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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    No order or method to the madness, just random dreams that I found interesting and worth keeping track of.

    1. Stubborn Food Cart in War Zone

      by , 07-24-2014 at 10:33 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      In a sandy environment, not much green anything around, I am with a few military people and we suddenly come under attack by people who have their faces and heads covered with big thin scarves. We are behind some sort of make-shift wall, with a few sand bags on top, and return fire. Outnumbered, about 30 to 5, we're not that confident we'll survive. Huge rockets and mortar shells fall from the sky nearby and explode, sending one of us flying through the air.

      I look to my right and a massive space ship takes off, but drops the main thrusters too soon to get to space. It flies back and forth across the sky overhead. At least 3 times, it passes by, not that far off the ground. It looks like someone is using it to escape the conflict here. The shooting stops, and we are briefly left to prepare for another possible attack. We're too few, and too poorly equipped to venture outside of our defenses here.

      Walking into a walled off back-yard type area, I look for a gun. There are a lot of single shot rifles, but I'm looking for one with a big magazine capacity. I find one, but it shoots smaller caliber bullets. Well, it'll have to do. I also look for more mags, but only see 1 extra. I load them fully. A little strange how they are all squishy like they're made of gelatin. I can force more bullets in, but they squish around and look like they'll jam the gun, so I take a few out until it looks like it'll work smoothly. Then I look for a hand gun as a backup. I see a few on a table, and then notice a rather large hand gun, with a forward grip on it, almost like a sub-machine gun, but more so a hand gun. A little bigger than what I wanted, it looks like it'll do the trick, so I attach a sling to it and swing it over my shoulder, making sure to load it fully, and grab an extra mag for it as well.

      One of my friends tells me that these guns don't use the same ammo as everyone else. I'm okay with that, I'll just have to scavenge ammo from the bodies of our attackers if I need it.

      I take my defensive position again and notice there are some local people setting up their mobile food cart right in front of us. I walk up to them and tell them it's not safe to be here, and they have to move it further away. I walk back, and notice they only moved 10 ft to the right. So I return, and tell them to move further! They argue about it and I tell them that if there's another attack, our attackers will no doubt use their truck as a place to take cover, and we'll have to shoot everyone in it. They must move further away. They still don't want to move, so I raise my voice telling them, "You will be shot if you stay here! I don't want to shoot you, but you are in the line of fire, and you have to move!" They listen, and move out of sight.

      Walking back toward the main wall, I end up in a tunnel where people are training to be extra tough. Rather dark in the tunnel, streaks of light come in through an air vent on the side, leaving most of the room in a dark blue color. Some guys are hanging from spiked ropes that they grabbed onto, and someone shoots live rounds nearby. Accidentally, one person is shot in the leg and falls off the spiked ropes. Everyone is hanging at the end of the tunnel, where there is a 30 ft drop over some sand. I run over that way, and jump down the hole, landing in the sand below. The guy is alright, and still really happy with the training. We both grab onto some of the bottom spikes on these long ropes, and pull ourselves off the ground.
    2. Suicide Mission

      by , 06-09-2014 at 09:54 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      On a boat at night, filled with other people, mostly young people. They seems like kids, but could be about 18 or so. We're expecting some enemy force to attack the town we're off the coast of nearby, but waiting for more details on where the attack will be so we can position ourselves to stop it. Looking around, there are a bunch of empty boats anchored near the shore, and some street lights near the docks light up parts of the beach. Then we see it, about a dozen boats quickly pass us, landing on the far side of town. Beast-like monsters with vicious looking weapons, huge muscles, and an overall extremely dangerous looking figure, run off their ships and amass in a large group just on shore.

      Our captain brings us close, and we disembark not too far from them. I tell everyone not to shoot at them until we're well setup, because if we provoke them now while we're vulnerably half on the ship, half getting off, we'll all surely be killed. The monsters seem to notice us, but for some reason give us the courtesy to prepare ourselves. It becomes very clear that we're hugely out-numbered about 10 to 1, and this is a suicide mission. Our leader has us line up in a double file line facing our attackers. This seems stupid to me, like a sure way to set up the worst defense in history, but I can't change his mind.

      To my disappointment, I am shuffled to the second row, right in the front. You know, where death is 100% certain against a huge group of beasts like this. I turn to the person on my left and choking back tears tell him, "It's a good day to die" while I think, "I don't really want to die today" It's sad because this seems really pointless. Someone announces to us that there is coffee and donuts inside just behind us. I don't like coffee or donuts, but since I'm just about to be fighting a huge number of beasts, maybe if I'm hopped up on caffeine, I'll be able to shoot them quicker, so I go inside.

      There is a table set up where two people are serving everyone espresso shots and tiny muffins. I take one of each, eat the muffin in one bite, and sip on the espresso shot because it's too hot to drink. I walk back outside, finish the espresso, and find myself in the back of the line now thinking, "This is a much safer spot to be. Since I am good at shooting, I can help better from back here" But I see they have saved my spot up at the front... I solemnly walk back up to the front, and think about how no one wants to be in the front, so it might as well be me. At least I can spare someone else the terror of being amongst the first to die.

      Thinking about everyone else, and how fearful they must be, I'm not so sad about our situation. I just accept my position in the front for everyone else's sake, and peacefully wait for the battle to begin.

      With the sound of gunfire and screams, everything goes dark brown, I see a hideous eye get so close it appears bigger than me, then I feel like I am inside a large mouth with massive fangs, and all other sounds get really muffled, then stops. Now everything is black. That same glittering blackness when you close your eyes in the dark.