Can anyone help me formulate a sleeping schedule for myself? I don't usually sleep from 21:00 to w/e like 'normal' people do because of school/work and going to the club on weekends. Sometimes I don't even sleep for 48 hrs straight. Is there anyway I can still do the things I do and stay healthy?

I usually wake up at 6:00, get ready for school, leave 6:30. School starts at 7:05 until 15:05. That's Monday through Thursday.
On Thursday's I go to work from either 16:00 or 17:00, depends if I wanna get some sleep. Work until 21:00.
Fridays I work all day usually and then go to the club at around 00:00.
Saturdays I work all day with a sleep break in between because of the club from the night before.
Sunday's I'm totally dead and don't feel like talking to anyone.
Any suggestions?

I can afford 20 minute naps at work if I have to do that.

Thanks in advance.