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    My Robotic imagination

    This dream journal will contain alot of mecha, Gundams, zords and transformers. I have been lucid dreaming for 10 plus years and look forwards to reviving my journal. Look forwards to reading your journals. Pleasant dreams!

    1. Soundwave ambushes me

      by , 12-14-2019 at 01:51 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off in this dream already lucid from SP (Sleep paralysis). It is Night time and I'm in a dark unlit house, talking to my mom about what I'm about to do. She is wary about me going outside at odd hours of the night and I tell here that this is a dream. I go down to the basement landing where the side door is and I see two baby dinoes , one was a stego and I think the other was a trike. they were in the tiny hall circling eachother. "I like this place I said to my self" then turned to my mom who was now an owl. "I'll come back to here. I'm just gonna do a quick look outside. I head out to the door as my mom flies up into a large tree with pointy clear icicles on its branches. I took one last look at my mom and blew a kiss to her. She did the same, putting a feather over her beak and blowing me one back in return. I make it to the street that had barricades on each side. The cades looked like they were mixed and assorted metal like raiders would use to block off places in games. I see corrugated metal, various signs, construction barricades and some stop signs. I came out of an opening with barricades on each side of it and up ahead was another blocked off section of the road. I climbed over that and began to walk just up to the end of the street that only about a block in a half away. I can see it where I stand and started walking there. "Just gonna go there and back." Hoping I don't find anything which is usually the case. Soundwave was in mind on who I was looking for and about half way up to the corner, I saw something behind me.

      I looked back and at the end of the second block I saw some vending machines and signs there and saw soundwave there looking at the merchandise. He was very cartoony and not very detailed as the one I'm looking for. I turned back to the right direction I intend to go and continued walking. I actually hoped that I didn't find anything out here.

      Off to the right side was two brick building with a narrow alleyway. I guy on a bike came out and I saw that it was Soundwave! But he took off further up the street and I laughed and stopped. "hmm hmm hmmm! Of course!" I turn to cut the search short and as I did that, Soundwave rounded the corner towards me. I looked at him expecting him to drive away for ever but it didn't happen. instead he ended up driving over to me, parking the bike and with out getting off, leapt directly at me, grabbing on to me and nearly tackling me to the ground. I heard his unique voice make a sound then he grabs my arms and tried to pull me into he glass chest. I kicked him back but he didn't let go and yanked my face to his chest. It opened up and he tried to push my head into it and I start pushing on his chest, trying to escape from him and not get caught or eaten by him. I push on his chest, forcing it to close and would punch it every time he tried to open it up to put my head into. He was very big, detailed and stronger then me and in the scuffle ended up falling with him on top of me. I knew I was pinned under his weight and then he accidently headbutts me. I felt pain and he examines it, rubbing and kissing it. "oops" he says in his computer/ music voice. I elbowed him in the side of his head but he blocked it, brought his head up to mine and forcefully kisses me. I see a Gundam like face smootching me and he puts the red thing that sticks out on the chin gundams into my mouth.
    2. Optimus Prime coming after me

      by , 12-07-2019 at 08:11 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I'm playing a transformer game and someone was getting chased by Optimus Prime. I help the person escape prime and the escapee climbed up on a building and climbed up and over the top. I cheered when he got away and then Prime turns to me. I run and he comes after me I looked to see if he was still after me and he was "he's chasing me!" I continued to run as he rounded a building and then when I stopped running he came out the other side, nearly grabbing me. He was now so close that I can hear his footsteps and then he activates his Axe, trying to get me with it. This player didn't give up!
    3. Playing Jedi Knight and caught by a robot

      by , 02-09-2017 at 07:00 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I'm playing Star Wars Jedi Knight and it is very dark and hard to see. I'm practically blind as I walk around, looking only at things that I ca see in my mind. There is a robot somewhere running around,looking for me and I'm hiding from it. I trip over something and fell into some water but realized that I had to quickly get out of it. The robot has been in that water and the stuff from its body has made it unsafe to stay in. I feel all tingly and strange after I got out and collapsed. It didn't take long for the robot who I think was Tidalwave to find me. It pointed at me and started running at me. I got to run but it was too late. It pounced on me and landed on top of me causing my face to smash up against it's chest that were turrets. Yep It was him and he said something a pressed them against my face.
    4. Sweets and Tidalwave from Transformers

      by , 02-09-2017 at 06:52 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off in this dream in what appears to be upstairs somewhere. There were lights on and I was doing things until I got semi lucid. My mom was making cakes and stuff and I seen square pieces of cake all around. They were on the table on some on the floor. I got hold of one and started to eat it until I thought, what if it tastes like fecal matter. I ignored that thought and took a bite. It was sweet to the taste but not too much. I sat the rest of the cake down and then went downstairs. As I did that I see clear glass bowls filled with banana pudding. It had the Nilla wafers on the top almost looking like egg yoke and some yellow colored cream under them. There were many big bowls of them. What one earth is my mom doing was all I can think the say of this.

      Dream shifts or an FA. I'm watch transformers and a decepticon named Tidalwave tranferrs himself into some kind of Alt dimension. He is with a friend who was a dark colored robot, displaying greys and purples on him. Tidalwave seems happy as he began to explore this place that looks like it is outside somewhere with grass a sky and trees. He then starts to jump around joyfully running through the scene and I hear his deep voice laugh in enjoyment.
      lucid , non-lucid