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    Thread: Phantom Pain

    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2009

      Exclamation Phantom Pain

      Greetings, Ive been doing research on the causes of sleep paralysis and no where does it mention one can feel extreme phantom pain during a sleep paralysis episode. Am i the only person that feels pain when experiencing an episode? My doctor has no logical explanation and suggests to develop a consistent sleeping pattern, which i have already been doing so for several years. The pain I experience each night is really unimaginable. Sadly, i have accepted this as a part of me and continue to fall under sleep paralysis shortly after going to bed or whenever i take a nap. Ive tried Melatonin and Valerian with no success in preventing an episode. The only remedy i am aware of is going to sleep drunk.

      Is there anyone out there experiencing phantom pain in their sleep while being paralyzed completely? I have yet to see any reports of this on the internet or anywhere elsewhere...
      I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!

    2. #2
      Um, I didn't do that. cloud9wannablucid's Avatar
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      Em, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles.

      I've only experienced painful paralysis a few times. Once is my throat and once in my legs. I really don't know what to tell you but maybe (since SP can be a gateway to LD) you can imagine the pain as being a pleasure. Sometimes it's possible to reduce negative SP symptoms by thinking of them as something else. For instance, those who feel a evil force is around them can decide it isn't evil but something nice, friendly and loving, and it actually works! Personally, I can't say. I've only had a few unpleasant SP episodes.
      cloud9wannablucid= cloud_9_47417 + want to be lucid. Stay cool! I do believe!
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    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      What kind of pain, exactly? Is it like a phantom limb syndrome, or more generalized?

      I read on here a couple of times that people had pain. Does focusing on things other than the pain help you when you are in this state?
      There are drugs that help suppress SP. Might want to ask your doctor about them, or find a sleep specialist who would be able to help you out.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      What kind of pain, exactly? Is it like a phantom limb syndrome, or more generalized?
      The pain usually depends on the position i sleep in. I usually sleep sideways and the pains comes from my rib area. If i sleep on my back the pain comes from my chest and it feels like i have a hard time breathing.

      Quote Originally Posted by cloud9wannablucid View Post
      I really don't know what to tell you but maybe (since SP can be a gateway to LD) you can imagine the pain as being a pleasure. Sometimes it's possible to reduce negative SP symptoms by thinking of them as something else. For instance, those who feel a evil force is around them can decide it isn't evil but something nice, friendly and loving, and it actually works!
      Most of time I ignore it and it doesn't seem as bad. I have actually had a few lucid Dreams after an episode, all of which lasted no longer than a few seconds.

      I will be on the lookout for SP suppressant medication and can only hope it wont disallow for a lucid dream, for i have yet to fully experience one.
      I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!

    5. #5
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      Everything I've managed to dig up so far talks about the pain that accompanies the incubus hallucinations during sleep paralysis (what you're talking about, esp including the 'difficulty breathing'), but it doesn't really stress the intensity of the pain; you seem to be experiencing some severe symptoms, whereas in everything I can find it does not mention it being nearly as unbearable

      One thing I can recommend for sure is to avoid sleeping in the supine position. When do you get your SP?

      I'll keep looking.

    6. #6
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      Well the pain can mean that the blood flow in your body goes strange when you go to sleep, or that you developed some kind of thought pattern that lead to the SP(or both)...if your not healthy it dosnt help...anyway maybe try to do some aerobic exercise before you go sleep so that it makes your heart and your arteries more relaxed(sorry if I sound retarded) ,or try any kind of exercise cause maybe it can work, if you do it and it only works the first few times then it may mean thats psycological or something, being drunk has the same kind of realising effect then exercise maybe ( I was never drunk), if you were 100 % aware of your pain and feeling completly alive the pain would probably disspaer or be meaningless, ok now I sound an exercise maniac but making exercise helps the brain and makes you more aware of your body and therefore of pain, I think the sort of stuff you have has to be "released" somehow, I know that when SP happens to me its because I was eager to be awake and when it repeats it self because I got anxious or fearfull of it so anyaway if this really upsets you maybe try out meditation( altought I think this is a bit complex).

      P.S. My writing skills suck

      Edit:Try sleeping in a sitting position ( you probably already tried this?) do you adapt easily to diffrences in temperature, do you have tolerance to pain, have you done exams related to the brain, cause everything mental has its physical correlation even if we dont always see it, how old are you, if have you more info you think is useful please post like when and how they started, also just like dreaming thinking alot about it can make it hapPen more often maybe ( in your case I cant know cause I dont know you)...good luck I say in a dorky way ( lol if this kind of thing helps)...the more I know the less certain I am or not xD?IF you can be kind to me plz post everything else you tried ( lol sounds kinda agressive)

      Im just trying to make you so confused that you cant think or maybe noot (hahahhaha)
      Last edited by n0rMal; 05-21-2009 at 12:23 AM.

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by n0rMal View Post
      Well the pain can mean that the blood flow in your body goes strange when you go to sleep, or that you developed some kind of thought pattern that lead to the SP(or both)...if your not healthy it dosnt help...anyway maybe try to do some aerobic exercise before you go sleep so that it makes your heart and your arteries more relaxed(sorry if I sound retarded) ,or try any kind of exercise cause maybe it can work, if you do it and it only works the first few times then it may mean thats psycological or something, being drunk has the same kind of realising effect then exercise maybe ( I was never drunk), if you were 100 % aware of your pain and feeling completly alive the pain would probably disspaer or be meaningless, ok now I sound an exercise maniac but making exercise helps the brain and makes you more aware of your body and therefore of pain, I think the sort of stuff you have has to be "released" somehow, I know that when SP happens to me its because I was eager to be awake and when it repeats it self because I got anxious or fearfull of it so anyaway if this really upsets you maybe try out meditation( altought I think this is a bit complex).
      Im pretty sure that is not the cause. I run almost every day and lift weights 5 times a week.

      I am 18 and have always had sleep paralysis. I usually go under SP right after going to bed. The most earliest i recall was in my childhood and although i did not feel pain i was still paralyzed. The pain started when i reached my teens. Ive accepted it as a part of me and am curious if other cases exist.
      I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by n0rMal View Post
      Well the pain can mean that the blood flow in your body goes strange when you go to sleep, or that you developed some kind of thought pattern that lead to the SP(or both)...if your not healthy it dosnt help...anyway maybe try to do some aerobic exercise before you go sleep so that it makes your heart and your arteries more relaxed(sorry if I sound retarded) ,or try any kind of exercise cause maybe it can work, if you do it and it only works the first few times then it may mean thats psycological or something, being drunk has the same kind of realising effect then exercise maybe ( I was never drunk), if you were 100 % aware of your pain and feeling completly alive the pain would probably disspaer or be meaningless, ok now I sound an exercise maniac but making exercise helps the brain and makes you more aware of your body and therefore of pain, I think the sort of stuff you have has to be "released" somehow, I know that when SP happens to me its because I was eager to be awake and when it repeats it self because I got anxious or fearfull of it so anyaway if this really upsets you maybe try out meditation( altought I think this is a bit complex).

      P.S. My writing skills suck

      Edit:Try sleeping in a sitting position ( you probably already tried this?) do you adapt easily to diffrences in temperature, do you have tolerance to pain, have you done exams related to the brain, cause everything mental has its physical correlation even if we dont always see it, how old are you, if have you more info you think is useful please post like when and how they started, also just like dreaming thinking alot about it can make it hapPen more often maybe ( in your case I cant know cause I dont know you)...good luck I say in a dorky way ( lol if this kind of thing helps)...the more I know the less certain I am or not xD?IF you can be kind to me plz post everything else you tried ( lol sounds kinda agressive)

      Im just trying to make you so confused that you cant think or maybe noot (hahahhaha)
      Well, I kind of agree with what he's saying. While it's a more minor experience, I'll get a bad pain in my ear if I sleep on my side because I'm cutting off blood. Is it possible that you are cutting off the circulation, or laying on a nerve? I recommend seeing a cardiologist if you can spare the time. Even if that's not the cause, it could knock out a possible conclusion.

    9. #9
      Aka John
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      I strongly believe that things in dreams are related to our waking circumstances. If you are feeling pain, then your body is feeling stress in whatever area corresponds.

      When I first flew out of the atmosphere, my arms had a slight burning sensation on the top of them. I have felt this before in waking life...


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