It is my second favourite type of non lucid dreams.

I call them mazes, but they're not mazes actually. In most cases it's an abandoned multistory concrete building. Dark corridors and halls filled with different stuff and building materials. Only thin rays of light coming from the outside. Usually I start at the upper levels and going down, deeper and deeper, to the basement. Garbage crunching underfoot with each step and echoing all around. There is no one but me, but I know that some ugly creature hiding there deep in the dark and I'm chasing it. The feeling of danger and excitement are so real and I like it. I'm scared but in a good way. And also I'm curious. These places are so misterious that I can't resist and keep going. I don't have any weapon or armor, only my bare hands. I haven't seen that monsters, not once. I only hear them somwhere far away. I hear echo of their steps and roar and starting to move in that direction. Sometimes I run, sometimes I crawl through the rubble and holes, sometimes I climb over the dark abyss, but I never stop. I do not know why I do it. I just do. And I love it.

Do you guys have anything like that?