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    Dream Reentry Tutorial

    What this tutorial covers:
    • Dream reentry via WILD
    • Dream reentry via "Void"/visualization technique
    • Extending LD duration.
    • Changing dreamscape via "Void"

    This technique uses "rapid" midnight awakenings to achieve lucidity. Every night a person can experience a number of awakenings, that may break of finish his/her REM cycle. They may be caused by various things, but the main thing is to find yourself awake.
    The human body has certain defensive mechanisms that preserve the continuity of sleep and counter such awakenings. My technique utilizes these defensive mechanisms to induce lucidity.

    There are few things that can tell you that your awakening is suitable for following techniques:
    -it is very fast (literally dream ends and you find yourself in bed in the matter of seconds)
    -it is forced (you somehow make dream stop and wake up)
    -it resulted from faded dream/ld and you find yourself in bed

    These awakenings are not very suitable for this technique
    -Nightmare awakening
    -Ending of a sex dream
    -False awakening < may or may not work...

    Dream Reentry Via WILD

    So you found that dream abruptly ended, and you are in bed.
    Here's what you should do to reenter dream via WILD.

    -Quickly realize that you are awake.
    -Become a bit aware of you laying in bed (sounds obvious, but it's important)
    -Preferably don’t open your eyes
    -Don’t move much
    -Don’t start to think about things you'll have to do in the morning
    -Relax and let yourself fall asleep while being conscious

    If you really broke your REM cycle and didn’t become too awake, there's a great chance that you will experience genuine WILD within 1-5 minutes. It is important to ignore body/sound/visual hallucinations as you enter WILD (they can trick you out of lucidity). In case you are not experienced with WILDs and you fail to enter a dream remember that WILD utilizes body's urge to enter dream state, thus you can "chain WILD" until you finally enter a dream. Generally it will take about 3-10 min between chain WILD onsets. Thus it may be more beneficial to "abort" WILD if you feel like you are about to lose lucidity and repeat the technique.

    Advantages of this method:
    -Experience WILD
    -Almost 99% chance of lucidity if exercised correctly
    -Sometimes you can turn WILD into an OOBE
    -WILDs often result in high level lucidity

    -entering WILD may be tricky
    -entering WILD may be somewhat unpleasant
    -chance of losing lucidity while entering dream

    Dream Reentry Via "Void"/Visualization Method

    This method is very similar to "reentry via WILD", exept it is more advanced and has more potential.

    -Quickly realize you are awake
    -Become aware of you laying in bed
    -Dont think/move much
    -Focus on the last scene of a faded dream/LD
    -Keep your mind focused on that scene
    -Within seconds you will see/feel that scene come alive and absorb you
    -Next, you will find yourself in that environment
    -Be careful, and let scene settle, meanwhile test your ability to reason
    -Move your fingers to check if you are fully in a dream (premature movement will also move body in your bed and will result in a very shaky lucidity)
    -You are lucid now, and amazingly you will find yourself at the exact spot last dream ended (with the same DCs/events/scenery)

    Advantages of this method:
    -Generally it's faster
    -Can result in higher lucidity then WILD
    -Almost no chance of losing lucidity while entering dream
    -No WILD symptoms
    -Same dream (so you dont start all over again " class="inlineimg" /> )
    -Best way to prolong already lucid dream if it fades

    -Works only with clear scenes
    -Has a good chance of failure in inexperienced users
    -If you reenter a dream more then 4 times, you gamble with your recall
    -Repeating reentry of dreams can somewhat impair quality
    -Some scenes are impossible/hard to visualize

    Notes on this method: You should choose a static, clear scene, very close to the end of a faded dream. Moving objects/people should be visualized as static. If fading dream scene involves a lot of movement, try to stop all movement (in car chase, imagine yourself on the side of a road)

    Additions: I assume it is possible to use this method to enter any dream (all you need is a clear scene in your mind), but it may be harder

    Extending Lucid Dream Duration

    -Find yourself in bed or darkness ("void")
    -Dont move at all
    -Find the last scene of a faded lucid dream
    -Replace moving objects with static objects
    -Focus on the scene and wait to reenter it
    -Upon reentry, wait for dream to stabilize
    -Check if you can still feel your body by moving your fingers
    -Once you will feel yourself fully in a dream, proceed and have fun " class="inlineimg" />

    -MUCH longer LDs
    -Makes yourself more comfortable , knowing you have ability to reenter a dream
    -During reentry, you can try and manipulate dream's properties (like gravity, inertia, level of control and so on, but it's not easy)

    -If you become greedy and reenter a LD many times over, you are gambling with your recall of initial LD or details (dont be greedy " class="inlineimg" /> )

    Notes: So far I used this method to reenter a LD up to 5 times, with no considerable loss of quality.
    You need to reinforce lucidity with every new reentry, as lucidity level generally degrades with each new entry, but it can be reinforced.

    Changing Dreamscape Via "Void"

    This is still an experimental concept, and I didnt have much experiments with it.
    Theoretically you can replace your "focus" scene with any scene you are familiar with. That offers a lot more possibilities. But remember, it's still an experimental technique, so proceed at your own risk " class="inlineimg" />

    Created by , 08-21-2004 at 02:43 PM
    Last edited by , 09-21-2010 at 10:56 PM
    Last comment by on 08-21-2012 at 05:52 PM
    1 Comments, 31,432 Views


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