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    The Erratic dreams of StaySharp

    1. Fragment Collection 18

      by , 05-10-2012 at 02:12 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      C&C inspired fight.
      I don't know exactly where the dream started but I was busy issuing orders to my facilities to produce heavy weaponry, one part of the map where I was on most of the time was looking a lot like some sort of huge kitchen. All the units were colored in silver-blue and they were shaped really complex and interesting, I remember running between a few bases always wondering why there are no units, thinking they might've been destroyed already.

      Boss sliding:
      It was a really long dream. It started with me being in some kind of presentation hall of this strange school but I don't really care and get going out of there together with some classmate. I immediately started to slide, gliding across the floor in slow and smooth movements, but picking up quite some speed. The building is colored in a strange gray, most walls and all floors are tiled. Eventually we come across a very strange and complex bath complex, it had some kind of water seats which were also equipped with plants, it apparently was a girls bath but they were already gone so I took a minute or two to explore it. Then I started sliding again and did it faster than before, damaging a bit of school equipment on my way.

      Spoiler for "Defeating" a pushy girl (Strong Sexual Content):
    2. Fragment Collection 12

      by , 02-10-2012 at 04:57 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Return to my favourite school:
      I was arriving at a border school (actually my first and favorite one) in a car and got ready to move in with my 4 bags, my mother stayed in the car and there was some young dude (who was a friend of me apparently) helping me and showing me around for a bit. Now there were small signs with the respective names next to each room so I searched through the building to find my room. I met some unknown people and the floors were looking very different (one even had totally wasted walls, that looked really bad) and I saw that half of the building seemed to be missing, outside it was bright day.

      Short Spytfire spin:
      I was flying in my Spitfyre and I explored a bunch of new ships of new classes. For some reason I had reduced flying ability so I occasionally crashed and had to reload. The two ship classes I remember best were the Reactor Ship (I even looked at the specs of this ship and remember it had an reactor output of roughly 12GW) and some new type of missile carrier. All those ships looked kinda similar as they were some prototypes I think. The sector in which I was is nothing else then an empty part of space with nothing else to see than a few stars in the distance.

      Spoiler for Some strange fun (Strong Sexual Content):

      Updated 03-07-2012 at 03:11 PM by 48127

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. The table around which schools revolve

      by , 02-03-2012 at 10:18 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was sitting at a table with my mother and had, breakfast? I was in a place I wrongly identified as my old elemental school. There was also some unknown dude at the table. He did something to which I reacted heavily provocated and like he successfully trolled me but the next moment I say something about a "cream cheese muffin" and we both start laughing. While still sitting at the table the scene and building around me changes to my second boarding school (still not really but closer to the real deal than before, mother and the dude vanish). I noticed that as I saw someone I knew from my second boarding school passing by. A girl called Vivien (which does exist there as well) was talking to me but for some reason I never understand one of the things she tried to say (probably due to a lot of people being around, what I understood was something like blow-dry [actually she spoke german and I understood "anfönen"]). As I told her I didn't understand she was saying it to some other girl so that she could try and tell me. The way she was speaking as well as her saying something like: "nothing will develop out of it, at least for now" made me think she might've tried to tell me something naughty.
    4. Fragment Collection 7

      by , 11-19-2011 at 09:33 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Musical Glide:
      The first dream of this night, I was in a open place on a way that went down a really long way. I sorta started to glide down there and the music (for the first time) involved primarily music (there was music in reality but the track in the dream was completely independent), it really got my bashed mood (fell asleep with a terrible mood) high up and simply induced an overall awesome feeling.

      Limes and Stuff:
      I was in a city and the dream primarily involved Limes (Green ones as well as unripe yellow ones) on a tree in the middle of a city. I remember having a conversation with a bunch of DCs about the limes.

      Odd memory:
      I was back in my old favourite boarding school. I was recalling different (unreal) states of my boarding school, especially two big ones, one symbolized by blue the other by red. There was also a logo for the school which changed together with the phase (the first logo looked a lot like the one of my current city).
    5. School Chase and the problem of color-blind cooking

      by , 11-06-2011 at 03:53 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This was my first dream I remember that involved a design which looked partially like a anime.
      Anime-Style: 3rd-Person view. Only 3 girls were still in the classroom, 2 of them were friends and were for some reason scared of the 3rd. The 3rd would always follow someone around, she seemed to be rather sad about the fact she was mostly rejected (she was looking rather normally, actually quite cute even). So the 1st stayed in the room while the 2nd would go outside to send two blasts in that would separate them so they that they could try to run. The 3rd didn’t give up though and tried to follow them as hard as she could, with a slightly disturbing voice she said something like: “this belongs to you”. She wasn’t trying to harm anyone though. They were running downstairs to get out of the school. The tiny pink bag the 3rd was trying to give them suddenly appeared at the handrails of the stairs. The 1st said out loud that she wouldn’t lose this race. For a moment I switched into the position of the 1st and felt the heavy g-forces of the race, strong enough to run along the wall for the last few stairs. Outside the 2nd said that the 3rd isn’t that bad.

      The dream switched directly over into another one with a liquid transition, the plot from before vanished, I was myself again and the anime style faded into something realistic. I was walking away from that school and there were 2 more guys there. One of the dudes talked about how he wasn’t allowed to do cooking as a job due to him being color-blind. The other said that his professor should have mentioned that. The first one said that on the contrary, they were always allowed to cook. I suddenly went another way across the dirt up to a big branch were a bunch of people were sitting on. I was fantasizing about how I could snap that branch to annoy the people, but the dream faded.
    6. Post apocalypse building with several differently high ground floors

      by , 10-04-2011 at 10:12 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in this building, it was pretty darn huge and it had several floors, which each were connected to the ground though, like each floor was connected with a different dimension. I think i was somewhere in the middle, it was a sort of classroom, there was grass in the room and it was generally more like a small rain protection roof with the class equipment standing outside of the main building under this roof. From there you could also directly walk outside into a green forest. I was currently schooled to be ready to partake in an exploration mission of this building and after the class was finished (the dream started just seconds before though) I was assigned to sector 22, while two others were assigned to 24 and 32/34 (don't know for sure but it was one of these two), the one with the highest number wasn't happy about it for reasons to come later.
      Sectors weren't the same as floors, as far as I can tell the first number is the floor and the second number a place inside the floor, however a higher first number would mean going deeper in the building so saying U2-2 might be more correct. Also the higher the general number the higher the danger since it seemed like several unspeakable things were lurking in this building. From the classroom (which is the "real" ground floor I think) I went into the building, from there on it was like a vertical tunnel (which I call 00), everything was looking pretty technical (I know it was going down to the mentioned sectors, but I think it might also go up). To get to sector 22 I had to go down the ladder (the place down the ladder called 10 by me), walk a few steps in some direction and remove a grid from the floor, below was 22. To get the sector 24 I would have to take the opposite direction from 10 onwards and probably go down somewhere there.

      Sector 22 was a computer room, I think I was in before already (not in another dream, I felt that due to what comes next). In the dream I rembered that I already exchanged the RAM of on of the local PC's, I gathered the leftover PC components (a few motherboards but primarily RAM, I even remember seeing the AMD logo) in a big plastic box, I was thinking about further methods of upgrading and I remember seeing one of those motherboards in detail, it was able to carry 6 processors of 2 types shared 2/4.

      Now there's some type of gap, but I don't think I don't remember it, I think the dream voluntarily skipped this part for the more interesting next one. I'm pretty sure I brought the parts back up and was assigned to 3X or went down on my own curiousity.

      Sector 22 had a quadratical shape 3m x 3m with 2 meter height. In the middle was a 1m x 1m quadratical pillar and around it were 1,5m walking space, lowered by some 30 cm from the 50cm rest to the wall. And in this walking space was a instable floor segment that I could kick through to get down to 3X. The thirty level had an entire different feeling, everything looked old, and the probably once white walls had light stains and a dirty yellow everywhere, and unlike 2X which was maybe slightly dangerous in 3x you could really feel imminent danger. From where I landed was a door directly in front of me (slightly opened), one to my left side, a small corrider to my right and a big hallway leading outside behind me. And looking outside I see a post apocalyptic scene, rotten grass, a dead tree, a small street and there were pretty strong winds. The hallway, the door-type as well as the tree and the street strongly remember me of the school building in my first boarding school.

      Unfortunately the dream ended at this point due to me waking up

      Updated 01-05-2013 at 07:51 AM by 48127

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Somewhat-Lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 07:16 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was dreaming that I was in a big complex, much like my old favorite boarding school (Talenta). It seems I was doing some sort of missions there, after one was finished I have been assigned to the next one together with a bunch of other people. I was apparently searching for something; I know that some sort of voice explained to me that in this mission, unlike before, everyone could stray through the complex at will to search. At the start of this mission it was day, I saw the complex from the outside a moment, it looked a lot more like my most recent school though.

      Some info: My old boarding school consisted of 2 Buildings which each were constructed out of 2 long blocks, connected through a thinner strand of building. Each of the blocks has one quadratic staircase, where 3 of the 4 sides had a stairway, and the last side was connected to the hallway that led to the rooms.

      I was in the second floor of this connection (unlike in reality, in the dream there were three floors in this connection). I walked around a bit and ended in the top of the stairway of one of the buildings. I went down the complete staircase without touching the stairs, only using the handrail and centrifugal force (I think somewhere at this point my awareness slowly started to rise). I went down a bit too far and nearly went into the basement, which was pretty dark; it also was night after that. I stopped, placed my feet on the floor again and normally walked up the few steps, turned left and went into the connection again. Somewhere at this point I looked out of a window, the scene I saw was a real place of my old boarding school (I think I kind of know what window I looked out of). At that part I also remembered that there should be new educators in this complex and that I should meet the new ones. In the night scene I saw an odd moving Zeppelin, that also looked pretty crazy, it had four arrays of strange constructions, and they were slightly glowing (I can’t describe that thing so I’m not going to try further). I finally came to the thought something was off and did the nose-pinch RC.
      I could breathe through my nose so I became aware that I was in a dream. However upon realizing, the scene drastically changed and I was in a big room with a green, grass like floor. There were a bunch of tables and chairs, and also a bar; however it didn’t resemble a pub at all (as far as I can tell it also was day again). On the green floor was a bunch of different Pokémon (pretty odd because I played some of the games but couldn’t consider myself a fan; I remember I first saw an Eevee and Lugia/Ho-Oh later). I remembered the TotM but there was nothing in my surroundings that I could use. Somehow my vision turned black, I still primarily felt like watching a movie, even though I was pretty much completely aware, “and now someone turned off the screen”. I did a reality check again and tried to get the scene back as I remember it, and the “screen was on” again (it was after that that small forms of Lugia and Ho-Oh appeared to be chased or followed by the others). I got to see a little bit more of the odd scene but woke up very soon after.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 11:09 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes , task of the month