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    1. Zombies, Secret Passages, Time and Dimensional Travel

      by , 12-01-2015 at 04:50 AM
      11-29-2015 -- Kind of a cool one, if not all there. I'm wandering around a place that I have been before, which is a strange blending of the multi-level underground office complex at Savanna High School and the hospital that I have dreamed of several times in the last couple of years with the long corridors along the south and west sides of the building. This odd combination is further crossed with the spooky haunted maze type of dream.

      So we're creeping through these corridors, trying to avoid running into either the people in charge, who don't want us in areas that we don't belong, or the monsters that are roaming the area. I'm leading them down the long, empty corridor along the west side of the building, trying to get everyone else to stay quiet and move quickly, since I have some familiarity with the building, and know more-or-less where I am going. Soon we're going along the south corridor, dodging doctors and patients, but not in any sort of trouble. Then we're heading up the east side, which is where things are turning more into the Savanna building.

      Soon we're in the men's room, trying to access the secret passageways that not only lead deeper into the hidden areas of the building, but also into other times and other dimensions. To even get into the restroom involved finding keys and following detailed processes, though in this particular dream, we weren't 'living through' that part of it. We're just in the restroom, and the others are loosening the grating on the ceiling, and starting to climb up. My friends are traveling to another world, but I'm busy theorizing about the whole process, and don't notice them trying to get my attention, and finally they go on without me.

      I notice I'm all alone, and while I could follow them as far as things working for me, I'm not really in good enough shape to feel comfortable trying to pull myself up into the ceiling by myself. Instead I decide I'll explore a little bit, trying to move carefully, act like I belong, and avoid attention. I tell myself that if I stick to the well-lit areas, I ought to be able to avoid any of the zombies.

      So I am moving slowly and carefully, being quiet, doing nothing to draw attention to myself, trying to look like I belong, and I reach the underground attendance office. I just kind of peek in, wave to a few of the ladies there, say hello. No problems ... until I try and leave, and one of the guys in the office glances my way and realizes he doesn't know me and I probably don't belong. He starts a chase, and suddenly I'm running pell-mell through maze-like corridors being chased by monsters.

      At one point I find myself climbing over rubble around a sort of stream, climbing over a broken down dam, and one of the zombies chasing me is an old friend. He's actually calling out to me, begging me to take him with me. In our original world, this friend was outright killed, a while back. But in this world, they did whatever turns people into zombies here to him ... but it only half takes. He has a zombie's broken down body, but his mind is his own, and he isn't trying to eat my brains. I think about it, and find myself thinking if I bring him from this world to our world, I can have my friend back ... but I warn him he is going to have to be really careful with his foot, which is rotted and only half connected, and kind of flopping around. I tell him he'll have to protect it until we can find a way to heal it for him.

      So we climb through the rubble into the school gym, where we almost immediately run into Dumbledore, who unfortunately only needs to glance at us and hear a couple of tiny details before he realizes we've been messing with things we shouldn't be messing with. We're involved in both time travel and dimensional travel, neither things that are very safe to play around with.

      We keep moving, heading to the restroom where we can make it back to my world, when suddenly things shift, and I'm not me, but a rather attractive female teacher who is trying to find this strange dimensional portal that we're using. She's actually reached the counter that has the small hidden drawer with the key needed to make it in the restroom, and is looking in exactly the right place, but she hasn't done one of the earlier parts of the process that makes the trigger for the drawer visible to you, so she can't see it.

      Even as myself, I now have the same problem, I can't access the hidden key because of some part of the process that I haven't done recently enough on this world ... thankfully I also still have another key to another hidden area on another world in my pocket (from a different dream), and it will work here, too.

      At this point I am myself again, and sneak up on the teacher and half-kidnap her, dragging her down a hall and into a department store (can't say for sure if it is Sears, May Co, or Penney's, because I don't really see enough of it). Near a broken down wall, surrounded by piles and racks of clothes, I somehow use some kind of truth ray on her to interrogate her and see if we can trust her enough to bring her in on things, and maybe have some fun, as well. As I said, very attractive teacher.
    2. The Sensors and the Goddess

      by , 11-07-2013 at 08:23 PM
      10-21-2013 -- Walking down Hickory between my house and Dave's. It feels late at night and dark, and there is a strong feeling of something going on, and I probably don't belong here. As I am walking by Dave's house, Don comes out long enough to warn me I shouldn't be on the street, but he isn't going to try and stop me.

      Somehow I am looking for these odd sort of, well, sensors for lack of any better word. There are one or two per house, some in the ground in the flower beds, others in the middle of the shrubbery. One is actually in the engine of a car that has the hood open and is being worked on. They are roughly square, perhaps six inches long per side, perhaps about two inches thick, black, around a blue circle that is nearly large enough to touch the edges.

      As I get near enough to register them (and they to register me) there is a flash of blue light, and their power is somehow released to me. No idea what the power is or what it does, however. I continue down the street, and somewhere between Jenny's house and the one next to it (the fenced yard ... oddly, I think George Takei lives there) I feel like I am missing one of them. Can't find it, can't sense it, but how close the others have been to one another, I'm sure there should be another one, so I am looking for it pretty steadily.

      Eventually I move on, reaching the last two houses on the street. The one where the little kids used to live is no problem, but the corner house has a feel of unfriendly people, the ones who always come out to yell at us if we mess around on their property. Sure enough, when I start poking around the bushes surrounding the house, the owner comes out to scream at me. Oddly, when I explain what I am doing, he calms right down, accepts what I tell him, and seems to have no more problem with me.

      I wander around the corner, past the alley, and am soon checking the side yard of the house that has the big dogs, then return to George's house to continue looking for that missing sensor, and soon am at the end of the block again. I am actually standing in the edge of the street, but almost across the street at the church. By this point it is daytime, and there are some kids playing ball in the street, right about at the corner of Hickory and Holly. But strangely, they aren't playing with a ball, but are throwing around what looks like a two liter of soda, quite possibly orange Fanta.

      Meanwhile, I find I am standing with and receiving instructions from, an attractive woman who is a sort of mentor to me, and probably a goddess. She is helping me figure out what I am doing in regards to these sensors and their powers. But while we are standing there, some of the kids' bottles of soda come rolling up to us. I pick one up and throw it back to them like a football, and manage perfect throws, as does the goddess, when I gesture for her to throw back another one. Meanwhile a third has bounced off my leg and is rolling away toward Dale, until I wave my hand at it, and it floats into the air and starts back toward me. I wave toward the playing kids, and it flies off in their direction as I find myself with a new dream power.