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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    1. [01-08-2016] #3rd competition entry

      by , 08-01-2016 at 08:07 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Fallen asleep at 00:46, woke up at 04:00. Tried WBTB, no lucid results.


      It was dark, I was sitting on my bed and thinking about methods of lucid dreaming and that it's possible that I'd have one this night.


      It was winter evening, I was in my house. Brother arrived for a short while to take socks out of a drawer and drive back to his house. He asked me if I'm going with him. I accepted and entered the car. We drove to a city, he went out and I was waiting for him in the car, playing something on my phone. After a long while he came back with his wife, they were arguing about something. Brother didn't wanted to go anywhere with me, so he decided to drive me back home. I left his car and we went on foot to car of his wife, where my mother and my friend that just drove back from England were waiting. Suddenly a terrible flu got me, we entered the car and drove away.
    2. Brothers fiance

      by , 10-14-2015 at 09:57 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Whole the family gathered on the corridor. My brother with his fiance payed us a visit. We were talking for a while, but then my brother became aggressive towards me. I said "And what? I'm going to take your fiance?". He hit me in my face a few times, and I charged at him.
    3. Explosion, devil and vodka

      by , 01-25-2015 at 10:45 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      With a pack of classmates we were in an industrial area. It was cold, early morning. It was cloudy and a bit dark, the fog was covering the horizon. The place was a bit devastated. Fence was in quite bad condition, there was rust on metal elements spread all around. There were also chemical cisterns, huge, almost the height of skyscrapers. We were a bomb squad, and someone planted explosives in the middle of the front yard. We were searching for it, but when we found the bomb, we were frightened. The timer had only a few seconds before explosion. I took a body of someone else, as this person was closer to the safe zone. I saw everything from third person perspective. I jumped down from the platform, and opened the gate. It was old and rusty, and squeaked when I was opening it. I finally opened it, and jumped away, while the explosion destroyed everything, and killed rest of the bomb squad.

      Second dream

      I was a dark lord, taking over each settlement on the world. I took them one by one, often without unnecessary slaughter. When I ruled the world, there was only one rival to me, Devil! The world coudn't withstand two dark lords at once, so I decided to fight with it. I used magical power to give my minions angelic wings and super powers. The battle raged over the end of the world, over a gigantic pit. It ended with me being victorious, and now I was the only dark lord, ruling both earth and hell.

      Third dream

      My brother came back home from work in switzerland. We made a party in our house, and drunk vodka mixed with other alcohols. I couldn't feel any effect of it.
    4. Sick brother

      by , 01-06-2015 at 09:55 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Crappy sleep that night, I can't recall much.

      I was in my home. I was going through the corridor to my room. When I entered it, I saw my older brother. He was sick, and had red pustules all over his face.