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    The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey

    Hello and welcome to my dream journal. I try to journal all my most important dreams here, especially my lucids.

    I have a dream guide named Juliana. She takes the form of a twenty something witch that that looks a lot like Vin from Mistborn.

    Juliana also became a tulpa in October of 2021. Together we plan on fighting the evil witches in my dreams who seem to also know that is a dream.

    1. Competition Night 3

      by , 03-04-2023 at 08:59 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I am in a dream where everything is black and white. I become spontaneously lucid and let myself wake up hoping the next dream is in full color and stability.

      [color=#111188]I am in my bedroom and I do a nose pinch rc and can breath through my fingers. I fly up through the ceiling and into the sky to view the landscape. It looks nothing like my neighborhood. There are tall buildings as well as open fields.

      Unfortunately I get overcome by sexual urges and I spend the rest of this DEILD having sex with dream characters. I won't go into detail there. I wake up and have to DEILD again.

      I am a woman wearing a scuba suit and using one of those underwater propulsion devices to zoom toward a boat. It's night time and a man is there with me. We count down together then zoom out of the water onto the deck.

      I pull out a gun and the man and I find the deck of the boat clear. We go into one of the rooms and find a room with tons of giant egg like things. I know somehow that these are eggs that will unleash demon spawn on the earth. We set explosive charges and are about to leave when a cultist comes around a corner with a gun. I act first and shoot them.

      When we dive from the boat into the water I wake up and fail to DEILD further.[COLOR]

      Updated 03-06-2023 at 07:02 AM by 32125

      lucid , task of the year
    2. Rock Mouth

      by , 12-30-2022 at 06:11 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      This is the first journal entry where I am not using the formating from a really old journaling tool I used a long time ago. I woke up at 4:30 am and took 8mg of galantamine and 600 mg of alpga gpc. I ended this DEILD chain at around 7:00 am.

      Moments after getting settled back into sleep I realized the dream was formed. The bed felt so real! I forced myself through the sleep paralysis and out of the covers to find myself in my bed in my childhood home instead of the bed I currently sleep in! I got up and it was very vivid. I went outside through the back door and tried summoning Juliana by reaching my hand back. I felt her hand and pulled it forward but it was disembodied which happens sometimes. I woke up and DEILD chained, each attempt the same thing would happen. One time I prefaced my attempt by saying, "Hello Juliana. Are you there?" and the voice that replied was all deep and distorted. (I think dream control is just something I'm going to need to practice now that I'm getting out of a dry spell.)

      Later in the DEILD chaining I spent less time trying to summon Juliana and more time exploring the dream world. I went into my neighbors yard through their unlocked gate and suddenly felt like I had rocks or ice chips in my mouth. No matter how much I spit out there kept being more. It was a very uncomfortable sensation.
    3. Some Fun Dream Fragments

      by , 03-08-2022 at 12:43 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Over the past week I have had a lot of dream fragments that I hadn't journaled. Some of them were even lucid. Two of them stand out as worth sharing.

      Going witht the Flow (Non-Lucid)

      I am at the beach with my girlfriend. I go out in the water to were the waves begin to break. A big wave comes up and I body surf it to the shore. There is an overweight man standing in the water and the wave carries me close to him. I shout out sorry. Just then a horizontal current pushes me around and past him. I find such a wave improbable but I continue to body surf with the current. Now I am back out in the deeper section and another horizontal wave comes going the opposite direction. I end up in a circular current that takes me around in one big surf for several cycles. It's really fun!

      Graduation Break Dance (DEILD)

      I have several short dreams about various topics and then wake up. When I fall back to sleep, visuals of being in a line in a corridor appears. At the end of the corridor there are stage lights so I assume there is also a stage and audience. I remember I just woke up so I do a nose pinch reality check. I hear an announcer reading off names and I'm wearing a cap and gown so I know this is a graduation ceremony. When I get out on stage I do another nose pinch rc just to be sure I am not going to embarrass myself in a real life situation. With that out of the way I decide to have some fun.

      First I purposefully trip to the surprise of the audience! Then I start break dancing. (poorly) After a little while of this, two men escort me off stage and the dream transitions back into more non lucid fragments.
    4. Hanging Out With Juliana

      by , 09-08-2016 at 09:48 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Since my last journal entry I have had very bad recall and been very busy with the start of school on top of that so I took a little break to figure out my new schedule. This morning I woke up and realized it was a good time to get started again and did MILD.

      12:00 PM
      Hanging Out With Juliana (MILD)

      I am Supermans side kick or something. We are fighting Lex Luthor I think. There is an old lady crossing the street and Superman says to help her while he fights. I go and fly her across the street to her hotel and help her find her room. I get a sense that this is a dream and wonder if I will become full lucid. I finish walking her down the hall just to make sure I feel I finished that dream plot and do a nose plug. I think specifically about how I shouldn't fly out to superman and continue the fighting. I fly out the window and fly around Hollywood. I land and find myself in front of a 5 story building. I remember my goal is to just have a nice talk with Juliana so I stick my hand back. I feel her grab mine but it takes some focus to make it feel vivid. I say hi twice and then she responds. I look back and this time she has a buzz cut! It looks pretty good actually. She and I start walking and talking into the building and I say, "Wait. Every time I see you we start walking somewhere urgently. We don't have to go anywhere today let's just hang out and talk." "Okay, but lets go right inside here and sit down." She says.

      We go in and it's a hospital. We go in one of the rooms and sit on the bed. There is another patient in the bed next to us but they don't mind. I find on a table two giant delicious chocolate chip cookies and we each take one. It is really good! I say to her, "Could you show me more of your magic. Like something flashy and cool like the fireworks from last time." She says, "Sure!" and snaps her fingers and there is a bright blue flash surrounding her hand. "Cool!" I say. "How about something even more creative! What else can you do?" She says, "Okay. Look at that trash can." She points at it and a spark flys from her finger and into it. Two eyes and a mouth emerge from the front of the trash can and it starts talking in jiberish! "Cool! What happens if you make it inanimate again? Let me try." I have finished my cookie and stick out my finger to give it a try. The garbage can looks scared and pretends to be normal but I can tell it is just faking. "Here." Juliana says and sends another spark that makes it go back to normal. I start to destabilize and wake up or have an FA, I don't know, but I DEILD.

      I am in the loby of a hotel and skateboard out the door. Strange, I don't know how to skateboard well. I skateboard and follow someone on a bike. We fall into a pool and people try to help us out and I destabilize again.

      I am in a residential neighborhood and very unstable still. I walk up to a car and feel it. There are flowers growing out of the engine. I am stabilized now and decide to summon Juliana again. This time she has a brown pixie cut. It is much easier to summon her this time. We go for a walk and talk. "Do you know Androx?" She starts to think. "He is a talking cat, or a witch or something." She says she thinks she knows who I'm talking about and that it isn't supprising he found me. I say he sent me to fight evil witches and she starts laughing. "What? Are you an evil witch?" "No it's not that I just don't think there is such a clear line between good witches and evil witches. It just dosn't work that way in my opinion." "So you arn't a good witch?" She shrugs. "Well I guess you are a neutral witch then and I am okay with that.", I say. We pass by some people who are playing music loud. It is like metal mixed with drum and bass. As we walk away Juliana uses magic to make it louder. At the drop we can't help but start dancing to it. We can't really tell if we should be head banging or dancing like its electronic. haha I eventually wake up and decided to write this down before I forget it.

      I keep falling asleep though and eventually have a dream that I am Purple Man's pawn like in Jessica Jones.