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    Re-occuring zombie dreams

    by IAmJohnGalt on 12-12-2011 at 08:46 AM
    I'm new and this is my first entry. Veterans, please be nice.

    I am in a Walmart or something like it, only 10x's bigger. I am getting food and such with a friend and notice people are starting to act weird. I think nothing of it until I come around the corner of an aisle and notice an overweight lady with blood around her mouth. I look at her for a minute or two and continue down the aisle in her direction. As I get about 10 feet from her she makes a very loud shreek (similar to the one that 406 makes in Zombieland while coming after Columbus) and starts walking in my direction. I position the shopping cart between myself and the lady and hold my ground, not sure what to make of the situation. It then dawns on me whats going on as she tries to get between me and the cart. At this point, I abandon the cart and start running the otherway. My friend comes around the aisle, following me from a distance, and I about run into her, and quickly motion for her to follow me a blurt out "C'mon." As I exit the aisle I realize that its not just this lady but the entire store is shuffling around with blood dripping from their mouths. My friend and I start making our way to the back of the store because the front is crowed with Zeds. We start making our way, very cautiously and quietly, towards the sporting goods section. At that point I grab a shotgun on display and break the ammo case and start loading rounds. The glass draws unwanted attention to my friend and I and the Zeds start swarming towards our location. At this point my friend becomes frantic and starts running away from where we are and the Zeds give chase. I am screaming at my friend to comeback where I am because I dont want to hit her with buckshot while I'm firing into the crowd. She is offset to my left, so I start shooting the Zeds to my right while she struggles to get back to me as she is fighting off Zeds with a crowbar. At this point I have killed roughly 10 Zeds and am reloading shells to start taking aim at the Zeds on the left side she is returning from. As she gets close enough for me to start taking shots, I cock the gun to put the next shell in the chamber and the pump stops and wont go forward to load the next shell. Panic ensues, and she knows something is wrong. *Lucid begins here* I tell her to hide under a counter that im using as a barrier between myself and the Zeds, and start using the shotgun to try and smash the Zeds skulls. I get one or two solid hits on some of the Zeds but they are overwhelming our position. I lose grip of the weapon and tell her "When I say to, run as fast as you can to the front door and get out of here." As the first Zed starts to make its way over the counter, i hit it with an elbow, knocking it to the floor and run out from behind the counter. I start sprinting away from the main exits, yelling and screaming as loud as I can to get their attention. When I think most of them are in pursuit of me, I yell her name and scream at the top of my lungs, "Now! Run!" This is when I wake up.

    Any thoughts on what this could be representing? Thanks!