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    1. Lucid: Do You Really Want to Mess with Me in My Own Dream?

      by , 12-24-2013 at 09:48 AM
      12-19-2013 -- [Sleeping poorly, kept waking up, but I think eventually I was only dreaming I was waking up. Weird stuff. Lucid. Sex, rape, and violence ahead.] I am driving along in Joe's SUV when somehow the power steering goes out, but it is really strange and kind of intermittent. I think I am trying to do some sort of mystery shop or something, though I am not really sure. Anyway the steering is almost impossible at one slow speed, and then works fine at another speed just slightly slower or slightly faster, and I am trying to get the perfect speed so that I can actually manage to drive the car. I think there is a tiny bit about talking to my sister (maybe), or perhaps not. The first bits are rather choppy, as again, I think I am drifting in and out of sleep. Maybe.

      I find myself at a hotel, and I seem to be kind of changing out beer barrel-like bottles of soda syrup for the fountain drinks, and as part of a mystery shop am somehow taking one of the large barrels and trying to load it into the bike with a basket that the car has turned in to. I manage to get it into the basket, and am trying to get the bike lined up so that I can try to drive out of here, when a couple of crazy (but kind of attractive) Oriental women come driving up in their car. I am somehow several yards away from my bike, all of a sudden, walking toward it, when they start to back up right into where the bike is sitting. I'm calling out "No!" and they are winking and smirking at me, making sure that I know that they know exactly what they are doing. They crush and mangle the bike between their car and the wall, and I am suddenly furious. Thing is, I know I am dreaming, but I am furious that they are intentionally messing with me.

      Spoiler for sex and rape:

      I am just about done anyway, when this rough looking character seems to want to come to their aid. I can tell that he is a thief, so I decide to get a little more revenge by letting him know that the two women (who are staying in the hotel) have something very valuable in their suite. So he leaves them and starts upstairs, to break into the suite. Meanwhile I just fly up the side of the building, sneak in the window, and grab whatever the valuable is, not only stealing it, but framing the thief in the process. Mess with me in my dream, will you? I'm casually making my way out the window when the thief triggers an alarm or something, and he comes rushing to the window. He throws himself out, using some kind of harness or parachute to slow his descent, and as he leaps, he spots me and realizes he has been set up.

      I have no harness, parachute or gadgets, but I don't need any ... its my dream! I fly down several stories, and fly into a parking garage, mostly under control, just slightly wild, and almost knock over a couple walking through the garage. I am not 100% sure, but they look like they are probably Rose and Mickey from Doctor Who. Meanwhile, police cars are screaming into the area to check on the alarm, and Rose and Mickey realize they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They duck behind a car as a police car drives by, swinging it's search light into the parking garage. (At this point I notice that the front of the police car is slightly crumpled, like it has been in an accident, though this fact has no affect on the dream.) I turn myself invisible before the cop can see me, but Mickey is getting more and more nervous, and suddenly makes a break for it, making himself look horribly guilty, and attracting the attention of all the police.

      He is quickly caught, and he has no reason to try and protect me, so he explains about the guy who flew out of the hotel and into the parking garage, and then turned invisible. The cop is kind of skeptical, but glancing around the area, as I try to shift away from him, it seems he can catch glimpses of my movement out of the corner of his eye. He suddenly calls out to all the other police that he caught a glimpse of one of "them", someone with some sort of power who turned themselves invisible. Suddenly I am backing up from a bunch of cops reaching out and grabbing for my invisible figure in a scene very reminiscent of Harry Potter backing away from Filch and Snape in the first movie. Suddenly there are six or seven cops, male and female, plain-clothes and in uniform, all chasing me. They can't see me, except a brief flicker in the corner of the eye, but that's enough to keep them crowding ever closer. A couple of them are blindfolded, to enhance their other senses, and one of them seems to be a strange whip-creature, flailing long, thin tentacles at me, trying to score a touch which I somehow know might poison me, and things are getting tighter and tighter.

      I make a break for it, and try to fly out of the structure, but somehow they have been getting ready for me, and there are strong, but thin, nearly invisible wires strung everywhere that I trigger and have to punch my way through to get out of the parking garage, and when I do, that drops a strong, heavy net on me. By this time, I have had enough. I turn visible as I tear apart the net, and am soon surrounded by the cops. I start to warn them off. "This is a dream. It is my dream. I am all-powerful in it." I point to one guy. "Your pants are going to fall!" Suddenly his pants are around his ankles. I point at another. "You're about to trip." He flops over backward onto his butt. "Sorry for this!" I point at another one and transform him into some sort of furry animal, perhaps a weasel. I can clearly remember another lucid dream I once had, where it was starting to turn into a nightmare (can be read here) and explain to the cops that I could conjure up a full-blown nuke and blow the entire dreamscape to kingdom come. "Do you really want to mess with me?!?" Most of the cops start backing off, but one big black cop (when I wrote the dream down, I knew specifically who he looked like, but didn't write it down, and now it is gone) is stupidly brave or an absolute idiot, and grabs me, so I tell him he is going to fall down and his stomach is going to explode. The others are seriously backing off now, but not quick enough to avoid being lightly coated with bits of blood and skin as his belly explodes over everyone.

      I start to fly off, but everybody who has been in the area is now convinced I am a god, and I am surrounded by people calling out for me to do things for them. Some are nothing more than greedy, selfish users who just want wealth and valuables, but many others are desperate, homeless, or horribly sick or injured. The ones who are truly in need, I feel for, but I am not god, I am just dreaming. I am only limited by what I can conceive of, but the mass of people calling out for help are large enough that it is more than I can conceive of. I land in a convertible next to a slim, attractive blonde woman, and I pull aside her top and start playing with her nipples, but neither of us are really into it. I just can't stop thinking about all these hurting people.

      Meanwhile, I spot another thin woman who is not so attractive, and is very hillbilly-ish. She seems to be a cross between the wife of the farmer who gets turned into the 'Edgar suit' in the first Men in Black movie and Cletus's wife on the Simpsons, and she is calling out for help for her husband, who cannot leave their car. I glance over at him, and he has a cheap mechanical heart made from a gallon milk jug, sitting in an almost non-existent torso, and is obviously in bad shape. This is at least somewhat beyond me, but I lay hands on him and start to pray for him, hoping I have enough faith to do some good. Thankfully new skin starts to grow around his torso, and I seem to have managed to bring forth some serious healing for him. One of their kids is a teenage daughter who no longer believes in anything at all, and I am trying to figure out some way to help her, but that one is going to take some thinking. They have a slightly younger son who is a little pudgy, and reminds me a bit of Pugsley from the Addams Family, who is working on some sort of school assignment, and is trying to make either a sword or a musical instrument (which it is changes moment to moment) from a bit of scrap, and I move over to him to start doing something.

      The mom is trying to stop me, not wanting me to do it for him, as she wants him to get whatever grade he earns, and learn from the experiment. Instead she calls out for me to just make him some candy or something. But she doesn't realize what I am doing. I am not making whatever it is for him, I am just changing the scrap he is working with into a very fine and valuable piece of lumber so that if he does fine enough work with it, the finished product may be worth a lot of money. Leaving him to do the work, but greatly increasing the potential value of that work. As soon as I finish that, I wave my hand and the candy the mother asked for rains down on both children.
    2. The Restaurant and the Impound Yard

      by , 09-11-2013 at 02:23 PM
      09-11-2013 -- Can't remember too much of the earlier parts of this, but I find myself down in the Lauderdale/Hollywood part of Florida, probably doing some mystery shops. I am tired, hungry, depressed, and I don't have much money. I think I need to find somewhere to sleep for the night and continue with the shops in the morning (happened frequently when I had a lot of shops in the Miami area, back when I had gas stations, banks, restaurants, and Kinko's locations all on the same trip) but I just don't have the money for it, and nobody seems to want to help me in any way.

      Finally I end up sitting in a restaurant, eating a meal, half falling asleep, and there is a bartender who is bringing me a huge bottle of whiskey, and seems worried I am going to get drunk or something with it. He shouldn't worry, as the shots I am pouring are very small. But I am just feeling very down and put upon.

      Soon I've stopped with the boozing and walked out of the place with a friend, and it might have been Keith, though I am not completely sure. The area is kind of a cross between the dog track in the Hollywood/Lauderdale area (which I know from doing gas stations and other mystery shops in the area) and the parking lot at (and across from) Pleasure Island.

      We're wandering, going somewhere that Keith has promised to lead me, and soon, even though I am still walking on pavement, it is kind of half walking in a shallow body of water, and a decent sized motor boat is near us, and we are trying to get close enough to climb into it, and Keith has arranged for a little sailing. The funny thing is, the person running the boat seems to be Brian Keith (Parent Trap, Hardcastle and McCormick) who I just watched about a week ago dressed as Sherlock Holmes in a couple of episodes of Murder, She Wrote.

      So we go for a small sail, which in dream time only lasts a minute or two, but probably represents an hour or two. Then we're dumped back in the parking lot. Keith has things to do, and is getting ready to leave, Brian Keith is heading off, and I am being just kind of dumped, still no money, nowhere to go, and I finally give up, nobody wants to spend a lot of time with me, or help me out too much, and I figure I should just get in my car and head back to Orlando. So I start walking through the parking lot, trying to remember where I parked, and even what I am driving.

      So I keep looking for my car, and cross the street in what seems to be the overflow parking, and I can vaguely remember I may have parked here ... but I look around the section of the parking lot where I think I would have parked, and can't find any car that feels like mine. Of course, since I only got the car about two days ago, and parked it there yesterday, I can't quite remember what kind or color of car it is, anyway.

      So I keep stumbling around, slightly tired, trying to find my car, when I start to notice the no parking warnings, and I begin to think there may be a good reason why I can't find it. As I look around, I find that this seeming 'overflow' parking is actually located in the parking lot of a police station or possibly a jail, and I see some cops talking, so decide to go speak to them and try to find out if my car might have been towed.

      I reach where the three cops are talking and joking at a sort of podium, but they largely ignore me, so I keep trying to speak and get their attention. But they are kind of loud and boisterous, and I have almost no voice, so it takes a while for them to notice me. Then two of them walk off, leaving me talking to a female cop with wild blondish hair (think a slightly heavier Alex Kingston) to speak to me. I ask about finding out if my car has been towed, and she says she'll check, and wanders off for a fair amount of time.

      She eventually comes back and tells me that, yes, my car has been towed and impounded. It is inside their facility, and I will have to go inside and pay a ticket or fine before I can get it back. Unfortunately she indicates that the entrance is on the other side of the building. I am on the northern end of the east side of the building, and I cannot tell from what she is saying if the entrance is on the south side or the west side, but I am hoping it is the south side, since it is a large building.

      So I start walking around the building. The part I started at was kind of like a small loading dock, and I walk a fair distance to reach the south side of the building, and though I find emergency exits and the like, I cannot find an official entrance, so I have to keep going to the west side. But as I reach the southwest corner, I find all kinds of traffic control devices in use. Gates that seem like railroad crossing gates, which drop down at high speed if you try to walk through the areas and don't belong there, and at least one steel mesh gate (think roll-up gate at a mall store) that comes down with great speed and could minorly crush someone.

      I'm almost running around trying to dodge these things, and not wanting to be forced to walk a long way around to get out of the parking lot and onto a side walk to bypass them, as it would mean a lot more walking, and I'm a big guy who is already getting kind of tired. But luckily I find one set of the crossing bars that are kind of short, and there is a gap of perhaps five feet between two of them, which is more than large enough for me to make it through, so I continue on walking through a very large warehouse-like loading dock area with many big rigs, and continue on until I find the entrance to the facility on the west side.

      I walk up to speak to a few cops at the entrance, and explain they have my car, and a bit about my situation (including having enough money to get gas back to Orlando or pay a small fine, but probably not both, and one of them takes pity on me, and tells me he can help me get my car back, and he'll make sure I can afford it. Unfortunately, he leads me all the way around the north side of the building, and then the east side on the outside of the wall, so I not only have to walk the entire east side outside the wall, but then have to walk almost the entire east side again, inside the outer wall, to reach the point I started from.

      But things have changed a bit since the last time I was here, and now, rather than being just a big, open parking area, it is more fenced in, with more of those dropping gates and train crossing-type gates, and I find myself at a place where I am kind of climbing out on a ledge, wrapping my arms around a pillar and trying to find my footing around it. The cop just walks past me and opens a door, not risking life and limb, and I look at him and say something like "even better." I swing back around the pillar and start to step through the doorway when I wake up.