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    View telittleone's Dream Journal

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    2nd and 3rd dream journal entries. (7/19/2010 6:30AM) (7/20/2010 6:15AM)

    by telittleone on 07-21-2010 at 03:31 AM
    These aren't very descriptive since I haven't gotten a change to write them down till now.

    These two dreams were very real. I had trouble remembering whether or not I had dreamt when I woke up.


    Can't remember much of it now, but I was in our school cafeteria(it was smaller than it should be though, less than half the size), with a bunch of friends, as well as an acquaintance about 3 years older than me. It was a welcoming orientation, and they had food. Mostly deserts and treats like cake and pastries.
    Our principal said something about the rising seniors, and all the seniors got up and started going pretty crazy.
    I remember eating a pastry and then not wanting it anymore, and so throwing it in a cup. The cup was filled with orange soda as I later discovered and I had an "oh s***" moment.
    Later there was cake, and I don't think I had any but i did start to eat it with a fork.


    I was listening to a friend(I haven't known him long), and he was talking to me excitedly about how he had reverse engineered this web program, and it was some sort of google maps-esque program but for planning bus routes, and than he presented his idea to a board of people.
    The board didn't really like his idea for some reason, and I think there was a technical difficulty with the projector or something, and one of my other friends thought he could fix it, and then I tried to fix it, and everybody started getting loud, so someone shouted "Calm Down!" And I repeated it saying it louder.
    And then, my friend who thought he could fix the technical difficulty was shouting at me to calm down, and while shouting at me, he was spitting and a bunch of saliva landed on the back of my hand, and I stared at my hand and was like "eww" and it felt pretty real, and then that was pretty much the end of the dream.

    I didn't notice anything strange about my hand when I was looking at it, and I can't seem to find any dream signs for me.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    First Dream Journal Entry. No Luck On Lucidity. (7/18/2010 8:44AM)

    by telittleone on 07-18-2010 at 02:42 PM
    Date: 7/18/2010
    Time (Of Wakeup): 8:44 AM

    I had a lot of dreams and couldn't remember most of them after writing down one of them. This is the one I got down:

    I think we came from some vacation house. I also think I remember being in it. I was in the car with my whole family. My brother and I spotted a restaurant that we got really excited about. I forgot the name of the restaurant.

    I opened the car door and jumped out, I think to go to the restaurant. I entered the restaurant, and saw my other brother, who's the eldest. He bought a lot of food and offered to pay for me and drive me home, but I declined. I looked at the displays they had for a while (It was not formal, but they had some pretty fancy food), and I left without getting anything.

    I started jogging home, and on my way home, I got hungry and so I jogged back to the restaurant. I entered the restaurant, and looked again at the menu but for a shorter time, but didn't buy anything and jogged back once again.

    Along the way, I spotted a group of about 3 people jogging in the same direction as me. I caught up with them, and once I did I found it hard to keep up, as they were running very fast.. I talked a little, I forget about what, and then they left. I spotted a group of mostly bikers but some runners going in my direction, I passed them, and came upon another group, this time mostly runners but some bikers. Among the runners was a friend I recognized, and so I turned around to go talk to him.

    He explained that they were racing 2 other groups from the restaurant I was at, to some other place, back and forth, and so on. He asked if I saw a bunch of people on bikes, and I said I did, and how I thought it was unfair that most of them had bikes, while this group was mostly runners. He said he was having trouble keeping up with his group, which I found hard to believe since he has a sub 5 minute mile in real life. I left and got outside my vacation house.

    There I saw two friends, whom I can't for the life of me remember the names of. I started walking with them, and we didn't get far, but we saw an "Auntie Anne's"(For those of you who don't know, it's a pretzel shop.)

    I wanted to go, and my friend offered to buy a pretzel for me, so we agreed and we crossed the street toward the pretzel place. The pretzel place was on a big slope, and I think something weird happened in the parking lot, before we went inside. I forgot what happened inside, but the next thing I remember was a false awakening.

    I woke up in my room but I don't think the house was actually mine, because for some reason I went to the basement to go to the bathroom, even though in my real house, there is a bathroom right next to my room. While I was in the bathroom, my dad told me about something. I couldn't really make out anything.

    I noticed on the toilet rim, below the cover there was something(I think a calendar), inscribed around the toilet rim. I tried to scrub it out with a piece of toilet paper, and at first it was easy, but then it got really hard and so I gave up. I flushed the toilet and went out.

    I had about 6 or more dreams, but this was the longest. I can't remember much about the other dreams after writing all of this down, but one of the dreams had Leonardo DiCaprio, and it was some scene from Inception(The movie).

    Also, whenever I started to realize that I was dreaming, even though I didn't get very excited, my dream would fade sort of to black, and it would seem more as if I was trying to imagine it, instead of dreaming it. And then I would wake up, and then fall asleep again, and this time to a completely different dream. This happened like 7 times last night.
    non-lucid , false awakening