• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DEILD Definition.

    DEILD stands for dream exit induced lucid dream. The idea behind DEILD is that you can train yourself to know when a dream is ending and use the upcomming REM periode to induced a lucid dream. Think of this as a quick WILD.

    Pre-DEILD attempt.

    The first thing that has to be done is to know when you are waking up after a dream. This can be done many ways. You can say a mantra (like in MILD) to train yourself to remember waking up after each dream. This is also called auto suggestion. The next thing that you can do is set an alarm to actually wake you up. Many people refer to this as CAN-WILD. If you use an alarm make sure it is one that will shut off by itself after about 4-6 seconds.

    I personally suggest using auto suggestion. It may be hard in beginning but it will pay off by giving you multiple lucid dreams a night. Using an alarm would limit you to one lucid a night.

    The second thing you need to do is train yourself into not moving or opening your eyes after you exit your dream and wake up. You can use auto suggestion with this as well, something like "When i wake up i will not move or open my eyes" will work just fine.

    DEILD technique

    Although DEILD may be simple it's definitely not easy, but with dedication you can have nightly lucid dreams.

    I suggest that before bed you pretend that your waking up in the middle of the night. Lay there as if you had just awakened, keep your eyes closed and stay still. I would go over this a few times in your head before going to sleep.

    The next thing that you should do is to start saying your mantra. Keep repeating it over and over until you fall asleep. You want your mantra to be the last thing on your mind. Remember you can use an alarm but I don't recommend it.

    When you do successfully wake up after a dream, without moving or opening your eyes it is time for the next step.

    Keep your eyes closed, think of the scene from your last dream, with every detail possible. You will soon be feeling a little bit of sleep paralysis, do not worrie because they are not as bad as when you WILD.

    You will soon find yourself in a dream. Make sure that you do a reality check!

    Chaining lucid dreams

    DEILD is often called dream chaining. Dream chaining is basically having a lucid dream and either making it end or letting it end, and then starting a new lucid dream. Starting a lucid dream from another lucid dream is much easier than having a normal DEILD since you are already aware.

    The benefit of this is that you can have many lucid dreams in one night, one after the other. Although you can pretty much have as many as you want, I recommend that you limit the number that you chain to 3-4 because you will start to forget the first ones.

    Pros of DEILD
    1. You can chain multiple lucids.
    2. If you get into the habbit you can have LD's nightly.
    3. This technique does not take a lot of time out of your day or night.

    Cons of DEILD
    1. You have a risk of forgetting one or more dreams that were chained into a newer dream.
    2. If you move or open your eyes, you will ruin your DEILD attempt.
    3. It takes a little time to remember to not open your eyes or move when you wake up.

    Tips for achieving a DEILD
    • Wear a sleepmask when you are going to sleep.
    • When you wake up you will feel the pressure of the mask on your face and remember to stay still.
    • Use the alarm only during the first attempts, then avoid it.
    Remember to always stabilize the dream.

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      By Dream Guide Team in forum Articles
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      Last Post: 07-28-2008, 01:25 PM


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