I'd love if anyone could share ideas on this Nightmare. One thing I didn't mention in the description, is that through out the dream I knew it was a dream, and I was trying to wake myself up, but it felt like the terror I was feeling was too much for me to manage to do that. Also, this is something I had pre typed to a friend and then decided to put it here. If you have any questions, please ask. But I tend to have vivid nightmares at least a dozen times a week, when I don't I just have vivid dreams in general. So It is very important to me to understand what's going on.

The Dream

It was weird. It was a dream that started out in my apartment where I was having troubles with the electricity in my house and I was trying to figure out what was going on, because as I was stumbling around in the dark there was a narration I could hear about some guy who was about and was drugged out of his mind and a threat. So in the dream I heard my room mate wake up and I made her stay close to me as I checked our control panel thing to check if any fuses were blown, cause thats in her room.

Next thing I know, I turn around and she's completely gone. I'm alone. But then I'm like, warped into a room with my Mother. and She pointed out to me that the doors should never be closed. Because when the door closes, you either wont be able to open it again, or if you can the other side will be different. As in a different room, or a worm hold kinda deal. And she went into a different room, still talking to me, both of us keeping an eye on the door, and the damn thing slams shut on its own and I'm once again alone, and now in a hallway of a house I don't recognize, but I've got a narration going on again and some how I know what which direction will take me too. It's now like a horror game I've played before, and the only way to get people with me is to play the game, but I'm scared fucking crazy and I know what kinds of things I have to go through to get a person, and as long as I'm alone I'm too scared to do anything. But next I know someone else is with me, some cute blond. The same one as I told you about before, and he's telling me to calm down and follow him. He will lead me out. So I follow beside him as he's explaining what's currently coming up behind us, which is pretty much some undead equivalent, and that that's a bad thing. But as we're running a fork in the hallway appears and we go down separate sides and I'm alone again. The Narration is telling me (in first person) that this house was just some cheap house the family managed to afford with a trailer not far that had an old friend living in it in case I ever needed help they were a good person to go to.

So I decided I should go find this person, but again I end up in a room with another person. This time a girl. And she tries to tell me I should go through this worm hole down the hallway she's pointing too. Going that way will force me to play the game and I can win back someone I know. And I almost go down this hallway, I actually go far enough that I'm almost sucked into the worm hole. But I realize it's not right, so I struggle, but I get back to that other room and the girl seems frustrated with me, but I don't even stick around, I take a path I know leads me to the front door, and I follow it until I get outside. And it's just field. But I can see the road, and I go to run that way, but as I start the lawn extends even further. So I pause and turn around and I finally see the house. It's horrifying. I have no words to describe this building. It looks like something that would swallow you and you'd never surface again.

So I decide to run to the left. and it too seemed to lengthen, but I kept running and I found the trailer. The narration came up explaining the person who lived there, but I ignored it and walked in to see the midnight supervisor from my work, but there was a living room with so many animals. and I went into this room and started petting a grey tabby cat, and I was FINALLY able to wake myself up from the nightmare.