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    Top-Down RPG Dream

    by EffrafaxOfWug on 07-19-2014 at 06:01 PM
    This dream was in a top down view with an old JRPG/Medieval style setting, non-lucid. I had just entered into the attic, my movement was restricted to: up, down, left or right and "use object". I started in the lower left corner of the room and since there were plenty of bad flooring I had to navigate around those spots to continue, by the mid right wall I found a book which I then selected, there was a message mid-screen saying "Spell Book: Duplicate Money. YES/NO", I did not see a problem with this and picked -YES, another message popped up "Warning, this spell is illegal to use and and a bounty will be placed on you if you continue. Do you wish to continue? YES/NO". -YES, a new message "A bounty of 200 Gold has been placed on your head by (City name)". I went over to a chest by the mid left wall where I got the message "Place money? YES/NO", I remembered how the family of the mansion I were in needed of money because the daughter was sick or something along those lines, -YES. By the top wall I found a large pile of stuff and after the 'Use object' command I was prompted to choose between three events and their only real explanation was a single picture for each. I only remember the second picture, it was of me being chased by guards out of the town. I must have spent at least half a minute trying to decide which one to pick and their prospective consequences, I didn't even consider I might be dreaming -_- . I picked the second option, I was then prompted to select between another two pictures that would determine my actions during the event, the first picture was of me running down the street holding unto many large pieces of bread-rolls while chased by guards, the second was of me running down the street carrying lots of money also while being chased by guards. I picked the bread. "Warning: You have not yet met (name of a woman), this will affect your future game. Continue? YES/NO" -NO, I then went back down into the mansion and started searching for the woman, I wanted a good ending after all. I found her in the kitchen making out with the husband of the family and I concluded they were having an affair, they threw bread at me and sent me out the front door, I was spotted by guards who probably thought that I was stealing the bread and started chasing me down the street, I managed to escape through the gate towards the forest without being caught. The scene ended and went dark, then I woke up. My first thought after waking up was "But I selected -No!!"

    Updated 07-19-2014 at 06:07 PM by EffrafaxOfWug


    First DJ entry, not lucid but close

    by EffrafaxOfWug on 07-16-2014 at 03:04 PM
    I am an explorer of sorts, I am walking in the grass of a foreign planet, the environment is resembling a savanna yet very green and lush. My spaceship is parked on top of a hill, I did not seem to question that it looked like an early 19th century brig thou -_-
    A small river flows by close to the hill and a quite large forest is close as well. At the bottom of the hill there is a sci-fi looking trailer that I think were used as a forwarding base, I thought to myself why we would put it so close to the actual ship but concluded that everyone was to lazy to walk up the hill..
    I had walked quite a bit and I was on the other side of the forest I mentioned earlier, I see something running at a distance and goes in among the trees towards the ship, "A raptor?!" I think and start running as well to save my crew but I am too slow to catch up so I go down on one knee and close my eyes. Suddenly I zoom out into 3rd person mode and the flying camera view flies off over the forest to get to the ship, from above I see the raptor entering the trailer "Damn too late! Why did I leave my body behind? Now I can't do anything anyway!". I concentrate on what is going on in the trailer and one crew-member runs into a storage area and locks the door, there is also an chameleon creature in there that looks like a Koala but much faster and more agile. "Yes, lucky!" I think as I find another crew-member sleeping inside the storage area, my vision goes dark and I feel that I have taken control of the sleeping body, as I open my eyes the raptor is standing over me, "Shit did it break into the room already!?". The raptor then kills me, I instinctively reverse the flow of time (Prince of Persia style) and I open my eyes again with the raptor about to kill me. Two time reversals later and I manage to stay alive long enough for the other crew-member that I had seen run in before come to my rescue with a stick he had presumably sharpened himself and the raptor retreated, before it went out the door it turned and looked at me with a you'll regret this sort of look, it then left. The Koala tries to leave shortly after as well but I call out to it first "Wait! why don't you join us? You can keep watch on top of the trailer and then join my crew". The Koala seems to accepts and swings itself up onto the trailer and grabs unto the antennae, I and the other crewman climbs on top as well, many of my other crew has come as well, someone must have sent a signal for them. The earth begins to move and a maelstrom starts opening very close by, the ground starts shifting and the trailer starts to spin slowly while the earth rises beneath it. The crew is terrified but I say confidently "Don't worry, it will go away on it's own", I enjoy the feeling of riding this sort of earth wave and seeing as large rocks rises out of the earth, the rumbling sounds as the earth start getting swallowed by the now massive hole that is eating the land around itself, I finally decide that it might be best to evacuate after all as I see some crew being crushed and disappear into the ground. The trailer comes close to the ship and we leap out and land on the hull, both the guy that helped me and the Koala made it, I run up to the wheel as the ship is pulled around making a spin on top of the earth and rocks, as I take hold of the wheel a large portal opens up in front of the ship,
    it is completely dark except the edges that is brightly showing yellow and blue light as the void meets the world around. the sails are down and the ship is propelled forward through the portal, I can't help to think I might have lost most of my crew there.
    The ship is now on another planet and we are closing a port, the port is situated between two enormous cliffs as if in a ravine, the city is mostly made of wood and there are many stairs going up and down the cliff-sides, the docks are in between the cliffs and since the ship is flying this is no problem, we dock and as I start walking into the city I realize that this isn't my body "What happened to the body I left behind? Was that my body?! Who am I? Where is my real body?!" At this point I start becoming paranoid and think I am being followed and I wake up... -_- I didn't become lucid this time but I was starting to question my reality so at least that's good.

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 03:43 PM by EffrafaxOfWug
