If you go to Google, and you search chat bot, you get allot of programs where you can "chat" with them and they talk back. However, as a programmer it is obvious that they all have pre-written answers, and do not understand what it is that they are talking about (If you ask them what the topic of the conversation is, they just ask a question about something random). To me it seems like cheating. Anyone can make a huge database with allot of IF-Statements and return pre-written responses.
This kinda made me think about how you could make a real chat bot, one that can look at a sentence and then give you a real answer that was not pre-written. And have the ability to learn and ask if it does not understand and put that into a memory.
But, how would you do this without having a huge Text file that has answers and inputs stored in it?

Ive looked at neural networks, and different types of storage of information. It just dosen't seem realistic to have a real chat bot. I know that you can use a neural network for other things than text because you are dealing with numbers rather than text. Any thoughts?