be hit by a train in the same dream but it was at a circus. (no bs)

But I never think of this chick ever...or of my mom dying via train inside a circus....

Can anyone explain these really strange dreams =p?