So, I am a constant sleepwalker. I sleepwalk at least twice a week, if not more. I am nearly 15, but I have been sleepwalking since I was about 6. According to my physician, I haven't developed the paralysis that keeps me from acting out my dreams and probably never will since the general development age is 10.

About 2 years ago, my sleepwalking became something different. Ever since then I occasionally (2-3 times a month) have a sleepwalking incident where I am conscious. I know that I am sleepwalking, I know that I am acting weird and doing the things I'm doing, but I can't control myself. I can't control my body, voice, actions...Anything. Could my sleepwalking be connected to sleep paralysis of some sort? I have experienced sleep paralysis a couple times before, and it felt VERY similar to this odd form of sleepwalking.

To be honest, these experiences are rather frightening. I really don't like not being able to control myself, but know what's happening. It's even worse than sleep paralysis, because I'm not just lying there in bed, I am up and about, lots of the time talking to my family.
