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    08:34 12/11/2011

    by NinjaNautsi on 12-11-2011 at 04:17 PM
    08:34 12/11/2011
    Ok so i had multiple dreams last night:
    Dream 1 (after falling asleep around 11):
    I was in the gym of my school, talking to Kayla B., about her sister, Lauren B., about whether she had straightened her hair that day at the dance (there was a dance yesterday at school, and i went). And i think were were talking about whether lauren was here or not at the dance. Kayla was saying she was and i was saying she wasn't, not like arguing, but kinda like the cute little, uh huhh, nah ahhhh(lol). Then the next thing i remember is there being beds near the parking lot enterence to the gym (but in the gyms itself), and micah and i were laying on one of them (maybe it was just one big long bed), and im not for sure if we were talking about something or what, but then Coach Dobson was looking at us from the exit to the parking lot (right outside the gym doors) and making some kind of hand gestures (commonly associated with talking about someones penis size), and i started to walk to him to talk to him, and him and Micah were making jokes about it (penis length jokes xD) and when i got to him, he said that we shouldn't be that close together, or something to that nature, and i held my hands up saying we were this far apart, about a foot between my hands, and i thought to myself, i wonder if she thinks i was making a penis length joke , then think i turned around and saw someone, idk who it was, but they gave me one of those neuro sleep drinks (i have no idea what they look like, nor have i ever heard of them, untill last night before i went to sleep, i was browsing the forums and say something about a drink with that name), and i started drinking it, but i didn't eat my turkey (??? wtf you say? well so do i. i have no idea where the turkey came from...) because i didnt want it to absorb the drink in my stomach and give it less of an effect. Then i remember getting sleepy in the dream and the next thing i knew i was awake in bed. (and i did a RC to be sure i was really awake)
    Dream 2 and/or Dream 3:
    Ok so im not really sure whether my lucid dream was second or third, but i do remember having another dream (and i also had a 4th one(the last one ill write)), i just dont remember what it was.
    Ok, so, my lucid dream!!!! :
    I had woken up after my first dream and thought to myself, that i will remember the first dream by some key words, instead of writing it down (and it worked ). I started to meditate, and was doing so for quite a while. I think i WILDed, but im not sure if it was that or if i just fell asleep and knew i was dreaming as soon as i started. Ok so it started out that i was in my bathroom of my house and i knew i was dreaming, i grabbed the wall and started rubbing it to help to stabalize, and my eyes where closed, i know i shouldnt have opened them because i would have open my real eyes, not just my dream eyes (its happened before). And while rubbing the wall, i could feel myself laying in bed, and i was scared to open my eyes because i was afraid that i would be awake in bed and rubbing my blanket. Once i felt the dream somewhat stabalize, i opened my eyes. I was looking in the mirror. I looked completely normal (as opposed to what many say about dream reflections (and i know that everyone is different, and thats why some will be normal, and some will not)). So the first thing i did was go to the stairs in front of (inside the house) the front door. I was going to fly through the wall and break it, but as soon as i flew to it, i stopped, not of my own will. So i decided to just pass through it instead. I stuck my hand through and it went, so naturally the rest of my body followed. I flew up into the sky and had a momentary lapse in thought and couldn't think of anything that i was going to do in a dream, the first thought that came to mind was making a portal, but i was up in the sky and had no materials. I then decided to go to Micahs house. I started to fly in the directions that i supposed her house to be in and the sceanery was completely different, it had this kind of old timey look and then there was this one huge(and i mean big) building, it was almost like a cube. I didnt bother to find out what it was. I was lost and started to fly back to my house. I didnt know where it was, and i couldnt find it. It was also dark outside (or maybe just at dusk), and i decided to turn it into day. And im not really sure what happened next, but i think i closed my eyes and thought that it was going to be day when i opened them, but instead i opened them to find myself laying in bed... (did a RC)
    And i know i had another dream between the first and last but i cant remember what it was about....
    Dream 4 (final dream, just went back to sleep after waking up at 5:30 to my alarm that i didnt turn off):
    This is a very short one, and i barely remembered it afterwards. I was laying in my bed (i think i kind of drifted into a dream but still consious, but not lucid). And i had my moms cell phone. It started ringing, and i yelled "mom" so she would come get it. I looked at it and it was answered, and i thought that maybe she answered from her bluetooth. So i just put it down, and i think i went back to sleep. Then woke up (in reality), turned my phone on and it was 8:05. So i went and took a shower and came back to do this.

    I dont mean to brag, but i think i have an amazing recall. Because i remembered all of this off the top of my head. I didn't write anything down at all during the night (and i never do). And i remember it all just fine

    It is now 9:16, i took a while to type this xD lol

    06:33 12/9/2011

    by NinjaNautsi on 12-10-2011 at 03:08 AM
    06:33 12/9/2011
    I dont remember having any dreams last night. If i did then they were very light (as in i wasnt deep into REM).
    (later same day ==>)
    I remember just as i was leaving this morning that i did have a dream last night. I was in some sort of mansion/hotel/hospital, something that you could get lost in all the corridors, and the earliest thing i remember was it was like a video game and i was controling the character, but i remember that it was me moving around, i remember one of the buttons that i pressed was that of the left bumber on a xbox controller, and i was controlling the character (me) while trying to evade some bad guys. They came through a door at the end of the hallway and i dodged into a side room, next thing i know is that im trying to find a way past them, and i run out past where i think they were and they were gone. Trey and I were running. Then its like we turned down an unlit hallway, but we kept running, even in the dark, but we could still see somewhat, and then we got to one point where we were sitting with someone up against a wall, and at this spot and pretty much the rest of the mansion the hallways were very wide and tall, and seemed to go on forever, mainly because i could see to far in the dark. We had just came to a T intersection in the hallways (our hall ended and split left and right). Im not for sure if there was someone sitting there with us, or if it was just me and trey. But i remember feeling like there was someone there besides us. I also remember looking down the hallway both ways and thinking something about the "Slendermen", if anyone knows them from youtube, but they never showed up, and im not really scared of them, but they always pop into my mind at those moments in the big open dark places, and just kinda makes me jumpy (so i guess im a bit scared of them lol). I dont remember anything else happening after that.

    08:04 12/8/2011

    by NinjaNautsi on 12-08-2011 at 10:59 PM
    08:04 12/8/2011
    Last night i dreamed i was back on the cruise ship that i was on over fall break. I was up on one of the top decks, and i remember the way i was feeling the last night of the cruise, which is how i felt in this dream, i felt alone, lost, abandoned. I was really missing Micah. The next thing i remember is that i had walked down some, very little room to walk down, steps and i was in a lobby of sorts. I remember asking that lady where this cruise ship was going, and she never answered. It was spring break and my mom had planned for this us to come (in waking life). Then i was going to go use my moms phone before we got out of U.S. waters so i could call Micah, then from this door across from the waiting desk/lobby desk thing, a girl came out, saying she was done with it now, i assumed the phone, but i didnt know her, so i was a bit confused. This whole time, there were girls walking around, they were all cute, but even in the dream i knew that i shouldnt look at them, or think any bad thoughts about them, and i didn't even do it in the first place. But that all i remember, because my mom woke me up.... D:<

    05:41 12/6/2011

    by NinjaNautsi on 12-07-2011 at 11:13 PM
    this was meant to be up yesterday, but i was quite busy :p

    05:41 12/6/2011
    Dream Views: this is just a part of my personal dream journal, ignore this ==>(from this point on in my dream journal, the date that is listed (in the row above) is the date of the day after the night of the dream)

    ok so i think i have an amazing dream recall but its also getting better to and it works best with dreams that are actually deep down, and they are vivid.

    !*!*!sidenote for me: look up varying depths of sleep (not NREM and REM, but i guess a study of how deep REM can be)

    Ok so i had a lucid!!! And i didnt even try It started out with me and (odd that he keeps reaccuring and all) trey. We were standing in front of my grandparents RV, but i didnt consiously realize it was my grandparents RV. I knew i was dreaming, and the dream kinda started to shake, i put my hands on the RV and felt to body of the vehicle, and amazingly enough, it felt just like a car lol. I focused on the way it felt. Then trey was kinda no longer there, it was then someone else, i wanna say that, due to later occurences of this DC, it was Jason Statham xD (lmao the actor. played in the transporter movies). He went from (my left) the front of the RV to the passenger door and began going through the stuff, and i then i tried to summon someone, i told myself she (micah) would be there when i turned around, but unfortunately she wasn't. [sidenote] But i think that the scene that i saw was from some other dreams that i remember from the past, that one spot i have seen at least twice before [/sidenote] then i told him to look in the glove box, because the keys were in there (again testing my will power and control of the dream xD) but he never said whether they were in there or not. I don't think that they were. Then i walked around (past the drivers side of the vehicle) and climbed onto the side of the trailer of the tractor trailer that was now there. And amazingly i didnt even notice it had changed, but i was holding the side and rubbing it so i wouldnt lose lucidity. He was driving the whole time, although i couldn't see him, so obviously it was him the whole time xD (dreams: a very fun topic). He was driving around in circles, we were in some kind of industrial yard. With a hanger(?) across the road from where i first gained lucidity. And ironically, while on side of the truck i lost lucidity, well actually i wouldn't say i lost it, but i definitely forgot that i was dreaming. At some point a car was driving down the road, towards the truck, i don't know what ever happened to it, but then the truck drove threw the hanger and i jumped off the truck. Then im not really sure what happened...its like i was hanging out with some rebels that were fighting for their freedom, but i was just outside the hanger, and the next thing i remember, is one girl telling me something about we aren't human anymore, we have been changed. Or something like that. For some reason i think we were now pop-tarts...and i argued saying that we were still human, and i reached down to grab my penis to know for myself that i still was, and when i looked down its like i was in some kind of square suit (resembling a pop-tart), i dont remember anything else happening after that.

    Worst night ever. Night of 12/4/11

    by NinjaNautsi on 12-05-2011 at 11:28 PM
    Just so everyone knows, im a guy, and i am not gay, in this dream my friend is dead. He means a lot to me and i would be incredibly upset if anything ever happened to him.
    Ok so the dream started out in the auditorium of the middle school. At first it was like the lunch tables were there and we were eating lunch or getting ready for a presentation. I was sitting there, Micah was sitting on my right side, and i think it was arealia sitting on my left side. I had layed over on Micah a few times, just wanting to take a nap. The next thing i know, all the seats were in the auditorium like normal, and i was sitting on the left side of the center section. We were having a funeral for my friend. My best friend. His names is trey. He had shot himself through the mouth and out his head. But i think i had heard this while in a previous dream last night. And it just carried over and created a whole dream. While in the auditorium, the person up on stage was Coach West. He was apparently there because it was his job to do so. I remember two people going up and, i think, signing a paper(?), the only person i directly recall going up there is beau brannigan. I then went up there and had a paper i got from my friends (erin's) notebook. While going up there people were starting to leave, and the audidotium was already half empty. I got up there and started to write something on a piece of paper. I didn't like it so i wadded it up and went and got another piece of paper. I was writing with a pencil, i dont remember exactly what i wrote, but i do remember writing things like "idc about other things", "idk" about something, and i messed up a lot and i just scribbled out the things i messed up and started a couple lines down. I got to the end of the paper and thought that now i couldn't write on the back because i was writing with a marker, and it would bleed through, i knew i was writing with a marker because all the writing on the page was of a marker. I was very emotionally hurt by now, i was crying, i remember seeing tears fall down on the paper (and it was so realistic, because thats where my focus was), and there was a big heart drawn on the page to, in red (obviously, they always are), and when my tear hit it, it kinda went away and the paper stuck to the table, because it was wet in that spot, but it came back somewhat as the paper was pulled away from the table. Then Coach West was saying that he has to leave at 3:21. The next thing that i remember is going to look at his casket. It was there at some point, then at some point it wasn't, and i went to examine what was in its place and it was some of his clothes. Coach West told me that they were his clothes, and i said that i knew. I straightened the clothes back up and then began to look at what i assumed his body to be in. It was a metal canister about chest height, and as big as a circle you can make with your two thumbs and two index fingers. I wanted to go look in it. But i didn't. I thought that maybe now he was just squished in there, then i thought that he was just in there and it would be like someone had put him in a blender. I was back to writing on the paper, and crying.
    Im pretty sure nothing else happend. I then woke up, and i was sweating profusely. I just kinda layed there, being thankful that it was a dream. A few times between now (6:10) and when i woke up (5:23) i started tearing up.