About an hour ago, I woke up from a dream when a friend called me on the phone. I was kind of pissed because I wanted to spend more time in that dream. I woke up late today, at around 1 pm. I'm 18 years old and I'm from Holland. I'm a male. The night before I listened to Pink Floyd and the Beatles whilst trying to get to sleep. I was really happy while listening to the music and spontaneously had to smile. Here's the dream:

I was on vacation with my mom, father and little sister. I also have a big sister but she wasn't there (in real life she doesn't live at home anymore, I didn't really notice it in the dream, but now I do). We went to some Mediterranean country (I always go on holiday there in real life, Italy most of the time). We walked around a bit at night on a big square, there was a festival going on. Somehow I was searching for my bike, I thought I'd found it but it was a similiar one, but not mine. I was pissed off. (Exactly the same thing happened with my bike in real life, exactly the same!) We didn't stay at the festival but just walked through some streets. Suddenly it was morning. From a distance we saw people jumping really high in the air, we climbed on a fence to see what was going on. They were doing some acrobatics on the festival. I was really nice to look at.

After this we decided to take a walk. I took the map and wanted to go to the north, along the shore. My father said: No, we just took that road when we drove here. I said he was wrong and then he studied the map again and said I was right. So we went to the north and we saw Brittain was just at the other side of some lake. We had to go through a tunnel to get there. The tunnel was really crowed and small. It was similiar to those baggage claim carousels. Somehow I was a bit on my guard with all those people around. When we came out of the tunnel we went on a bus and drove around in a city. We got out to get some stuff, my mom went for tourist stuff and my dad wanted to get his bike! I needed some food so I just walked around there. It was a city like Amsterdam, with canals and lots of trees, but it reminded me of Germany too. I walked into a diner to get something to eat. I talked German to the people in there! (I can speak it in real life), I wasn't surprised at the time, altough we went to Brittain. I couldn't afford anything to eat because I hadn't got enough money on me, kind of ashamned I left the venue. Then I went back to my parents, they were sitting in chairs on a big square (like where the festival was going one) like they had a meating. And they were eating from plates! I decided to join them, grabbed a chair, ate some salami with a salad. Then I woke up.

Does anyone know how to interpretate this dream. I felt really happy when I dreamt it and want to know what it means.

Kind regards.