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      Member anomanderis's Avatar
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      Jan 2007

      Dreamtime by Anomanderis

      I'll start off with a dream I had 2 morning's ago after i posted on the Dream Walking thread that it would be cool have someone do it in my dreams:

      June 19th
      The Night Stalker
      I am in the forest with my friend and we are running away from a beast – a bear. It is wintertime and we are cold. (Reference to the movie with Hopkins and Baldwin). For some reason, my friend is in a red plastic suit - that of Iron Man. His body is stuck in the ice with only his head floating in a pool of shallow water. If he relaxes, his helmet will sink and thus he will drown. The only opening in his helmet is a short horizontal slit situated where his mouth should be.
      I wake up to find him struggling with keeping his head above the water and quickly help him by holding his helmet up. His mouth seems weird to me – it is as if his mouth is filled by a bleached-yellow ball, indeed it seems as though the sphere is a natural part of him. I realize that he must’ve struggled all night and didn’t get to sleep. He might be a bit angry at me.
      Now I am reminded of the beast and looking around our position, I see 2 smaller ones quite near us – I quickly run to them and find that the small bag of fried potatoes there is still warm. I shout with all my strength,”HEI!” and soon I am answered by a small group of children running from the forest. Accompaning them are blck government rescue vehicles and a chopper.
      I am elated, since I think we have been rescued, but then i see it – a black figure in the distance moving towards the camp where my friend is. The monster walks as if he has a limp, or maybe even a crutch, but it is a monster with the body of a man, but from neck up it has the „head” of a black serpent about 1m long.
      Frantically I run to help my friend, but only get there by the next morning. On the road covered with snow I see some woman’s bloody cut off breasts and further on the severed head of my friend lying in the snow. In my head a picture flashes – the monster feasting on my friend. He is eating him behind a table and the different parts are placed on trays of gleaming gold and silver.
      I hear a voice in my head, but also in my ear (this was the „realest” voice i’ve heard in dreams except mine. I could actually hear it like I was awake. I do not remember this happening before, since before, the sounds in my dreams have been mostly telepathic). It is a male voice with a touch of female in it too and it grates softly, like flowing sand, but in that voice I can feel the most horrible realization – he took enormous pleasure from killing my friend and he is intelligent. Never before in my dreams have monsters been anything but beasts, but behind that voice I could sense the sick malevolent mind of a human.
      I sense his presence behind me and turn around to face it. At this point I start waking up and realizing that this is a dream, i try blasting it with telekinetic force, but it is too late – I am already awake.

      June 20th

      I was with my bro in my parents' bedroom and it was pretty early in the morning, 'bout 6:24, i think. With us there was a man, a storyteller, who was telling me and my bro a story of how contemporary writers use ambiguous and innocent-looking titles to hide the knowledge of astral travel (i think it was astral travel, but can't be sure. It had something to do with altered states of consciousness). He brought us an example, where a book's title had been The Visiting ( The Visit, or smth the like).
      Now he proceeded to tell us about a 10-day "training program" that would let us learn this state and my brother lay on the bed, face first, ready to receive the teachings. The storyteller proceeded to speak that the first step was proper digestion. I on the other hand was much more concerned with going to school. I jumped out onto the balcony for a quick breath of the damp cool early-morning air.
      Now I am lying on my bed, face first, and as my awareness passes over my brow chakra, i decide to give it a little spin (clockwise, or counterclockwise to an external observer). Immediately, the energy centre bursts aflame - my stimulation causes the the third eye to burn with energy and i remember thinking that maybe finally my brow chakra was going to strobe. The more I used tactile imaging to imagine a clockwise movement of the energy vortex, the more it started burning. It was actually quite painful and i thought that i should go and ask the storyteller for his advice whether to continue the stimulation or leave it be.

      June 21st
      The Qigong master
      I am working at a supermarket with my bro – we are the cleaners. I am mopping and my bro just hangs around with me. I am wearing one of those lame rapper’s caps with the straight „beak”. Blah, blah, cleaning stuff, but then when we are cleaning the dreamscape changes and we are in the Old Town (for americans - that means VERY old, medieval buildings) of Tallinn. It is a broad and high tunnel made of rough-cut limestone. Before us is a pair of wooden double-doors worn with age, but still they move pretty easily. Me and my bro talk, I’m chewing gum and I do the horns of the devil thing with my fingers (only after waking up, did i find it a least bit weird that in the dream I had 2 pinkies on my hand instead of 1 pinkie and 1 thumb) and make my two pinkies touch eachother so the top of my hand looks like a triangle.
      An Indian-looking (or at least with dark skin) man walks past us and through the doors, looking at me with a strange stare.
      My bro runs up a flight a broad stairs cut out from the limestone of the walls. I shout after him, but hearing no answer go up myself. Half way up this girl dressed all in black shouts to me from the bottom that I’ve got to go this woman who has my cash for a role I played in a play and she says i have to go now! I tell her that i am working here and i can’t come right away, but she is adamant.
      At that moment I become free – I am filled with an inner levity, a lightness, peace and joy, acceptance. I accept everything as it is and i am filled with inner peace. It soothes my soul and makes me all warm inside. I decide to go to the girl, put my hand on her shoulder and then just gaze into her eyes (I really like looking into people’s eyes), but before i can move, the dreamscape shifts around me again and I am greeted by the dark-skinned man. He tells me that I have passed the test and I am worthy to receive the teachings of Jang Jing (Zhang jing or however it is written. Can’t remember the exact pronunciation, but this is how i remember it) (Started doing Qigong a few days ago).
      I accept his words with joy for i am at peace with the world. He puts his hand up in a form of greeting and i know that i am supposed to do the same thing. The fingers are pulled softly in so that there remains space to put a pencil between the 1st and 3rd vertebra of the finger. Then the hands are touched and moved up and down gently, like a massaging action. Since i’m doing this the first time, i fail to do it correctly and say to him, „See, i have a lot to learn.”
      Then i woke up. NOOOOOOO!

      Note that these were not all of my dreams, just the most interesting ones.
      Last edited by anomanderis; 06-21-2007 at 11:59 AM.


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