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    1. Dream Bits: Car Thefts, Walking Through Walls, Paranoid Realities and The Custody Suit

      by , 11-16-2013 at 08:34 AM
      11-01-2013 -- Dale is just starting to arrive for a vacation ... or perhaps he is just about to leave. It's a dream ... who knows for sure. I am looking into a hotel room somewhere down around Disney, and it turns out to be the hotel from the dream The Affair and the Time Travelers Hotel, though this time it does not involve any time travel. I am looking for a cheap room, though I have no idea how I ever might pay for it. Regardless, when they quote a price that is far too high, I start considering maybe driving over to the Record Parkside Inn (a hotel in Kissimmee that I stayed at for a few days back in June or July) and trying to get a room there.

      Somehow I am rolling around in the hotel lobby in an odd cross between a wheelchair and a rocking chair that I just found sitting in the lobby, though it is slightly messed up, and it can only go backward, not forward, which means I am rolling the thing around without being able to see very well just where I am going. I move out into the parking lot, looking for my car. I can't remember if I was driving the Jimmy (my car) or the Lexus (Joe L's car), but whichever one I was in, neither one is anywhere in the parking lot, which means I have had another freaking car stolen! [Never in real life, but all the time in my dreams.]

      The problem is, I couldn't lock the doors, but I had my notebook computer and a musical keyboard in the front seat, and even worse than losing the car (since they always seem to be returned eventually, always in a little worse shape than when they were stolen) is losing my computer. I go back into the lobby long enough to try and drop off the wheel/rocking chair, but the problem is as I try to get out of it, the thing falls to pieces. One of the maids is kind of grumbling about it, but waves me off.

      I head back out to the parking lot to look around a little more and make sure somebody didn't just move it to the side or something, and as I am looking around, I am approached by a very tall blonde woman (at least 6'6", maybe closer to 7') who greets me by name and seems to know me, though I don't recognize her, and she seems to be somebody I would remember. She says I helped her by giving her a tour a couple of years ago or something. (Since the hotel was in a time travel dream, who knows, maybe it is a couple of years from now.) Anyway, she asks me how I am doing, and I start ranting and raving about how people are always stealing my car.


      11-01-2013 -- I am in the front bathroom in the Hickory house, and am filling the sink with water. I add some soap, then start throwing some clothes in, and it seems I am trying to use the sink for clothes washing or something, but it is too small, and it is just about to overflow. So I start grabbing wet clothes from the sink, and start throwing them into the tub (which is also filled) instead. Problem is, the water is still running, and the sink is about to overflow, and I can't get it to drain, either. Especially since the drain seems to be blocked by bits of lego and stuff. Then I discover I wasn't paying enough attention, and along with clothes I was also throwing in stuff like video tapes and books and comics and stuff, none of which is likely to be improved by being dipped in hot, soapy water. I am trying to get the stuff out, hopefully without ruining it all!

      Soon I find myself standing outside the house (which almost instantly turns into a hotel) talking with my mom. She plans to enter the hotel, but we're a good distance away from the door, so I am commenting on how she is going to have to walk a good ways. She says that she and the others have learned to cheat, and as I stand there and try to figure out just what she means, she turns around and just walks right through the wall as if it wasn't there. I am already shocked, but then my mind is fully blown as a group of five or six women, probably ranging between thirty and fifty, walk up. They are all gorgeous, excellent bodies, large breast, completely nude ... and they must be the 'others' my mom was referring to, because they walk right through the wall without a hesitation. I decide on the instant that if they can all cheat, so can I. I turn and try to walk through the wall. I can kind of do it, but obviously I have not practiced, as I get stuck halfway through, and have to kind of push myself the rest of the way. Then I go off looking for the lovely women. Short, but fun.


      11-02-2013 -- [This may have been anything between 1 and 3 dreams that I kept fading in and out of when I wasn't sleeping well. Very disjointed, and not very detailed.] Very Buffy-ish feeling, though I cannot specifically recall any characters from the show, just the sort of atmosphere. I am in a bedroom somewhere, and I feel like I am being watched. I turn my head, and it is like I can almost see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I look directly at it, all I see is a small squiggle on the wall. I reach out to touch it, and something just feels wrong, but if I close my eyes and touch the spot, there is something large there. I give it a solid tug, and something large and black (and previously invisible) somehow thuds to the ground. It seems to be a weird sort of camera, and between the not being able to see it, and the odd feeling to the whole dream, it is seeming very other worldly, very "They Live". I find myself awaking (or possibly false awaking) and breathing heavily, not sure if I am really waking up, or being somehow forced back into not being able to see the controlling stuff that is really there. VERY freaky.


      11-02-2013 -- I am at the Disneyland Hotel in the bar that used to be Sargeant Preston's, but is now just a generic bar, and mom and BC are here with me. We are involved in a court case (which seems to be being judged here in the bar) and Anne is trying to take C away from B. Mom is helping us with the case, and so we offer to buy her a drink, but she turns it down. She may want to keep a clear head, which would, admittedly, make a lot of sense. B has mentioned how Anne has multiple personality disorder [wouldn't that explain a lot?!?], and we are trying to trigger a switch to her very psychotic personality, because if the court saw that, there is no chance that they would ever award Anne custody.

      Eventually we win the case, but even after it is all over with, mom won't allow us to buy her a drink. Meanwhile, we run into a reporter who is doing a report on the whole case, and is quoting a Bible verse about Paul, and saying it is called the second amendment. I tell him the Bible doesn't have amendments, and then proceed to explain how he is also taking the verse out of context and twisting its meaning, and he eventually stomps off in a huff.

      Soon B takes C home, and I start wandering around the hotel, circling the main building. For some reason my pants are falling down, and I have my underwear on top of my pants instead of underneath, so it is really a problem. I am kind of hiding behind a large electrical transformer and trying to pull my pants up before I start grabbing bits of metal and wire and electrical parts, and for some reason start swallowing them. I find myself in a cross between a laundry room and a sort of mobile home park decked out with lots of picnic tables, and I soon find myself trying to bring back up all the crud that I swallowed without either becoming terribly sick or tearing up my innards, and find myself wondering why I was stupid enough to start swallowing all the stuff, anyway.
    2. Freeway Problems and the Lauderdale Accident

      by , 11-13-2013 at 07:53 PM
      11-10-2013 -- Driving in an area that is a cross between Downtown Orlando and I-5 in California. It is one of the dreams in the busy freeways / construction zones category that I often have. I was heading north for a few minutes, approaching Downtown Orlando, then turned around and found myself heading South, just to find I was on I-5, approaching the Anaheim Plaza exit. There is a train track running parallel to the freeway, and I am somehow pointing out places where the tracks would switch, and theorizing on how the switchings would affect freeway traffic. (Since they are parallel, but unconnected, in real life it would have no effect, but this is a dream, after all.)

      I wave to a cop on the freeway shoulder who is a friend, and am listening to Z88.3 on the radio. Soon I continue on the road, and I-5 has turned back into I-4, and then (as I am still heading south and I-4 runs more east/west) find myself on the Turnpike, instead. I am heading far south, though I am not sure if I am doing mystery shopping or delivery work. Soon I find myself down at an automotive shop next to a gas station around Fort Lauderdale or so. I am puttering around this seemingly abandoned shop, and come across a bag of some kind of chemical that is used in repairing cars, and since it just seems to be sitting there, I stick it in my backpack.

      I wander around a little bit, and find myself on a slight hill, looking at a short (about four feet tall) fence separating me from a gas station with another auto shop as a part of it. It is a station where I have often been in dreams before, and I have also had work done there before on my scooter. I try to climb over the short fence, though my knee is giving me troubles, and I also get a little too close to a kid in a red baseball cap, which seems to make the adults in the area (his parents?) a little nervous. But I ignore them and move on. As I approach the gas station, I find out that they are working on my scooter once again, and are warning me that they probably won't have it ready until tomorrow. I have no money, and no other transportation, and I'm thinking to myself that I guess I will be spending the night sleeping in their parking lot. The guy then tells me "And you can't stay here!" Darn! But on the other hand, my car (yes, it is now a car) is ready.

      I guess I am half driving it to the payment counter, and half making a delivery, because I pull up to a spot that is not a parking space (like the diagonal white lines that aren't a parking space, but mark off extra space next to a handicapped spot) because I am only going to be here for a moment, either making the payment, or making a delivery, but the guy goes nuts, and tells me I am not going to park there, even for a moment, and he doesn't like my attitude, and they probably won't use our services any more because of this! He's really mad, and it is ridiculous overkill. For some reason, Graham Murphy is standing there, and is agreeing with him, and I'm figuring I guess Graham isn't really a friend.

      I say I will move the car, and am walking toward it, but the guy won't allow me to. He is now searching through my backpack, and finds the bag of chemicals, and claims it is his, and is now after me for stealing, as well. Graham, meanwhile, has taken my car keys, and is moving my car, himself. I call out to him and tell him that he doesn't have my permission to do so, and he just took my keys, so it could be considered grand theft auto. Not going to have him charged, of course, I'm just saying .... Finally, I have had enough, so I push past the guy and make my way to my vehicle, which now seems to be a cross between an ice cream truck and a Mears handicap van. Graham is sitting in it, I guess I am driving him back to Orlando. The kid in the baseball cap is also here, and is asking me for a ride to where he is going, which is a bit north, probably around the West Palm Beach area. Graham explains he isn't really against me, he was agreeing with the jerk because he didn't want an argument, and was just trying to get us out of there quicker. How do I get into these things?

      So I am heading north on the Turnpike, until I suddenly find myself driving in a mall parking lot, wondering how the heck I got here, and why I am here ... I should still be on the Turnpike until West Palm Beach. I drive to the edge of the parking lot and turn on to the street. I am approaching the light, and right on the other side of the light is the entrance to the Turnpike. Problem is, the light turns red. I put on the brakes, but they are kind of soft, and I come much closer to the car stopped right in front of me than I would like ... on the other hand, I do manage to stop on time, so it's all good. Problem is, the car that is in the next lane over. It is also trying to stop, and going too fast, and in trying to stop, it clips the car in front of me, and sends it into a spin, and while it is spinning, it hits me. Graham gives out a curse, angry about more delays. So we have a three car fender bender, that was in no way my fault.

      I get out of the van, and am getting out my digital camera to snap some pictures of what happened, but Graham immediately begins to drive the van through the intersection and out of traffic. What was the entrance to the Turnpike is now a small, out-of-the-way cul de sac. Now understand, I planned to move us out of the way, but wanted to get a few pictures, first, to help make it clearer what had happened. So now the three damaged cars are all sitting in this little cul de sac, and I am taking pictures while waiting for the cops to show up. Another guy tells me not to bother, because he is taking video footage of the whole thing, but I still plan on taking my own pictures. One of the cars contained a lady and a kid, and they are leaning against their car (I think the one that got clipped) and there is an elderly couple who were in the car that started the whole thing.

      I glance back at the intersection, and find that there has been another accident, and this one is really bad. There are some severely mangled vehicles, and I can see them stuffing bodies in body bags as cops direct traffic, and fire trucks and ambulances drive off. I tell the people around me that it may be a while before the cops can get to us, but remind them at least none of us got hurt. Meanwhile, the side of my van shows an advertisement for coffee machines and supplies, and there is a lady standing there that wants me to come in to her place of work an install a coffee machine right now. I'm wondering about a company that does both courier work and coffee services in the same truck, and trying to explain I am not a part of the coffee side of the business.
    3. Buying Blue Cherry Pepsi Snowcones and Filming Babylon 5

      by , 11-16-2012 at 08:05 PM
      11-16-2012 -- Lost the earlier bits, whatever they might have been. But there was something earlier, because I was coming from somewhere and from doing something when I find myself approaching a Circle K in Altamonte. But as it is, don't know what led me there.

      But as I enter this Circle K, I find a lot of people who are drinking some sort of Blue Cherry Pepsi that looks like it would be a raspberry soda, except the name is certainly cherry. I'm considering looking around for one, wanting to try it, but the little kids who are running around me can't quit talking about how good of a snow cone it makes, and I have to admit that sounds good.

      Somehow there are these odd hanging containers of shaved ice for the snow cones on the product racks on the shelves, but of course all the shaved ice inside is melting and dripping all over the floor. I grab a snow cone cup and fill in with some of the ice, then head to the counter to get more ice and some flavoring.

      The person at the counter takes my money and fills up cup up nicely with ice (somehow seems like far more ice is put in than could ever fit) and adds a lot of flavoring, but then she never ends up handing the cup back to me. I wait for a bit, but more and more customers keep coming in, and soon the mayor of Altamonte (who seems to be Kristian Truelsen) comes in and is giving some sort of award or something, and I have no luck getting the lady's attention to actually get my snow cone back.

      I decide I'll try the drive-thru and see if I can get her attention that way. I exit the building and climb in to what seems to be my dad's truck. (A somewhat large work truck with all sorts of tool boxes and things on it.) I can't drive it very well, and keep ending up in narrow areas rather than the proper drive-thru lane, but eventually I reach the window, and finally manage to get my snow cone. Problem is, with all the time we've wasted, its half melted.

      I drive across the street to the parking lot of a gym, and park, then try to eat the snow cone. Problem is, it tastes utterly horrible, and all waxy. I think it is some sort of buildup coming off the paper cup and onto the ice, but for some reason, it spreads, so that there may be a tiny half-inch cylinder of ice in the middle of the snow cone that doesn't taste bad. I toss the darn thing away.

      By this point I am now inside the gym, and seem to be being attacked by Mayor Kris and his thugs. They are kind of chasing me around, and I end up somehow kind of creating some sort of clear bubble around them that traps them and floats in the air. I'm just kind of forcing the bubbles to appear around them, and they are stuck there, just kind of floating in mid-air. As I manage to trap them all, Kristian kind of turns into some sort of evil version of Santa Claus, and is swearing he'll have his revenge.

      I find myself standing in the middle of an intersection, with cars zooming all around me. I am somehow forcing them to stay in their proper lanes as they turn the corners to avoid hitting me, and this makes some of them angry. The ones that start getting too angry, I kind of point to the subway stations, where people are waiting for trains to arrive.

      At one of these subway stations, I find myself facing somebody in one of the blue uniforms of EarthForce Security from Babylon 5. The random security guard is joined by Claudia Christian. (Not Susan Ivanova, Claudia Christian.) Somehow I have gone back in time, and wherever I am is where they are filming the second season of Babylon 5. As we stand here in the subway station (which may somehow be the film set for the station) I am telling both actors how much I enjoy the show.

      Somehow there is something about the extremely minimal bedroom that Bruce Boxleitner is staying in, and then things change to where I may be staying in another such minimal hotel room with Claudia. Hey, this could be a really cool dream if I didn't wake up right at this point!
    4. The Bookstore, the Adventurers Club and Flying

      by , 11-14-2012 at 08:02 PM
      11-10-2012 -- I'm working somewhere (restaurant, I think) right at the shift change, counting out a cash drawer. I somehow have to pay out $40 for a last-minute transaction, and while it is perfectly correct and accurate, it makes me look bad, so I am not happy about it. Don't know why, but at first there are some of the female performers from the Adventurers Club around. Anne is here, as is Susan, and even the small redhead (whose name I have forgotten for some reason.)

      The place seems to at least partly be a very large bookstore, though I am not sure where it is. As I wander around, I find myself also running into childhood friends who I now see on Facebook, including David D. and Brian W. I find a large box of gems connected to Runescape that I've taken in, and am keeping track of, and there are hints of Babylon 5 and Captain Sinclair, but nothing detailed enough to note.

      The bookstore (or is it a library) is getting bigger and bigger, and as I go through the shelves I am finding lots of great books I am interested in. I know I come across some Mad Libs books, and some of those maze collections I was interested in as a kid. I think I saw a couple of the superhero books I was trying to get from the Anaheim Public Library, and an omnibus collection of PG Wodehouse books that includes Do Butlers Burgle Banks? But even as I am looking through all these great shelves of books, more and more of the bookcases are starting to disappear.

      As more and more of the shelves and books are just kind of disappearing, I find myself worrying that the store is going out of business, which would mean much less chance for me to get the books I want. Somehow in the middle of all this, Anne is there, trying to perform as the maid. Susan and 'Red' are also here, and Susan seems to be really trying to build me up. She is talking about what a great friend I am and how I am brave and loyal (and possibly valiant to the end, though I didn't register it at the time). I think she is trying to set me up with somebody.

      She is trying to calm my fears of the bookstore closing, figuring since she works there she would know about it if it were really happening, but she can't come up with any reason why so many shelves of books are disappearing. One of us makes some sort of comments about a dream and the redhead or something, and with Anne also in the picture, I find myself worried about absurd stalking charges or something, and decide to change my story slightly by saying "Oops ... wrong dream."

      Soon Susan is leading me through almost flea market stalls to reach another big used bookstore, but to get there we pass right through 'Red's stall, which I fear could lead to even more misunderstandings. By this point, I am almost kind of flying around, and while I have kind of known without knowing (if you get what I mean) that I have been dreaming, by this point I am kind of consciously starting to realize it.

      I can see the Magic Kingdom and some of its rides a short distance away (probably some of the mountain rides), and since I look around and find nobody good looking in the area, I decide I'll fly to the park to try and find somebody for sex. The problem is, I suddenly can't fly very well, and find myself getting tangled in trees and wires and stuff.

      I find myself remembering the dream where I flew across the whole country in a matter of minutes by flying really high in the sky so the nation was spread before me like a map, then just plunging to the ground where I wanted to be at, but I can't seem to do that in this dream. Instead I find myself listening to rock music while arguing with locals who wonder why I don't want to be their best buddy!
    5. Car Wrecks, Disney, and a Flesh Eating Plague

      by , 10-11-2012 at 06:24 PM
      10-10-2012 -- I think I am out somewhere on Disney property, perhaps around the general Pleasure Island area. I am being driven around in my new white car by Chris Bean, whose driving, unfortunately, has not improved. Within a mile or two, there is a car stopped in front of us that he hasn't noticed until too late, and he suddenly slams on the brakes. The car spins out like it was on snow in Omaha with no tread, (uncontrollable O-turn) then with a horrid crunch, the back of my car slams into the other car, doing great damage to both of them.

      Chris screams "Run!" and we both burst out of the car and run off. We seem to be in a downtown area that seems very familiar, and I think I remember it from other dreams. It might be London, it might not. Anyway, we are running three or four blocks to where I think I might have another car. The car Chris just crashed was an off-white, slightly bulky station wagon.

      Suddenly I find myself inside the Magic Kingdom, no idea why. I am on Main Street, kind of browsing the shops, and it seems a show has just gotten out, and I see some performers I know from the Adventurers Club walking past. One is Phil Card, another looks familiar, and might be the English Hathaway. Suddenly they are even dressed in Club costumes, though they weren't a minute ago. There are two female performers, but they aren't in Club costumes, and I don't recognize them. One is a white blonde who is really small, even smaller than the redheaded performer whose name I don't remember at the moment. The other is a big black woman who I think I know from TV, but in the dream I just can't place. In real life, it might have been Roz from Night Court.

      I seem to be being followed by a couple of people who are trying to get me to do a balloon gig, but are warning me they can't pay me enough. On the other hand, they are telling me they are going to pay me twice for the same job, since there are two guests of honor, and since the two payments add up to about $120, I'm quite happy with that for a two hour gig. Problem is, they want to keep talking about it, and are going on and on, so I eventually duck into the tobacco shop on Main Street just to escape.

      They follow me, but they turn into Joel and Cheyanne, a friend, and a couple of their kids. I am trying to avoid them, they are trying to catch up with me, and Joel is stumbling around because he is blocking his face with his hands. It seems the old tobacco ads in the store have too attractive of women on them. Joel has somehow gotten addicted to pornography, but is trying to fight the addiction off, so he refuses to see the posters.

      I sneak off, going up and down the escalators that sure don't belong on an old-time Main Street, and Joel & Chey give up and start to wander off. Moments later they have piled into a sedan, and are about to drive off when I show up to hitch a ride. Within a few moments the car turns into my old light green station wagon, which they now somehow own. They are driving me to a rental car place or something, but Joel can't drive, either, and is soon almost running down kids in a crosswalk. He fears he may have hit one, and we're soon out of the car and looking around.

      We're now back in the downtown area from earlier that might be London, and Joel & Cheyanne quickly disappear. I am looking for two of my cars which I know should be somewhere close. I pass the pale green station wagon that Joel was just driving, but keep looking. Soon I come across the white car, but I remember that Chris Bean crashed it, and it is now a wreck. Actually the car I want is the one that I just walked by a few minutes ago. So I turn around and try to find my way back to the green station wagon.

      I am walking down one street where some police suddenly burst into the street with a bloody looking woman who almost seems to be some sort of zombie. Unfortunately her head kind of explodes, and suddenly there are fumes in the air that seem to be releasing some horrible sort of plague that may kill off half the world population. I rush out of there, not wanting to be affected.

      I run around a corner and see some more police, and am about to stop and ask them some questions, when I realize I know them. It is Horatio and his crew from CSI:Miami. But I realize that is a television show, so they must be filming an episode, and they certainly won't appreciate it if I walk into the scene asking questions. So I just keep looking for my car. I finally find it parked next to a curb around another corner.

      I turn to look at something for just a moment, and when I look back, the car is moving, being towed away. I am horrified, and start running after it calling for the guy to wait. I catch up with him about 70 yards down the street, and beg him to give me my car back. He tells me I'll have to pay for it, and I am scared I won't have the money since I'm broke and unemployed, but he tells me he needs $5 to release it, and when I look in my pocket I have a $50 bill. So he lets me have my car.

      It is filled with tons of my stuff, and I am kind of glancing through it, but I climb in and prepare to drive off. I want to go back the way I came, but behind me there is some sort of parade going on, with tons of black people. So I have to go forward, instead. I turn off on a small street, figuring I will wait for them to pass, then go back, but they follow me, so I still have to keep going in a different direction than I want.