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    Starr's Dream Collection

    Hi I'm Starr and I really like fictional characters and movies. So, y'know, while you guys spend your lucid dreams doing actual cool stuff like trying to fly and whatnot, I spend mine trying to find actors. Such is life. Enjoy.

    1. LD 12: Train to Miami

      by , 07-15-2012 at 11:02 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      Alright, I'm back. I totally suck, I know. I've kinda given up on keeping a consistent journal, because I just can't do it. But anyways, I'm back because I had an interesting lucid last night and I wanted to record it somewhere!

      FRAGMENT 1:
      I'm in a giant park with my friends. We find a softball that must have been accidentally thrown too far off the field during a game, so I pick it up and run to return it. I see a game going on, and there's a wooden play structure for kids. I jump on top of it but accidentally drop the softball into a very thin, wooden opening. I start crawling inside and get very claustrophobic. The space is very small. However, I end up getting the ball and returning it to one of the softball team coaches.

      FRAGMENT 2:
      I'm in a giant movie theater with my friend, her sister, her dad, and her dad's girlfriend. We're waiting to see some important movie. It's huge and filled with people. The movie hasn't started and the lights are still on. The seats are arranged in very random ways. Finally, it gets dark. The walls are covered with several small screens, but as every one gets quiet and finds their seats, the smaller screens move together to form a giant screen. I don't remember what else happened.

      FRAGMENT 3:
      I'm in a haunted hotel and there are lots of people there. As it starts to turn to night, everyone starts rushing back to their rooms. They don't wanna be out and about during the night. I run around for what feels like hours, but I cannot for the life of me find my hotel room anywhere. I'm running around with several other people (at some point, including my mother) who are trying to help me find my room, because they don't want me to be hurt. As we're running down the halls, we hear noises and screaming. (The way everything is set up kind of reminds me of the computer game Amnesia, and we're all just trying to run to safety to hide from the monsters.)

      So, yeah, those were a couple of dream fragments I had, but there was also a main dream I remember which eventually led into the first lucid I've had in a while.

      I'm in some sort of competition in the middle of the woods where two sleds are tied together with a rope, and you have to race with your partner to get to the finish line first. Somehow I transform into the cartoon character Pops from The Regular Show, and my partner is DJ from Total Drama Island. (I don't know, I have a brother that watches a lot of Cartoon Network, okay? ) I accidentally turn our sled the wrong way, causing us to go off course. The rope that attaches our sleds together gets tangled around a giant tree and now we're completely in last place.

      I've transformed back into myself (thank God) and I start pulling the rope and sleds down from the tree. DJ is genuinely pissed at me for making us lose. Eventually, we have everything back in place. DJ has transformed into a random man that I didn't recognize. We sit back down on the sleds and start moving downhill through the forest again. Soon our sleds turned into a canoe, and then we were canoeing down a river. I say, "Hey! I did something just like this in real life!"
      (Which is true, just a week ago I went rafting down a river for five hours...sunburn sucks) That's when I realize that this is not, in fact, real life, and I become lucid, confirming it with a reality check.

      The canoe has now transformed into what I can only describe as trays with wheels, although I refer to it as a train. We're (obviously) no longer in the river, but instead moving on a set of tracks through the woods. There's now a random lady with black hair in a ponytail sitting in the tray/train seat beside me.

      Now, if anyone knows me at all, they know that I love the TV show Supernatural. The two main characters are Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles). Of course, I can't hang out with them in real life, so I gotta take advantage of this in my dream world.

      I shout, "Hey! Where's Sam and Dean?". I look off on the side of the trail we're riding down where I see houses. I assume they live in one of them. Nothing happens, though. I try again. "SAM! DEAN! GET OUT HERE!", but still, nothing happens. "Have you seen--oh!" I begin to say, but as I turn around, I see them already sitting in the seats behind me. "There you guys are!"

      Sam smiles and says "Yup." I don't know where the train is headed, but I wanna get out of this forest. So I say, "Train! Take us to...Miami!" The train suddenly changes course, turning right and going inside a building. It starts going upstairs, but I say "Train? Is this really the way to Miami?" The train seems to hesitate, before backing up and turning around. It goes up another set of stairs. "Is this the way to Miami?" The train keeps going. "I said, is this the way to Miami?" The woman with the black ponytail turns to me and shouts, "YES! THIS IS THE WAY TO MIAMI!" I get quiet.

      Turns out, we're in an apartment building right in Miami. There's a woman that lives in one of the apartments and we're about to go inside before I see a sign on her door. It states that we're only allowed in if we have at least five people. I'm about to get us all inside when I realize that the lady with the ponytail is gone.

      I would be upset, but I know that since I'm just in a dream, I can summon whoever I want to take her place. I look down the stairs that we had just gone up and shout, "Hey! Doctor! We need you up here!" Right after I say that, the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who turns the corner and walks up, saying "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," as he fiddles with his sonic screwdriver. I figure that if I should summon anyone, it should be him, because the fact that he happens to have a time machine may come in handy later. You never know.

      Now that there's five of us, we can go inside the apartment. I knock on the door, and an older woman with short red hair answers. She welcomes us inside after I assure her that there are indeed five people. After a moment of walking and looking around her small apartment, I notice that the random man on the boat/train with me earlier has disappeared. I don't care, though, because I have no idea who he was. Now the only ones left in the apartment are me, Sam, Dean, the Doctor, and the red haired woman.

      I ask the woman, "Hey, since we're in Miami, shouldn't there be beaches and sunshine everywhere?" She walks over to her windows and pulls the curtains open, revealing that there are no beaches anywhere. "They were all shut down years ago. Every pier is closed," she explains.

      Awesome. I have a plan, though. After all, I have a man with a time machine, don't I? I walk over to the Doctor and ask, "Hey, can we go back to before the beaches were closed and actually enjoy our trip?" He brushes me off, though, continuing to fiddle with his sonic screwdriver and saying, "Yeah, yeah, maybe later."

      I'm about to continue arguing when more people arrive at the apartment. I'm surprised to see my mom, her cousin, my two little cousins, and my great aunt and uncle. The red haired woman is apparently friends with me family, because everyone is hugging and acting happy to see each other again. Immediately, my great aunt and the woman move to the small kitchen and start cooking. My uncle helps, too. I spot my little two year old cousin, and he's still as adorable as ever, so I walk over to him and kneel down. I start playing around and tickling him and whatnot, making him laugh. After a while I get bored, so I walk back into the main part of the house. As I look around, I realize that Sam, Dean, and the Doctor are nowhere to be found.

      Nope, not letting that happen. "Hey, where's Sam and Dean?" I ask the red haired woman. She points out the window and says, "The Doctor is in the backyard putting them in the baby swings so they can watch Wyatt
      (my little cousin), you can go outside and see them."

      Well, this I wouldn't miss for the world, so I run outside where I see a children's playset. Sure enough, there's Sam and Dean, each sitting in a baby swing. It's the funniest and most adorable/pathetic thing I've ever seen. I walk up behind them and start laughing, but they don't seem to care. I say to Sam, "Aww, does wittle Sammy want me to push him on the swing?" to which he replies simply, "Yes." Well, I wasn't expecting that answer, but I say, "Oh...okay," and start pushing.

      Eventually I stop pushing and just sort of lean up on him and rest my chin on his head as I watch everyone else bustle around outside, setting up a big outdoors picnic table for dinner. That's when I remember that the Doctor is still around here somewhere, and I still wanna go to the beach. I spot him standing outside, still distracted by his sonic screwdriver. I leave Sam and walk up to him, angry that he's not paying attention to anything else.

      I say, "Doctor, you really need to pay more attention. Can't we please go back in time to when the beaches were open? This isn't a very fun trip." He just looks at me and says, "Sure, but can't we eat dinner first?" As I look over, I see the table being set. The food actually looks surprisingly good, and eating food in a lucid always helps stabilize, so I sit down and start eating. There's turkey and vegetables (or so it appears). I start to try to eat the turkey, but it's really hard to cut, and I ultimately fail. Everyone else seems to enjoy it, though.

      I'm about to give up on eating and just leave, but then
      I wake up.

      I just remember thinking, "No no no! I'm not done yet!", but as I reviewed everything in my head, I realized that the dream was very long and vivid and I could remember a lot from it, and that's a success for me. Yay!

      Updated 07-16-2012 at 04:16 AM by 44036

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Monster Slayers

      by , 01-04-2012 at 08:04 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      Okay, so this is just a bunch of dream fragments that I remember last night...wish I could remember more, because from what I do remember, it was a pretty awesome dream.

      FRAGMENT 1:
      I'm sitting in my sister's room, on the computer. I get the sensation that someone is watching me from behind. I turn around, and, sure, enough, sitting in the window, is Stewie from Family Guy. He scares the crap outta me, so I run out of my sister's room and into the bathroom in the hall.

      Of course, that doesn't help, because now I can see Stewie's silhouette through the curtains as he tries to open the window from the other side. I run out of the bathroom and fall against the hallway wall, sinking to the ground. Now I know he can't see me. Suddenly, it all turns into a game, and I decide to scare Stewie. I stand up and turn my head into the bathroom. I start screaming.

      Stewie, who has turned into my little brother, screams and runs away. I feel satisfied, because I know I won.

      FRAGMENT 2:
      I'm in what looks like some sort of souvenir shop (like the one from the end of the Spongebob movie...anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone? No?) but instead of souvenirs, there's a bunch of tanks with fish and other coral reef life in them. I'm walking around with my mom and she sees some sharks in a tank.

      She says, "How much do you wanna bet Matt Smith is gonna be around here somewhere?"

      Sure enough, as we continue walking, we find Matt Smith sitting on a wooden crate, completely lost in his thoughts as he picks up and examines some fascinating coral. He smiles to himself. There's another woman sitting next to him, but I don't remember who. Maybe it was supposed to be his girlfriend?

      FRAGMENT 3:
      I'm at my mom's house, and instead of having just one dog, we have two. The new dog is a big light brown mutt, with short hair and floppy ears. He's really friendly and sweet. My mom asks if I can take him on a quick walk around the block. I agree and attach a leash to his collar, walking him out the front door.

      As we step onto the front porch, his leash comes unattached. But he's a good dog, so he waits for me to put it on again. It's wet and rainy outside, and as I continue to fumble with the leash, the dog starts...melting.

      This goes on for a while, but suddenly he turns solid and whole again, and the leash is attached. I start walking around, but he pulls and pulls and we don't go very far. He picks up stuff out of our recycle bin and starts throwing it around, right as the garbage truck starts rumbling down our street. I frantically try to get our dog back to the front door to get him inside, right as the mailman walks up.

      The mailman says, "That's a beautiful dog! What's his name?" I can't remember his name, but my brother appears and pipes up, "Mackenzie!"

      FRAGMENT 4:
      Monsters are taking over our city. Me, and two other people, are the ones who bring justice to our town. We're like superheroes. I remember going through this whole dream slaying all these monsters, and everyone was so happy we were around.

      There was one monster who was like a giant bug, but fluffy and pink, and I'm pretty sure it was wearing a dress. Anyways, so this bug was trying to steal humans to keep as pets, but we wouldn't allow it. We distracted the bug, and the three of us started running for our lives up a set of stairs nearby.
      (Heroic, I know.) Turns out the other two people on my monster-fighting team are two characters from Doctor Who, Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and the Doctor (David Tennant). Donna and I hide by crouching down behind this cement block at the top of the stairs, and the Doctor starts flying around trying to mock the monster and make it feel bad about itself.

      Apparently, it works, because the monster leaves and the city is safe.

      So, those are my dream fragments from last night. More like mini-dreams than fragments, but, whatever.

      I'm really starting to think Matt Smith with sharks is a dream sign. This is the second night in a row where I dreamt he was around/with sharks. It's completely random, but hey, whatever works, right?

      Updated 01-04-2012 at 10:12 PM by 44036

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. LD 10: Glow-in-the-Dark Suit

      by , 01-02-2012 at 03:15 AM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      First off, I'd just like to say that this is most definitely a catch up entry. I haven't posted any dreams in a long time and I must admit that I'm rather disappointed with myself. I'll try to be more consistent.

      On a lighter note, I've noticed that lucid dreams are coming more naturally now. I won't even think about lucid dreaming at all, and I'll have a fantastic lucid that night. This never would have happened before...I usually would have had to concentrate and practice awareness and whatnot to give myself anything close to a lucid.

      I'm in my room, and I'm with two girls from my school named 'E' and 'S'. Apparently they are spending the night, even though we have school the next day. Somewhere along the line, although we didn't even sleep at all, E's alarm goes off, signaling that it's time for us to get up and get ready.

      I feel rested and relaxed and ready to take on the day, and things just get better when I realize that it's 1:30 in the morning. "This is great," I say, "more time to get ready!"

      E and S are casually lounging around my room while I walk around and start to gather school things. Suddenly, E, in a very calm voice says, "Oh, it's not the morning. It's 1:30 in the afternoon."

      This sends me into a fit of rage and I turn on her. "You mean to tell me that right now, I'm missing all of my classes?! This is terrible! I can't believe you guys! Why would you let me sleep in this late?!" I yell.

      I storm around my room faster now, trying quickly to get all the stuff I need to run out the door and somehow make it to school. Opening my closet, I suddenly become extremely confused...there, sitting on the floor of my closet with her legs curled up to her chest, is my little sister.

      "Umm...what are you do--OH!" I start to say before I come to the realization
      that I'm dreaming.

      I perform a reality check, and sure enough, I'm right. I immediately stop my frantic search for school supplies and turn back around, ignoring my sister. It's dark outside all of a sudden, but I don't care. E and S are gone, too, but I brush that aside, as well. There's someone I need to find.

      Right, well, just so you know, I fangirl pretty hardcore over a sci-fi TV show called Doctor Who. It's simply the best show on this whole planet. The main character of this show is, well, the Doctor.

      Okay, now that you have a smidge of background information, you can probably guess that my goal was to find the Doctor. I mean, wouldn't it be cool to travel through all of space and time?

      So I walk across my room, trying to formulate a plan to find him. Just then, I turn my attention towards my bed, where I see a heap of blankets. It's pretty much what my bed looks like in real life all the time. I think, 'What if I can make a person appear?'

      I walk over to my bed and poke the blankets rather viciously, shouting "DOCTOR! WAKE UP!" To my surprise, this method of summoning works, and BAM, there he is. I'm pretty happy, but I don't think he is. After all, I did just wake him up in quite a rude way. He sits up, looks around, and says "What?"

      I get up and sit next to him, extremely happy. Now, at this point, my memory of the dream starts to fade, so links from one event to the next are kinda blurry. Somehow, though, the Doctor and I are both seated across from each other, laughing hysterically about something. He then proceeds to press a button inside his jacket, causing his pinstripe suit to glow green in random spots. Even his eyes glow green. It would have been creepy had he not been waving his hands in the air and going "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

      I'm pretty sure I wasn't lucid during this part, but I also vaguely remember trying to take a picture with my iPod of the both of us, but he kept shoving me out of the picture and taking up all the space. Apparently, my subconscious' version of him is quite the camera hog.

      This was definitely an interesting dream. I'm sort of upset I didn't remember more...also, I wish I had taken the time to actually travel through time like I originally wanted to.
      lucid , non-lucid