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    View Suby's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Wed Aug 4th

    by Suby on 08-04-2010 at 04:51 PM
    Army stuff

    Throwing grenades

    River and body boarding

    some weird place where you had to push your body through small places

    some other stuff... I might just start making small notes like this from now on.

    Tues, Aug 3rd

    by Suby on 08-03-2010 at 04:52 PM
    Dreamed about army. Planning for something.

    Dreamed about the ocean and psychiatrist. Deep ocean and I was on a body board. I managed to get back onto the beach and then there was some girl. There were some weird things with stuff about Dexter and being a serial killer. I think then there were 2 girls and one trapped the other in a cage or something.

    Dreamed about fighting, BFBC2 style. I laid down to pretend I was dead. I was also trying to shoot someone at one point.

    Dreamed about lining up for food outside somewhere, like a baseball park
    then later inside in a canteen

    Dreamed about buying a cricket bat and ball, and some people pushing something on this weird 3 wheel type of trolley thing.
    It was in a school field or something and I wanted to hit someone else.

    I dreamed about being a building, there was dinner, Andy was there. Something about cats and bee's outside. Like this hotel had dressed up pet cats. And mice, one of which got eaten.

    Dreamed about Ruchi and me in a hot tub next to a pool. Then other people joined and we couldn't do anything.

    Sat July 31

    by Suby on 07-31-2010 at 03:15 PM
    I dreamt about a mattress filled with dust and it was like alive with tiny insects or living bug sor something. Or some kind of growing moss. It was because of a hive or something.

    There was a part where I dreamt about Left 4 Dead as though I was playing. Jumping slow over fences.

    A part about water balloons on a tree that indicated something. I some how got some poo on my hands and I was also naked outside of Sid Rich. Someone was coming towards me so I hurried to get in and to a bathroom to wash off. The bathroom was empty and scary.

    Someone asking me if the call was from an officer or something and I said it's probably from an NCO.

    Something with Tim, like he had signed on in the army or something.

    Friday, July 30

    by Suby on 07-30-2010 at 03:14 PM
    Slipped away from me as I woke up. Music is distracting I think. But what else am I supposed to do?

    Just remembered. I was on top of a windy hill. My dad and I going out in to the desert for a trip for a few days. My family was there I think. Holding the umbrella against the wind. Some other people dangerous people coming?

    A place with lots of water, swamp. Person with a boat. No swimming allowed.

    Playing with someone else, used portal to get away from monsters that were about to kill us. Like Diablo II

    Updated 07-30-2010 at 03:39 PM by Suby


    Thurs July 29

    by Suby on 07-29-2010 at 03:12 PM
    Airport - I was being checked at the airport going through some place. Felt like it was an arab place. I was with my mum and someone else? The guy checked me fast and asked the arab behind me to remove his head dress and take out his wallet. Someone called me by Suby and I waved behind me. I then put on my socks. I think there was a kid there, like Faizal maybe. I commented about his hair that a haircut was supposed to cut hair, not put more on.

    Animals on freeway - There was one part where these creatures were moving down a freeway. They were connected together and there were baby creatures being created along the way. Small turtles or something. They reached a river and bridge and dropped them in

    fountain lightning - There was a backyard with a fence around. Then lightning started and we had to bend some of the top corners of the fences down to avoid it getting struck by lightning. Then lightning struck very close by about 3 times. I went to the place and it was a pool of water and then there were 2 guys in it, or they feel in or stepped in. They got sucked under some place and then they pushed out again and swam around weirdly. Finally one of them came out but didn't say anything but a few words. I had to carry him away and he curled up like a baby so I dropped him on a chair next to the place.

    chocolate - I dreamed about a store and there was a chocolate section and I found cadbury chocolate from Germany and some other place I thought. I checked the package and was opening it and there was a store lady there and I told her how I had made mistakes buying chocolate before so I was checking if everything was correct. I then was telling someone else I found chocolate there and they said they didn't believe I found any from Holland and we went back and checked and there wasn't any.

    There was a part where the scene was like the army grenade range. We had to practice throwing our own shit. The place in front was obviously dirty and stank. We had to walk barefoot too, we were told.