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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. 12/19-20/2011

      by , 12-20-2011 at 04:49 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Michelle Bachman

      I am visiting my grandparents. I have been spending a few nights at their place, and it is time for me to head home. My brother is going to do something first, and my grandfather (who is a retired pastor) is going to visit someone in the hospital. Apparently, Michelle Bachman has been visiting friends at my Uncle's church, and has had an accident. My grandfather explains that he is going to visit her.

      I debate whether I should go with my brother or my grandfather, and decide that it would be neat to meet Michelle Bachman on such informal terms. I decide that since the hospital is not far out of the way for me, I should follow my grandfather there and then go home from the hospital.

      There is a whole scene involving me and the GPS, looking for the power cord etc., which is too boring to try and recall right now. Cut to the hospital.

      As we are driving I wonder if they will let us in to visit. After all, she is a presidential candidate, and it seems unlikely that people can just wander in when they want to. I worry about secret service people. But it seems that clergy has a special priveledge, and my grandfather says nobody will mind if my grandmother and I come along.

      We arrive at the hospital. My grandparents and I sit in the waiting room. Ms. Bachman apparently has a few visitors already. I run over in my mind how to address her, realizing that I can't remember if she is a senator or a congresswoman. I decide to just say "hey".

      Eventually, the nurse calls us back. Someone opens the hospital room door, and my grandfather ushers my grandmother and I in. I walk in behind my grandmother, and find that there is nobody in the room. There is some nice furniture, and it is set up almost like a living room. There are some chairs and a couch in front of a fireplace, and a sort of hospital bed in one corner. But apparently this is not the hospital room. It is kind of a waiting room that is part of a hospital room suite. Michelle is in another section, and once again we have to wait our turn.

      I notice that there are some other people in the room waiting to see her as well. There are some kids in their late teens or early twenties with a trifold poster board, pracitcing a presentation on injuries. They figure that they can get Michelle Bachman to work on something to protect kids from sports injuries, counting on her recent experience in the hospital to give them traction.

      My mother calls me back to the original waiting room for a second. I forget why. I tell her we are about to go back to see Ms. Bachman, and I try to show her the way back. But as we walk, the hospital seems to become confusing. It used to just be a short hallway and a door, but now there is a huge area set up like the inside of an airport. The more I walk, the more confusing it gets. I try to jog, but it is that frustrating kind of movement I always get when I try to move quickly in a dream. I retrace my steps, thinking I have overshot the original hallway that leads to the hospital room.

      "Argh!" I think. "Of all times for Mom to show up and pull me away." Somehow I know that my grandfather is now visiting with Michelle, and I am missing the chance to visit. "This kind of thing is always happening to me. Why is it always like this? As soon as I get the chance of a lifetime, something happens to take me away, and then I can't find my way back. It's like one of those frustrating dreams I am always having!"

      More out of frustration than anything, I decide to do a reality check. "Maybe this is a dream," I think. But I only think it in a frustrated way. I don't really think it is a dream, I'm just annoyed. I quickly count my fingers, and there are 5 of them. Nothing unusual there. I don't do any other reality check, because I "know" this is reality and I only did the RC to make a statement anyway. "I guess I'm awake," I say.

      Then I wake up.

      Sweet Shop

      I get a job working in a candy store. This dream goes on for a while, but much of it seems to center around all the tasty things that I keep wanting to eat. There are sick kids too, who keep coughing near me. There is a dish of some kind of candy that I sneak bites of every once in a while. I think I am working with my brother.

      Pathetically missed dreamsign

      I go to use a public restroom. I am trying to find one with decent privacy. I wander into a men's room, and find a stall. The lights don't seem to work well in there, and part of the restroom is dark. Even where I am it is dimly lit. I have some uneasy thoughts about "things" lurking in the darkness. I comfort myself by thinking that I am in a light place, but I know that "the things can look at me out of the darkness"