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    Sleeping disorders

    This Tutorial is to help you or someone you know that may have a sleep disorder to possibly find witch disorder it may be.

    The fear of sleep. Defined as "a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of sleep", each year, this surprisingly common phobia causes countless people needless distress.
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    sleep disorders

    Sleep Deprivation
    Many Americans don't get enough sleep to remain healthy and feel alert during the day. Recent studies have shown that Americans sleep an average of 7 hours each night rather than the 8 hours recommended by sleep experts.
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    Sleep deprivation links *
    information on sleep deprivation
    What is sleep deprivation

    What is Narcolepsy?
    Narcolepsy is a disabling neurological disorder of sleep regulation that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. It may be described as an intrusion of the dreaming state of sleep (called REM or rapid eye movement sleep) into the waking state. Symptoms generally begin between the ages of 15 and 30. The four classic symptoms of the disorder are excessive daytime sleepiness; cataplexy (sudden, brief episodes of muscle weakness or paralysis brought on by strong emotions such as laughter, anger, surprise or anticipation); sleep paralysis (paralysis upon falling asleep or waking up); and hypnagogic hallucinations (vivid dream-like images that occur at sleep onset). Disturbed nighttime sleep, including tossing and turning in bed, leg jerks, nightmares, and frequent awakenings, may also occur. The development, number and severity of symptoms vary widely among individuals with the disorder. It is probable that there is an important genetic component to the disorder as well. Unrelenting excessive sleepiness is usually the first and most prominent symptom of narcolepsy. Patients with the disorder experience irresistible sleep attacks, throughout the day, which can last for 30 seconds to more than 30 minutes, regardless of the amount or quality of prior nighttime sleep. These attacks result in episodes of sleep at work and social events, while eating, talking and driving, and in other similarly inappropriate occasions. Although narcolepsy is not a rare disorder, it is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed only years after symptoms first appear. Early diagnosis and treatment, however, are important to the physical and mental well-being of the affected individual.

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    Insomnia ( Insomniac - a person who suffers from insomnia)
    The abnormal inability to sleep. effects * tiredness
    * lack of energy
    * difficulty concentrating
    * irritability
    * lackluster feeling
    * lack of productivity
    Help links:
    Patient resources
    helpful hints to get to sleep
    Forum Post = Insomnia, sleeping pills & being Lucid.

    Sleep apnea
    A persistent problem where a person stops breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer.
    There are three types.
    1. Obstructive
    2. Central
    3. Mixed

    Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)
    Also called phase lag syndrome, is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. However, unlike jet lag and the effects of shift work, delayed sleep phase syndrome is a persistent condition. In clinical settings, it is one of the most common complications of sleep-wake patterns.
    Different from insomnia
    Patients with DSPS may initially refer to their symptoms as insomnia. As soon as people deviate from a normal sleep pattern, they tend to assume that they are not capable of sleep at all, but this is not true. Patients with DSPS are able to get plentiful sleep; it just differs from traditional sleep-wake patterns. DSPS makes it hard to wake up in the morning when simultaneously indulging in a late night sleep routine.

    Help links:
    Sleep Channel

    Advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS)
    Advanced sleep phase syndrome is a disorder in which the major sleep episode is advanced in relation to the desired clock time, that results in symptoms of compelling evening sleepiness, an early sleep onset, and an awakening that is earlier than desired.

    Help Links:
    Sleep disorders
    Cicadain Sleep disorders association

    Nocturnal myoclonus Also known as (RLS) Restless leg disorder. Or (PLMD), Periodic limb movement disorder. Can cause restlessness and difficulties sleeping.
    A condition characterized by sharp muscular twitches that occur during sleep.
    # May be at rest or during sleep
    # May affect the arms
    # Need for rubbing or stretching or walking to relieve the discomfort
    # Muscle twitching
    # Burning sensation
    # Pins-and-needle feeling under the skin
    # Ants crawling under the skin
    # Depression
    # Insomnia -- difficulty sleeping
    # Day time sleepiness or fatigue
    # Marital problems

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    Created by , 01-01-2005 at 06:52 PM
    Last edited by , 09-21-2010 at 10:54 PM
    0 Comments, 18,533 Views


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