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    The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey

    Hello and welcome to my dream journal. I try to journal all my most important dreams here, especially my lucids.

    I have a dream guide named Juliana. She takes the form of a twenty something witch that that looks a lot like Vin from Mistborn.

    Juliana also became a tulpa in October of 2021. Together we plan on fighting the evil witches in my dreams who seem to also know that is a dream.

    1. Spring Competition 2024 Night 5

      by , 04-03-2024 at 05:39 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Spring Competition 2024 Night 5 (DILD) 04.01.2024

      I am in a lucid dream where I am at some sort of amusement park and there is a bad lady mind controlling the workers. I go and use mind control to free some workers minds and then we spread out to free the other workers. It changes from an amusement park into a convenience store.

      After that I laid in bed for like an hour which is why I remember so few details of the lucid.