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    November 28

    by ABeautifulDream on 11-28-2013 at 02:15 PM
    I agree. After dreaming of falling in love could be healthy and unhealthy. It lets you experience feelings and emotions you haven't felt before or would like to feel. It leaves you wanting more. It gives you pleasure and comfort dreaming of it but at the same time when you wake up and realize it was just another dream it affects you emotionally and or physiologically. We have all experienced it before, the deep sadness and disillusion we get after waking up from that beautiful dream. I too dreamed of it last night. One of the best dreams I have ever had.... Even though its a little strange. I'll tell you my dream in detail. So there was a big tsunami that flooded the U.S. and me and my mother were a few of the lucky survivors. We ran away to some urban place I really have no idea where, but we soon found out that there was a man following us so we tried running as fast as we could to somewhere safe. I could run as fast for I had just gone grocery shopping and spent the little money we had on food. So I was holding on to the bags for dear life, when I run right into a soccer field were some guys are playing soccer. I couldn't run anymore so I just collapsed on to the ground. Me and my mom got separated, she ran in a different direction. So a guy see's me and runs over to me to help me. This is where I fall In love with him. It was basically love at first sight. Before I know it he is trying to help me up. I soon remembered that a man was following me and my mother and told the guy I had to go. He offered in walking me home but I told him I don't really have a home and need to look for my mother. But still he was hard headed and wanted to help. So I walk back to the direction my mother ran and I soon find its a big hill. Me and him try to walk up the hill several times but its impossible. Then I look over and see a figure move under some leaves, I run to to it to soon find a little boy who had fell off his bike and I help the little boy get up. The guy Im in love with soon comes to help too. But then 2 little girls Come and take him. I'm guessing those where his little sisters. I don't know. It was soon very dark and I need to look for a place to stay. I soon saw an abandoned complex and looked for a room to rest. He followed along. It was a 5 room complex and I looked in each room but It seemed to all be busy . Then I notice clothing I recognize. It's my moms! My mom had been looking for the same place to sleep in and took the room. Then my dog comes out of nowhere and I unhook her from her leash which she is tied. I tell him my mother is here and I'm decided to spend the night here. He said good because he would look after us so he too would spend the night here. Soon my mom comes in the door and is happy to see me. Then she sees the guy and asks who is he. I just say a friend but he says boyfriend. Lol. So from their the journey of our love begins. I get to know him more and the more I know him the more I fall for him and turns into someone I can't live without. He looks over my mom, the dog, and me. It's such a weird dream but I loved the sensation it gave me. Although I never knew the guys name and isn't see his face. Hope one day I actually stop dreaming of falling in love but actually do fall in love. Strange how a simple dream can affect you.