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    My Robotic imagination

    This dream journal will contain alot of mecha, Gundams, zords and transformers. I have been lucid dreaming for 10 plus years and look forwards to reviving my journal. Look forwards to reading your journals. Pleasant dreams!

    1. Strange Prime,games and kids

      by , 06-20-2018 at 06:48 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off this dream messing around with kids. We are in a large, strange room with a lot of cots inside. I'm laying down on one, trying to get rest when someone came up to me with DCs. I look at them and realized that they were games. One was a horror game like Jason Voorhees but it was different. It had a female character covered in fake looking clear gel like stuff. She was posed in a strange way, trying to look scary but really isen't at all in a realistic room with windows behind her. I Put that on down and seen other game that looked like clear CDs with most of the stickers and paint scraped off of it.

      After that the kids go to sleep but then something happens and there is a monster running around here. He looks like Optimus Prime from the Last Knight and he sees and starts chasing me. I ran out of the bed room and into another room where Prime followed me to. This room was a dangerous room that had a factory feel to it and Prime back handed something that was in his way but ended up hurting himself. His arm got snagged on it and it exploded. His arm was charred on the surface with bits of wire and pipe broken on it. He shook that off and he opened his arms up like he was about to hug me and I ducked just as he attempted to grab me but only got an arm full of air. I syked him out, running between his legs in which he tried to trap me in. Sometime had pass and I'm running out of a liking room with Prime behind me who is now a human size. I looked around and found an attic and started for that. the steps were very weird. There were made out of stone and flat. When I got to the attic I seen that the kids laying on the floor, shaped like heaps. They had moved there since it was more room and I didn't realize it. Not wanting them to get hurt I quickly turned around and seen that I was trapped. Prime was on his way up and I ended up jumping the whole flight of steps, surprising him and he ducked as I flew overhead. He turned into his monster mode that gave me a strange vibe and he ended up catching me. "I'm going to get you with my Prime mode." He laughed as he morphed into Optimus prime. He held me down on my back and forcefully kissed me on the lips with his unmasked face, laughing as he did so." Another Prime appeared from behind the bad one and pulled him up of off me. He looked down at me and I seen he was to same version and think he was angry because I like what was going on.
    2. almost forgotten Storm Megazord dream

      by , 11-10-2016 at 06:33 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off at some kind of park like place and was riding on something. What ever it was it tipped over with me on it and now I'm hanging on to a small thing on a rope. I'm upside down and there was water below me. To make things harder I also had one of my Megazords in my hands and didn't want to end up dropping it into the water and losing it. I'm trying hard to get up as what ever it was I was on slowly gave away until I fell completely into the water. It is a pool and I'm swimming around in it and dropped my toy in it. At first it remained together but then it fell apart and the pieces sank down. I was just about to go under and get the pieces when suddenly I began to see at first dolphins swimming around me but then they turned into baby Killer whales (the black and white ones), blocking my view and crowding me. I suddenly became lucid and told the dream that I didn't not want these here and to get rid of them now.

      After that I find myself in another dream with my Lucidity lost. There is some kind of Music playing and sounded peaceful and verse less. The place was mostly dark and looked like it was in some kind of sewer place. The Storm Megazord was there and he had a monster cornered and because of the music I wanted him to get the monster. The zord charged at the unseen monster, grabbing it into its arms and then I woke up just as the Music playing from my Wii U ended.

      Updated 11-10-2016 at 06:34 AM by 13650 (Forgot the tags)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment