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    1. Mystery Shopping and Toll Problems (With Aliens)

      by , 08-29-2012 at 05:32 PM
      08-16-2012 -- [Three dreams from this night, since I have entered one, I am going to enter all three. Though this one I may not have woken well enough to fully write down, because I can't make the greatest of sense out of it.]

      There are hints of the Doctor and Amy Pond, though I can't remember any actual details with them (guess what I watched 6 episodes of, right before going to sleep?) I seem to be doing some kind of mystery shopping rounds that involve aliens that are swelling up like some odd sort of balloons. I have to take them to two specific places, and then they start to deflate and become safe.

      These two places, one is a fair distance to the north, the second is a fair bit to the south, and it overall feels like some of the BankAtlantic bank routes that I still dream of mystery shopping. Soon I choose a new second stop, one that is to the south, but much closer. Because I had been going much further south, after I make my second stop I head further south, rather than north, like I should have, and I soon find myself looking for a place to turn around.

      I try to turn around at a toll road on-ramp, and though I have not passed through the toll booth or gotten on the toll road, they charge me a $3 toll anyway. I am upset about this. The toll collector looks like the head vampire from the Doctor Who episode the Vampires of Venice, and she is listening to the radio which seems to be playing Randy Stonehill's "Who Will Save the Children" which she doesn't like because she doesn't like any music from the 70s.

      I go back to my car and try to turn around, and unfortunately I hit the curb. This really badly mangles both of my back tires, but they are holding together and still somehow retaining their air, so I drive off. It is Sunday, and a holiday, and I am really hoping they continue to hold together, because there is no way I can get them replaced today. I think this while driving through a closed automotive garage.