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    View Yourt23's Dream Journal

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    May 12, 2013

    by Yourt23 on 05-13-2013 at 04:04 AM
    Been awhile since I have had a lucid dream. The past four nights I have forgotten to repeat my mantras, but last night I remembered. I awoke around 7:30 am with no success, so I dozed back off.

    I had a dream, but I wasn't lucid. I was in my house and my siblings were there. We were all eating at the table. Someone mentioned dreaming but it didn't trigger. Some stuff happened and right when it was getting good I woke up.

    I thought the dream had been lucid, but after thinking about it I realized it was just peculiar. It was around 8:30 now, so I dozed off to sleep once again.

    I was standing in an apartment. The walls were either white or light blue. The sun was shining through the windows behind me, but I never looked. I was looking at wall, not straight on, but at more of a 45 degree angle. There was a queen sized bed up against the middle of the wall with a door that led to a bathroom to the right. I was standing at the bottom left of the bed and a women was standing at the bottom right. There was also a man but I don't remember where he was standing.

    They were talking about stuff. Neither looked at me. It was like I was ghost, silently observing them. Then the man walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Then as casually as possible he said to the women, "Baby, the man in the apartment is dreaming."

    I became lucid when I heard that. It was like the other two times when it had happened (*explained later). Something strange happened though. It was as if the people were starring at me with their cold, empty eyes. Rejecting my presence. Then it was like a hole burst in the fabric of the dream. Like explosive decompression I was sucked out of the dream into blackness. I'm going assume the dream ended there.

    When I got sucked out into the void, something even stranger happened. It felt like I got shoved back into my eyes, having previously been looking through my minds eye. There was this loud booming sound like blood pumping in my ears, and this violent rattling/shacking in my head. It died down after a few seconds, then I opened my eyes. It was about 9:45, and having been a little shaken from the dream, decide to get up.

    *All three of my lucid dreams have started the same way. It's how I ruled out the first dream as being non-lucid because it didn't occur. Something triggered awareness in the three dreams, an odd thought, random occurrence, or spoken word, respectively. Once I become aware I get a sickening, panic like twisting cringe in my stomach. Then it's as if I get hit in the back by an invisible force. Lastly, everything becomes intensely vivid and sharp. It can feel a little violent, but it is rather quick. I makes for a good indicator of lucidity, but I think it has thrown me out of two of my three dreams.

    Lucid Success

    by Yourt23 on 04-30-2013 at 04:18 AM
    I woke up around 5:30 in the morning. I had just been in several dreams over the past few hours but can't remember much of them. My alarm goes off at 6:00 so I don't have much more time, so I lay back and start to think. Not surprisingly I fell asleep.

    I was riding the school bus. I don't know how I got there. The ride itself is fragmented, but I did recognize some people there. Something must have happened because we were headed to school but turned around. We eventually arrived back at my house. The bus had driven half way up my driveway and the driver was telling to get off. I got off and started walking up my driveway.

    I live and a rural like small town. My house is set a bit off from the rode in the woods so the driveway is a bit long. It's also dirt. The bus has never driven up the driveway before, only in dreams. The house sits on a small plateau.

    I was about 50 feet from the house, just before the incline to the dooryard. That is when I realized, this was dream. Becoming aware felt like a slightly violent event. Everything seemed to become much more vivid and real. It also felt like someone hit me in chest. I imagine it's like the feeling of waking up from the Matrix for the first time, when you first become aware.

    I walked forward and got halfway up the incline. I dropped to my knees and put my hands into the dirt. I kept repeating that this was my dream and I would be anchored to it. While doing that tried to activate my senses. I smelt the air, listened to the wind, felt and inspected the ground. Then I picked up a clump of sand and put it in my mouth. Needless to say dream sand taste like real sand, so I forcefully ejected it from my mouth. I stood up and walked toward my house. When I got to the first step I stopped and looked up at the sky. There were dark rain clouds in the sky. I shouted, "CLARITY" at the sky. When I did this there was load roaring of thunder and cascade of lighting, like God himself was answering.

    I headed inside and saw my mother laying on the couch. I can't remember much after this but I do know I was really strange.
    I lost lucidity somewhere during this as well.

    I managed to wake myself up though. When I looked at my clock it read 5:57. Just in time to get up.

    First Lucid Dream

    by Yourt23 on 04-30-2013 at 03:54 AM
    It was a little after 8 o'clock this morning. I was laying in bed not wanting to get up. The sun was pouring through the window, illuminating the room, making it vary difficult to sleep. I was rolling restlessly in bed, pulling my blanket over myself to block the sun, and then throwing them off when I got hot. I settled, laying on my right side, arm under my pillow, starring at my bedroom door. My mind started to wander. I must have fallen asleep at this moment, although I can't remember when.

    I was laying in the same position as when I was awake, and the environment was the same. It was as if I hadn't even fallen asleep. I was doing the same thing as when I was awake, just thinking. I don't know how long I thought, or for that matter what of. But then I realized something, I was thinking about a person who I'd never met.

    Then something striking came to thought, 'Am I dreaming?' I reached up and plugged my nose, and to my surprise, the air rushed right on through. I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. My room looked just as I had left it, and it all look real. My heart was beating hard and I had a knot in my stomach, I was really excited. It couldn't have been more then a few seconds before a rush of weariness came over me. I slowly fell back on to my pillow and my eye lids felt like they were being pulled down. I fought the pull and tried to force my eyes back open.

    It worked. With a gasp my eyes opened wide and I shot back up in my bed. Just this time it was for real.